The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 478 A Glimpse of the Unveiled

Chapter 478 A Glimpse of the Unveiled

There were two crucial pieces of information that Basil had managed to get. First, Bael was still alive. Second, all of the remaining active Obelisks were going to be unsealed which would lead to a massive Outbreak. The latter didn't make Basil too worried as he could make sure everyone important to him remained unaffected. It was slightly concerning regardless as it would happen faster than it had happened in his past life.

'The butterfly effect is getting out of hand these days,' he mused humorously to himself.

Already getting everything that he wanted, he decided it was time to end the group of High-Class Demons. Taking out Caliburn, he infused his Mana into it. The sword glowed in gold, alarming the Demons even though none of them could see it. They looked around warily as they were unable to shake off the feeling of doom. Basil revealed himself at this moment, causing their attention to focus on him.

As their eyes widened upon seeing the Demon-killing sword, Basil took this chance to launch his attack. A wave of blinding golden light swept over the Demons, causing them to scream painfully. Fortunately, Basil had sealed the space around them, so their scream went unheard. They couldn't teleport anywhere either, preventing them from escaping.

When the light died down, three Demons remained standing on their feet. Out of the three, only one of them appeared to still be capable of fighting; the rest were already on the brink of death. Basil clamped his index and middle finger together and then made a cutting-down motion. The two dying Demons' heads immediately dropped to the ground, soon followed by their lifeless bodies.

The remaining Demon stared at Basil in horror as he approached her. She was rooted to her spot, too intimidated by Basil's gaze to move. Basil put a hand on her forehead when he was right in front of her. He cast [Soul Scourge] on her, causing her to black out. After extracting every vital information from her, he let go of her forehead, allowing her to drop dead. With a snap, he burned all of the bodies, erasing them from existence.

Without wasting a single second, Basil ran off in the direction that could bring him to the peak of the Obelisk with the least number of obstacles. At least, that was true according to the memory of the Demon. On the way, he passed some groups of Demons who were running frantically to the place where he had eliminated the High-Class Demons. No one noticed him, but they were undoubtedly looking for him.

'I have been avoiding the security system of the Obelisk for two weeks straight now. They must be frustrated that an intruder has been killing their personnel, but they still can't find the intruder,' Basil mused. 'However, they are quicker this time. It seems they have figured out that tracking the life of every High-Class Demon is the way to catch me.'

Basil didn't have enough power to face all of the Demons in the Obelisk at once; however, he was blessed with an otherworldly Stealth Technique. Thanks to it, he could take them one by one and quickly climbed the Obelisk. Of course, Basil didn't think he was fast enough. He only had a month to finish his conquest. It was only an estimation, but he was sure the Empire would do something drastic soon.

Naturally, being High-Class Demons, they couldn't falter. They had dealt with death daily, so they weren't alien to the feeling. They resumed their march until they met the bane of their existence. There was no Demon to be found in the vicinity. Fear gripped their hearts as Basil lightly skipped toward them, but they preserved. Then, Basil disappeared from their view in a flash.

In the time that took them to turn around, their bodies turned to ashes. They could barely register the sensation of Caliburn cutting through them. Their eyes only bulged out of their sockets when they witnessed what happened to the Demons trailing closely behind them. The scene was the only reason they could figure out what had happened to them. Their realisation, of course, brought no positive impact to them. Their vision quickly tunnelled and their souls soon left the mortal world.

The experience was universal to those who chased after Basil. Basil was graciously efficient in each of his attacks. He didn't give time to the Demons to prepare themselves, ending the fight quickly and silently. He forced them to sacrifice their brethren to better prepare for his attack. Some managed to prepare themselves, yet it was in vain. Basil still took them down in a flash.


A gigantic High-Class Minotaur swung its mace down with a roar. Given its size, it was confident that it would defeat Basil. It was different from its small-sized brethren, it believed. Its red eyes burned brighter when Basil was stopped in his tracks for the first time. It cackled madly as it saw Basil rooted to the ground because of its heavy mace.

The Minotaur Warrior roared in excitement. It was ecstatic that the chance to be stationed on a higher had finally come. It could finally prove its worth to the human-looking High-Class Demons that it was better despite its resemblance to an animal. Its excitement was quelled by a disappointing reality. No matter how much it put its strength to its mace, Basil wouldn't budge.

"It is most splendid. I shall thank thee for bringing thy brethren for me to slaughter."

The fire in the Minotaur Warrior's eyes immediately died down. Dread washed over his entire existence as it felt Basil's power overpowering his. When its mace was flung to the sky, it didn't bother to defend itself. Basil's purpose for letting it 'overpower' him was to lure his brethren their way. Now that they were there, it was time for the slaughter.

A flash of golden light covered the entire place. Basil was nowhere to be found when the light disappeared, but the Demons couldn't care less. Their bodies were turning to ashes. They were nothing before the might of the human who had been lurking around the Obelisk for the last two weeks. It was but a futile attempt to chase after him. Despite that, they still did it. After all, they were the stepping stones for those above them—for the more glorious purpose.

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