The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2350: Demon horn

The demon's face was dignified, and immediately issued an order to assemble all the forces to withstand Daqin. This time he felt tremendous pressure and felt that Daqin must destroy the demon empire.

Only with the demon empire, the demon has no confidence to resist Daqin, immediately requesting the support of the Alliance and the Fengshen Empire, and the Guti Nei domain to support the powerful forces of the Demon Empire.

This time, you must block Daqin's offense. If you can't resist it, the demon empire may die.

Fengshen yarn looks serious. This time, the Great Qin Dynasty must destroy the demon empire, and the whole army will go out. The huge murderous gas makes her erect.

If the demon empire is destroyed, Daqin's next goal will be the Fengshen Empire. Although some do not like the demon empire, Fengshen is sure to help the demon empire to resist Daqin.

"Collect the wind **** soldiers!"

Fengshen gau was ordered to go down, the Fengshen Empire was shocked, countless wearing blue armor, holding cyan weapons, soldiers with strong wind attribute power gathered together.

All sides of the alliance are equally serious, rushing to the strength of the troops, ready to support the demon empire.

Most of the assembly forces are large forces, but some intermediate forces and some small forces have not moved, especially the small forces feel the huge killing of Daqin, they understand that the battle is equal to cannon fodder.

Even if Zhao Wei did not find them, they would not dare to participate in this war of shaking all directions.

Some people with big forces watched the middle-level forces and the small forces, and they were extremely angry. "What do you think of this group of bastards? If Daqin kills the demon, he will shoot them. Why are they still unwilling to send troops?"

The people of the big forces personally sent people to those forces, let them send troops and support them together to support the demon empire, to withstand the attack of Daqin.

People who can be more powerful are even more angry. They say they are not involved in this battle. They are almost at the end of their lives. They say they are not involved. Is this person not angry? I can't wait to kill this group of people.

However, even if there is such a big force, there is no way. Now the small forces of the intermediate forces add up and the strength is no weaker than them.

In the end, they can only gather their own forces to support the demon empire.

They also make decisions on their own minds. If they find an opportunity, they must destroy those forces and kill them all. Otherwise, they will not be able to get angry.

The Daqin force quickly gathered at the border of the enchanted empire, such as the black ocean, exuding a huge momentum, countless creatures felt strong fear, and all of them were shaking.

This time, Daqin sent troops worth 30 billion troops to attack the demon empire, and left 30 billion troops to be a reserve army.

The demon empire was only recently hit by Daqin, and the casualties were 15 billion troops. Although the world of the duo was captured, the population and materials were divided by other alliance forces, and the demon empire did not get anything.

In addition, the demon empire has long been engaged in fighting with Daqin. The original loss of 15 billion troops has no way to replenish it. Now the force is only about 32 billion.

The demon empire and numerous generals stood on the wall and looked at the Daqin army in front of them.

Zhao Wei looked at the demon underneath in the sky. "The grudge between us is at the end of the day, now you kneel begging me, maybe I will let you live a path."

The demon screams, "Don't dream, you think I will be that kind of person. Now the demon empire is not your opponent. I admit it, but don't be too confident. This empire may not be lose."

Zhao Wei laughed loudly, and the voice was strong and hesitated. "Then you will witness the annihilation of the demon empire!"


A war sacred gun barrel was uniformly aligned with the wall of the demon empire, and a horrible beam of light was shot, and the wall was shot with terrible power, and all the squares were illuminated.


The mechanical dragon flying in the sky opened a huge dragon's mouth, ejected a huge beam of light, and with the momentum that destroyed everything, it shot at the wall.

The imperial city wall immediately activated a circle of law, and the power of the heavens and the earth gathered together. A huge defensive hood emerged, emitting a huge force.


A loud sound was emitted, and the beam of light hit the defensive hood. A series of explosions occurred. A powerful shock wave spread out, forming a huge wind blowing away, blowing away numerous sandstones and cracking the ground.

The light spread out, and the result was a little unexpected. Although there were many cracks in the defensive hood, it was not directly smashed. It seems that the empire empire has prepared a strong defense.

There is also more than 3,000 war sacred beasts in Daqin, and if the number of mechanical dragons is about 6,000, if the number is a little more, it should be able to smash the hood.

Since a wave is not broken, it is in that wave.

The barrels of the war sacred beasts radiated at a time, and a horrible force came out. A huge mechanical dragon, opened a huge mouth, and countless rays emerged.


A huge momentum broke out, and a huge blue eye on the side of the demon empire appeared in the air. It has exuded a powerful force, reaching more than 20,000.

These huge blue eyeballs are all called out by the eyes of the blue scorpion. The huge number of eyeballs is so large that it is necessary to dig out the eyes of a large number of blue scorpions. The horns also pay a great price in order to withstand the Daqin.


On the side of Daqin, a beam of light with a powerful force to shoot out at the Demon empire, the speed is very fast, the situation is like a broken bamboo, no one can stop.


At that moment, the blue eyeballs also shot countless blue beams, with the power to penetrate everything, and shot in the direction of The speed is also very fast, in the middle of the air And too.


A loud explosion sounded, and a series of beams collided together. Numerous explosions occurred. A burst of explosive force spread, the ground directly shattered and collapsed, and numerous sandstones flew out.

When all the fluctuations spread out, there were big pits on the ground, scattered gravel and shredded wood everywhere, a mess, as if after the disaster.

Zhao Wei looked at the demon empire and did a good job of resisting Daqin. He flew down from the ground and squatted on the ground. One hand pressed **** the ground.


A huge roar sounded, a huge force emerged from the hands of Zhao Wei, hitting the earth, a huge circular pattern appeared, emitting a lot of black light, a huge head slowly emerged from it. .

A horrible force is pouring out like a tide, and the world is suppressed. Countless people are in fear, and the body can't help but tremble.

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