The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 947 sitting on the helicopter to go to school

Two Mengbao sleep in the classroom in the classroom.

Teacher did not dare to take them.

Because two are excellent students of the whole school.


What's more, they are not small!

No one dares to provoke.

"Wow! It's so cool! So the rich teacher is still coming to teach! Hao Hao,"


After Tongle and the Stone Division confirmed, he strongly demanded a class.

Two small cute treasures that sleep, I woke up when I heard the noise outside.

"Le, what is going on outside?" Said a stranger.

Tongle looked up and smashed his eyes, indicating that he was sleepy, and yawned, "What happened?"

"It seems that a new teacher?" Said a stranger.

"Who, teaches a book to open a helicopter, what kind of teachers?" Tongle asked.

"I don't know ..." The stranger shook his head.

"Going out, if the teacher really has money, I am going to black." Tongle said as a plan.

"Bring me." Said the stranger.

"That must, you do my strongest backing!" Tongle is hooked with the small shoulders of the Divide, and he walked out of the classroom.

When Tongle is chewed, when chewed, I took it out and put it into the mouth of the stranger.

The stranger is very resistant, "Le, you don't want so dirty! What you have eaten? Let me not believe me to explode your head!"

This Luck is really more and more too much!

Actually, I will give him what you have eaten? ? ?

what's the situation?

"I will be, the baby is taught you to become a qualified boyfriend." Tongle said.

Straw away, "" Do you eat what you eat and I have a qualified boyfriend? What you have begun to be disgusting me. "

Tongle music shook his head and sighed. "You don't know, the current boyfriend standard can be high! First of all, the first step is to eat the girlfriend's food left, this seems to love her Well."

Said, Tongle is said, saying, "I don't love me! You don't love me! You don't want to eat what I have eaten!"

The little face is sinking, and I'm not my brow. "You are not my girlfriend, I don't have to eat your saliva! This is a health problem! Even if I am girlfriend, I don't eat her saliva! I have Serious cleansing! "

I think that I want to eat my girlfriend, the stranger decided not to talk to my girlfriend!

Too dirty!

What should I do if I meet a bad breath?

Don't you give him a smoked?


He can't think about it again.

The more I think, the more I feel terrible!

This lady is that God sent it to let him break the men and women!

"Lying! I'm opening the plane, isn't the person you have! He didn't come here to come here?" Tongle music took out the telescope and saw the people on the plane was a stranger. " The golden captain of your family! There is a mountain cock! "

The stranger has taken the telescope. "There is another helicopter as if it is a cloud deep and believers."

"Will n't it? These three guys come to our school to do?" Tongle is coming back to the telescope, looking down, really seeing the clouds.

The helicopter landed on the big playground.

At this time, there were several teachers came out, I said, "People are doing teachers, we are doing teachers, the difference is too big! People are directly open to work! We have to open a car to work!"

"How much is the helicopter? Tens thousand?" Asked the fifth grade class teacher.

"Even if you buy a helicopter, you can't afford it! Following oil and maintenance is so expensive!"

"What are these new teachers?"

"It is believed to be a doctoral, the United States, the famous University of the United States, the cow is very popular!"

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