The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2343: Fairy monster

Thinking for a while, Zhao Wei decided to go forward, because this is the only thing that Zhao Wei discovered in a few days, and Zhao Wei could not determine whether he could find the second one after leaving.

Zhao Wei understands the danger of the platform, and he is more cautious and slowly approaching. There is no danger in coming to the platform.

There is no danger in stepping on the platform, but when you step on the bones, there will be a strong cold, and Zhao’s body will become a little cold.

This is a huge yin, the platform bones are the bones of some very powerful creatures, otherwise it will not produce such a huge yin.

Zhao Wei looked carefully. The bones on the ground were some human bones, some were wild animal bones, some devil's bones, some alien bones, and some Protoss bones.

Some don't know what bones are, and they look strange and terrible. For example, they are like skulls, but the foreheads grow teeth in snakes. Some bones are long, some people have facial features, and some bones grow a root spur.

"where is this place?"

Zhao Wei looked around and was curious to think about it. I don't know what the platform is doing, and why it appears here. What is the cause of the bones on the platform?

These Zhao Wei did not want to pursue it. They planned to look at it without any danger. They built a circle here.

Keep moving forward.

Zhao Wei still did not feel any danger, and did not send anything. Finally, Zhao Wei walked toward the platform center.


A huge roar sounded, and a horrible dark and chaotic force broke out. Countless blood poured out from the center of the platform, and a **** smell came out.


Suddenly, a tentacle spurted out of the blood, with a force that shattered the earth, and quickly rushed to Zhao Wei, such as a shadow, not giving people reaction time.

However, when Zhao Biao was pouring out of blood, he defended himself with three defensive hoods.


The tentacle hit the defensive hood. At that moment, the defensive cover was shattered. Zhao Wei was shot and flew out for a kilometer. He spit out a large blood, and the body seemed to be crushed. The pain was severe.

This tentacle is so strong!

Zhao Wei was on the ground, his mouth was bleeding, his face was pale and he looked at the tentacles of the center.

This tentacle is blue-black, grows a patch of scales, and has a blue eyeball at the end. Now it is watching Zhao Wei, full of evil chaos and cruelty, which makes people feel the fear of the soul.


The tentacle grew and grew longer, and the speed was extremely fast. Zhao Zhao shot the past with an amazing power.

Zhao Xin was shocked and his body quickly disappeared into a huge one.


A huge sound came out, and the tentacle hit the place where Zhao Wei was lying. There were countless broken bones falling out, with terrible power. The platform didn’t know what material to use, and suffered such a terrible blow, but there was no trace. crack.

The tentacle did not attack Zhao Wei, and one eye looked at Zhao Wei again, and took a huge force to shoot Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei directly entered the state of the gods, the hair turned into a glass crystal color, and the eyebrows emerged from a simple mirror.


A horrible white light beam emerged from Zhao's eyebrows and shot at the tentacle with the power to destroy everything. The speed was very fast and all around it was shining white.


A huge sound came out, the tentacles and the light beam collided together, and a huge explosion occurred. Numerous flesh and blood flew out, and a shock wave spread out. Zhao Wei was repelled four or five meters.

The tentacle directly blasted directly, and the part that was lying on the ground was black with blood.


A thunderous explosion broke out, and a blood column in the center of the platform rushed into the sky. It was hundreds of meters high. The figure of a huge creature slowly appeared. A desperate force of terror spread out, and the void seemed to tear up. .

This is a monster like an octopus, with a head like a bull's head, no horns, only a triangular eye, a long black scale, and a root tentacle, each with an eyeball.

"What monster is this?"

Zhao Xin’s heart was filled with shock, and he felt the power, and there was a strong fear in his heart.

The original tentacle was terrible, and it felt like it could break the earth. Now the whole body is out, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the previous one.

Zhao Wei immediately wanted to turn around and fled, feeling that it was not the opponent of this monster.

But the monster has already looked at the eyes of the triangle to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei only feels that the body is directly imprisoned, and everything is like a real thing.


The monster shoots a tentacle, each with a horrible power, and the speed is quickly shot at Zhao Wei, as if it can crush everything.


Zhao Wei rushed out all the power, the body exudes a thousand gods, shining on the Quartet, the powerful force makes Zhao Yuqiang break free from that force, but the root tentacles have already shot in front of Zhao.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

At that dangerous moment, six loud roars rang, and the six stone pillars on the platform radiated powerful light. Six figures rushed out. They were wearing armor, armed with weapons, emitting light, like a god, powerful and majestic.


I saw them as fast as a stream of light penetrated the monster's body, then turned a corner, and through the body of the monster, around the body of the monster, constantly scurrying through the body of the monster.


The monster made a scream, and the body rotted everywhere, without the original appearance, and finally collapsed into a pool of blood.

The blood that had originally emerged from the platform had retreated back, as if to restore the previous appearance. The monster did not appear out.

The six prestige gods will also be turned into six rays into the stone everything will finally return to calm.

Zhao Wei’s face is a little surprised. The six gods will be terrible. The powerful monsters will be directly killed. Without any resistance, they will feel weaker than the mighty.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also found out what the platform is doing. This platform should be the seal of the monster. Now the monster has not been killed. The body is still being sealed. The only thing that has just been killed is the avatar.

The monster is so powerful that the body is definitely more terrible than the power. There may be a fairy level.

Zhao Wei was suddenly shocked by his own thoughts. How could he simply meet a fairy-level existence, would this market be too horrible?

It is also a powerful monster like a fairy, but it has been sealed here for many years. How strong is the person who seals it?

The place here is really not where Zhao can come now. It feels a hundred times more dangerous than the semi-immortal world. Although there are also immortals in the semi-central world, it is definitely not so simple to meet one.

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