The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2349: Expedition

Knowing the power of this news, his face became a bit serious, Daqin is ready to destroy the demon empire, which is a very important thing.

Now Daqin sent messengers to see their attitude!

If they choose to intervene, Daqin will not continue to deal with them, regard them as enemies, and will not give them any back roads. It can only be seen on the battlefield with Daqin, and there will be no benefit.

If they do not intervene, Daqin should further deepen their cooperation and give them more benefits.

Even if Daqin is destroyed in the future, Daqin will not treat them badly, and even maintain his current status and power.

Now they are hesitating. If the demon empire is destroyed, only the Fengshen empire and the alliance will be left. Although their threat is one less, the threat of Daqin is enhanced.

This is also very unfavorable to them. The helper against Daqin is equal to one less. Daqin will kill them one day sooner or later.

But if you intervene, it really offends Daqin. If you are defeated by Daqin in the future, then these people will die very badly.

And this time Daqin is ready to look good. Even if they intervene, can they resist Daqin, and it is a problem. Once a decision is made, it will pay a corresponding price for the choice made.

They also discussed it fiercely, some supported intervention, some supported non-intervention, and never made a decision, because this is a decision that determines their life and death, and naturally it will not be easy to choose.

Everyone was sitting around a long table to discuss and discuss. There were a lot of people, and the stools were arranged in several rows.

The messenger of Daqin sat behind the long table. He was a heroic young man wearing a robes. He was named Li Luo and came from the military. He had a very good talent.

Li Luo looked at the people who were in the middle of the argument, stood up from the seat, and said with a confident smile, "You have limited time, or make a decision as soon as possible. I also remind you, even if you participate, the effect will not be effective. It will be too big."

"Now the league can be divided into two parts. In addition, some of the alliance forces will understand that they will attack, so they are ready to attack."

"If you lose too much in this battle, the other half of the Alliance and the Fengshen Empire don't mind swallowing you down, and the other side loses a lot, you also have the opportunity to swallow them. You have to think about it. miss you."

When I heard the words of the youth, everyone hesitated and said with certainty, "Okay! This time we chose not to fight against Daqin."

The young man’s words showed a smile. "Then I will go back and tell you!"

Later, the youth returned to Daqin and told Zhao Wei that they would not participate in the war.

They did not participate in the war. Daqin also lost some of the pressure. Although they can use the stone of the sage to restrain them, the stone of the sages, Daqin, sent out a lot. If people were found to have problems, it would cause public anger.

At that time, not only the powerful forces of the Guti domain will be angry against Daqin, but the powerful forces of the Qingzhou domain will also attack Daqin. How can this Daqin resist?

So it is not the necessary moment, this trick can never be used.

And there is another reason.

Now they are also the power of the sage. The power of alchemy is not very serious for their body, but as long as they are long, their physical influence will be deepened. At that time, Zhao Wei can let them directly lose their fighting power.

The parties are ready!

In the realm of the gods, a team of soldiers are arranged in an orderly manner, wearing white armor and holding white weapons. The look is solemn and exudes a powerful and sacred atmosphere. Like a legendary god, it forms a white ocean and can conquer Wanjie. .

The soldiers of the first team of the boundary line are arranged in a square array, wearing yellow armor, holding yellow weapons, looking serious, emitting a huge cold and filthy breath, like a ghost soldier from the depths of Huangquan, can reverse the yin and yang, turn the human world into **** .

One of the Daqin soldiers in the human world lined up in rows, wearing black armor, holding black weapons, and feeling cold, exuding strong, dark, metallic atmosphere, like a killing machine, can kill the world.

The forces of the heavens and the realm are only assembled. They are not directly attacking the demon empire. They are used as reserve forces. The strength of these two worlds is the hidden strength of Daqin, and others do not know.

If it is definitely not good to expose it too early, they will only be used at the most critical time, and it will definitely play a big role.

The white face was cold, exuding an invisible and huge will, standing in front of the Daqin army and shouting.

No clothes? With the same robes. Wang Yuxing, repairing my spear. With the same son!

No clothes? With the child. Wang Yuxing, repairing my spear. Work with the child!

No clothes? With the child with the skirt. Wang Yuxing, repairing my armor. With the child!

The sound of white is very loud. If the drum sounds in the ear, every Da Qin soldier can hear it.


Numerous Daqin soldiers issued a murderous sound, penetrating the clouds, changing the heavens and the earth, and chilling into the bones.

The white look was cold and turned and walked to the side.

The people on the other side brought a black horse with four hooves to ignite the green flame, and turned up and ran on the black horse and walked forward.

The other generals, riding a dark horse followed by white, and soldiers holding the Daqin Black Dragon Flag followed the leader.

The last Daqin soldiers followed the black dragon flag. The expression is cold, the movements are the same, moving forward, the steps are like thunder, shaking the Quartet, with a strong chill,

The Daqin Empire officially sent troops!

Zhao Wei, who was sitting on the throne in the Great Qin Emperor's Palace, also put down the letters in his hand, and his mouth rose, showing a smile and walking down the throne.

Wang Ergou and Liu Mei, who wore pockets, also showed a smile, followed by Zhao Wei.

Daqin wants to attack the demon empire!

Now Daqin's such a huge movement is impossible for no one to notice soon understand that Daqin will attack the demon empire.

This news is like a bomb, blasting in a calm lake, and all parties are extremely shocked.

They felt that Daqin had such a huge chilling temper, and the world had entered the cold winter. They could not help but be shocked. They rarely gave Daqin a great momentum. It felt that this time Daqin was really moving, the whole army. Expedition!

A terrible event will happen today and the pattern will be broken.

The parties looked serious and understood the determination of Daqin this time. This battle may be extremely fierce and terrifying. I don't know how many people will die.

They can't help but feel nervous. They have both anticipation of the terrible battle and fear of war. I don't know how the next thing will develop.

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