The strange division and Tongle will stand in the absence of not far, and when they discuss the few men, the face twitched.

Because only they are clear.

These are just a small mix!

The university has not been over!

The academic qualifications are all fake!

Actually gave yourself such a cow's degree?

"I will do it, and what kind of school do you have to do?" Tongle is asked.

"Don't know ... I didn't receive information." The stranger also screwed the eyebrow, and said.

He also wants to know why the Golden Machine and the Magi brother come to school.

"What about you? What are you going to school?"

"I don't know ... When do you see?" Tong Lele is also a circle.

"God! Education is so bull, why do you want to teach primary school students?"

"This degree is divided into the education bureau."

"It seems that reading famous universities and ordinary colleges are different! I must educate my children well, let them work hard to test the famous university, so that they will go out to open helicopters."

"I have to educate my child!"

Teachers let students return to the classroom.

After a while, the principal led five new teachers to a class A class.

"Classmates, you! Today, these five doctoral students from famous famous universities are your language, science, sports, art, music, etc.! All classmates welcome them!" The principal walked on the platform.

The five new teachers on the podium, just greeted Tong Lele and stranger sitting together.

Two Mengbao wearing an exproprant uniform, all cold face, at all, don't know who is!

Five people are watching!

"Lao Zi, shouldn't you let them come? How can you let these distension come to school as a teacher?" The stranger picked up the book, blocked his face, frowning.

Tong Lele said that he was very innocent. "I am not! I just don't let them come to school!"

"What happened to the talk platform?" Asked the stranger.

"There are only two of your family on the platform!" Tongle looked at the stranger. "I can also say that you call them!"

"These bulls ..." Mo is unable to spit!

In the class, five teachers are fighting for the class teacher of the first grade A class!

Five people almost played.

Other little classmates feel so stimulated.

I thought that five teachers gave them a dot.

Only by the stranger and Tongle looked down his head.

"I don't know them, I don't know them."

"Le, I don't know them."

The brothers cried both her head.

"Just, the class teacher is robbing, there is a problem ..." Tongle shake his head.

"These bulls ... will not come to teach people?" Mr. Wei's eyebrows.

"It's very likely! You see that they have a fierce!" Tong Lele started to bid their long phase.

"Wait! They are doing teachers, aren't they riding on our head?" What did the stranger suddenly think of.

"Yeah! These spurtes have made this idea!" Tongle music grinding teeth.

Finally, the five people coordinate, who taught what courses.

The first grade A class was bleeding.

All schools are envious of all the class A class!

You can follow the teachers who open the helicopter!

After school, two small cute treasures.

It is a reading of the clouds.

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