The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2344: 10 ban

Zhao Wei looked around the platform and turned and left. This place is too dangerous. It is not suitable as a base point. The sealed monster is still not dead. Who knows how long he will run out.

Since you can't beat each other, you can only choose to avoid it.

Now at least I can find something. Zhao Wei also has some confidence and continues to fly to the side to see if he can find other things as a basis.

A few days later!

Zhao Wei was helpless and returned to the original platform. The return to the market was simply boundless and nothing. I didn’t know how big it was. Zhao Wei looked for a few days and found nothing. He could only return here.

At this time, Zhao Wei also became a little difficult. It was too dangerous and not suitable as a base point for transmission, but it took several days to find other places, but there was no discovery.

Thinking about it, Zhao has no choice.

It has been spent for ten days here and can't continue to consume this way. I can't find other places. I can only choose this as a transfer point.

Choose this as a transfer point and face a few more problems.

The first is that the sealed creature is very dangerous. It may appear at one time. The key force is stronger than Zhao Wei. It will be very difficult for the other party to get up.

The second is that it is the land of seals. I don't know if it can build a transmission array, and will not seal the transmission array.

The third will not cause the change of the seal, so that the immortal monster will be released, such a level of terror exists, once released it is a disastrous consequence.

These three are the things that Zhao Wei is most worried about.

Now solve the first one first, Zhao Wei came to the center of the platform once, that is, where there are just a lot of blood.

Zhao Wei can sense the huge seal space. The monster that is sealed in it covers a thousand miles of space. It is extremely large and angry and roars.

The power of this horror, Zhao Wei standing outside the seal space can also be clearly sensed, and the body becomes a little cold.

Before Zhao Wei guessed that the other side was a fairy-level existence, it is now certain that this is a fairy-level monster, because this power has gone far beyond the power.

However, although the opponent is a fairy-level monster, but the seal is more powerful, the monster body is sealed, so that it can not escape from it.

As the monsters continue to impact the seal, and the intensification of countless hours, the seal has some problems, and the seal has opened a small gap.

The monster is through this gap, leaking his own power, and what happened just now.

This seal also has a hand, as long as the monster dares to come out, it will be killed by six gods.

Although the monster will not die, but it will be murdered again and again, this will weaken the original strength of the monster. If the body of its death is more, the power of the source is weakened, and he may be sealed to death.

But if it doesn't use avatars, but uses some method to break the seal, this powerful seal may one day be broken.

It still has hope to escape. The small crack is his hope. If there is no such small crack, his power will not leak out, and it will be more difficult to break the seal.

There is even a big possibility that it will be sealed to death and will never escape.

The monsters don't want to end up like this, and they are always trying to break through the seal.

Now Zhao Yan reveals a sinister smile, this monster is likely to escape, but unfortunately met Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei’s idea is to repair this small crack, because the crack itself is relatively small, and Zhao’s ability can still be achieved.

If the seal is under great damage, Zhao Wei certainly has no ability to repair it, because this seal does not know how terrible people are laid out.


A loud roar sounded, and seven emperors with different colors, with a huge sense of oppression, slowly descended from the sky, and the void seemed to be unbearable.

The seven stars exude the radiance of the world, illuminating the whole world. Without a trace of darkness, the world is also dyed in seven colors.

If anyone sees this scene, it will be a big surprise.

Because this is the arrival of the seven emperors, they will never see the second time in their lives. Generally, they will be lucky enough to see one. It is impossible to imagine seven people together.

The picture of the colorful world is also very shocking. There is no such thing as a faint and emptiness before returning to the market. It is so beautiful.

Although it was only a small crack, it was difficult to repair it with Zhao's own strength. Therefore, Zhao Wei borrowed the power of seven emperors to repair a small gap.

As long as the crack is fixed, the monster will be sealed in space forever, and there is not much chance of being able to escape.

Zhao Wei does not have to worry about it.

The monsters in the seal space also felt the seven supreme stars in the sky, and they were shocked by this scene. It also came back without seeing the seven supreme stars.

When it noticed what Zhao Wei was going to do, he immediately made a loud roar, warning Zhao that he should not do this, otherwise Zhao must have a heavy price.

At the same time, I feel unlucky. How can I meet such a perverted character? Although he has not yet grown up, his potential is beyond the horror of imagination, and he will surpass it one day sooner or later.

Zhao Wei naturally ignored the roar of the monsters and raised one hand. The seven emperors radiated an invisible huge force, which made the sky become dignified and felt depressed.


Zhao Wei’s hand pointed to The seven emperors exude a powerful force of the emperor star, forming seven light columns with amazing momentum, falling straight down and falling on Zhao Wei Pointing at the place, that is the most central position of the platform.

I saw the long cracks in the seal space, and the seven different colors of light **** emerged. Each light ball emits countless rays, and the light covers the cracks and begins to repair the seal space.

Camedon got the Dedara...

The monster is still a wise creature, and he screams and speaks, but Zhao Wei does not understand what language it is. It is definitely not the language of the Apocalypse world.

Although he didn't know what he said, looking at him should be a curse to threaten himself. Zhao Wei didn't care. With this powerful seal, Zhao Wei didn't worry that he would run out.

The crack in the seal space has completely healed, but there is still a colorful trace on the surface, emitting a slight force of the emperor.

At this point, the seal is patched, the monsters don't think about it, there is no danger here, don't worry about the monster, it can be used as the base point of the transmission array.

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