The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 479 A Glimpse of the Unveiled (2)

Chapter 479 A Glimpse of the Unveiled (2)

Over fourteen hours had passed since Basil began fighting with the mobs of the Obelisk. No one showed any signs of showing up or opening the way to the upper floors early. Basil didn't feel tired facing the nigh-infinite mobs but felt like he had just wasted his time. He didn't feel too good about the development.


Cutting the head of a Minotaur Warrior, Basil extended his left arm and used Light Magic to fire a golden beam out of his palm. The Hobgoblin who received the beam futilely blocked it, dropping dead with a gaping chest in the next moment. Spinning on his heel, he blocked a gigantic axe with his bare hand and then swung Caliburn upwards, killing the Minotaur attacking him.


Moving around with a high-speed movement without making a sound, Basil cut everything that made contact with Caliburn. None of the Demons could see where he was until he stood still on the higher ground. The Demons were about to rush at him when his seven Ultimate Circles flared. His Mana Pressure pressed down on their souls, close to crushing them.

Pointing Caliburn to the sky, a golden lightning bolt struck it. Caliburn crackled and shone. When Basil brought it down, the Demons on the lower ground were struck by the golden lightning bolt. Some of them were charred to death meanwhile some turned to ash. Regardless of the degree of damage they received, all of them were dead.

Basil sighed and deactivated his Pacifer Seal after overlooking the silent battlefield. His golden eyes returned to their brown colour. He could still go on for a couple of days but didn't feel he should waste his energy and time to fight replaceable pawns. Looking up, the tension on his face relaxed slightly when he noticed the way to the upper floor was opening.

He wasted no time and dashed to where the gate would appear. He could already feel Demons coming after him but ignored them. Once he entered the gate, none of the Middle-Class Demons would be able to follow him. It was the rule of the Obelisk to keep the weak on lower floors.

Upon arriving at the spot, Basil looked at the materializing ethereal gate before touching it. His [Eyes of Mana Perception] came to life, dissecting the Magic Spell creating the gate. Injecting his Mana into it, he forced open the gate. It immediately materialized, allowing him to enter. As soon as he passed through the gate, the Demons chasing after him stopped.

Stopping his interference with the gate, he walked away, letting the gate seal itself again. He didn't intentionally do it. It was an unexpected response the gate gave after being manipulated. He noted how interesting the phenomenon was but quickly focused on his goal. Erasing his presence, he dashed through the dark tunnel.

Things would be getting harder from then on. Every Demon that inhabited the upper floors was a High-Class Demon. While Basil could face them with no problem, some of them had unique abilities that he had to be careful about. After all, a single High-Class Demon could manage to wreck a Barony when he was still affiliated with Braxtein.

At the end of the tunnel, he was met with a room filled with Monsters that many people thought had perished. None of them could see him, but that didn't mean he would leave them alone. Activating his Pacifer Seal, he used its power to control the simple-minded Monsters. He couldn't control all of them and make them do complicated things, but he could instruct them to cause some chaos.


Uncrossing his swords at the same time the Demons fired their Curses, several lines appeared in the sky, tearing the dimension open. The Demons were mutilated before being sucked into the Dimensional Tear. Mixing his Step Art and Movement Technique, he made a beeline for the gate to the next floor.


An ethereal hand slammed against the ground, causing him to stop in his tracks. Again, a Demon stood in his way. Not wanting to waste time, he pointed his index finger at the armoured Demon whom he recognized as one of Bael's Great Generals. Activating [Heaven Piercer], his Mana flared before a beam of golden light shot out of his index finger.

The Demon was not given the chance to speak. His head and half of his chest were blown away by a single Art from Basil. Basil was quite irked since his index finger was slightly injured because of the Art that his body couldn't handle yet despite his recent advancement. He would have been glad to test his limit if he wasn't racing against time.

Moving past the dead body, Basil climbed to the next floor. No one was stopping him, but he found himself going around futilely. He had never been to this part of the Obelisk, so he asked the Guide. It informed him that the maze kept expanding, creating a new Temporary Dimension every second before taking him back to the starting point.

Fortunately, the Guide could guide him out of the infinite maze. It showed him the part of the maze that didn't expand. Getting out of the maze, he found himself standing in the hall where he had defeated Goliath in the past. It was a pleasant surprise to him. The secret chamber was not far from there, which meant Bael was nearby. The intense presence affirmed his deduction.

"Your advance stops here, human."

Of course, such a place wouldn't be unguarded. Basil was forced to halt his steps as the Demon whom he had once defeated stood in his way. Goliath stared at him with a frown, causing him to take a look at the giant. Goliath was 7 metres tall. His muscular body was covered in nothing but a loincloth. He forewent his armour because his skin's hardness could rival Adamantite, one of the densest metals in the world.

Goliath was slow but very hard to kill because of his skin. He also had a monstrous stamina, making fighting him a prolonged nightmare. It was the reason why despite his inability to catch up to most of his opponents, he had become the Obelisk Master in the past, replacing Bael. He was not an Obelisk Master yet at this moment, but he still led his fellow Great Generals.

"Awed by my power?" Goliath inquired arrogantly.

"Wondering why a glorified wall is standing beside me," Basil corrected like a teacher.

Goliath swung his axe, causing Basil to teleport away. The swing caused the Dimension to tear, which would have cost Basil dearly if he had only dodged it. Realizing he couldn't take the fight lightly, Basil activated his Pacifer Seal. His Magic Circles flared to life at the same time his eyes turned gold. Using [Synchronization], golden armour and blue veins covered his body.

Their pressure clashed, putting a dent into the nigh-indestructible floor of the Obelisk. At that moment, each combatant could already tell who would be lying dead on the ground at the end of the fight.

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