The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2351: Daqin

After the huge head emerged, the next step was the shoulder. The waist, legs, and the last giant with a height of 100,000 meters appeared.

This giant has a long black hair, a pair of black heavy squats, cold and no trace of emotion, gray skin, arms like claws, exudes an earth-shattering momentum.

And Zhao Wei stood on the top of the giant's head, and a pair of eyes coldly looked at the front demon empire and raised a hand.

The ancestor statue also followed Zhao Zhao to raise a hand, a huge **** jade appeared, a huge force was injected into the jade, and the jade jade radiated a strong blood color and quickly rotated.

The speed is very fast, and the naked eye can't capture it. Just like a 10,000-meter-large blood-colored disc, it produces a huge suction force, causing the world to change and the situation is surging.


A huge roar sounded, and the ancestral **** statue was under the control of Zhao Wei. The raised hand slammed hard. The huge blood color flew out and flew forward with the power of the ground and the earth. The speed was very high. Fast, the ground is dragging a wide kilometer, the depth reaches tens of meters.


The **** disc hit the huge defensive hood, and a huge sound came out, and the defensive hood with many cracks collapsed. A powerful shock wave spread out.

The demon face became pale and saw the terror power exerted by the ancestors.

Now the defense of the demon empire was shattered. Zhao Wei stood on the top of the ancestor's statue and shouted, "All the troops attack!"


A huge roar sounded, and countless Daqin soldiers fought to the front, as if the flood broke out, drowning everything.

Controlling the image of the ancestor, step by step, the earth is shaking, and there are huge footprints on the ground.

Many alchemists and holy beasts are not moving, staying in place.

Countless mechanical dragons swayed their wings, carrying a gust of wind, fiercely rushing toward the demon empire.


Many giant behemoths of Daqin were also released, making a loud roar, with a powerful force rushing toward the demon empire, and the momentum shook the square.

The demon empire army felt the fierce attack of Daqin, and the expression of fear and fear appeared on his face.

The demon squinted and flew into the sky.


A huge roar sounded, and the demon scatters countless blood-colored lights, igniting the air and power of the entire demon empire.

The vast demon empire's air and power surged over the ocean, infused into the body of the demon, and the demon felt that the body would split open and could not bear such a huge force.

The demon immediately raised a hand, and a horrible force emerged from the hand.


A huge dragon scorpion, shaking the world, a huge demon dragon appeared in the sky, a huge figure will cover the entire sky, a bloody, twisted, evil, taboo power spread.

This dragon has a human head. The head is a young boy's head. It looks like a dragon, and has a dragon body, blood-colored scales, and powerful claws.

In order to resist Daqin, the demon squanders the arrogance of the entire demon empire. If this is done, even if the empire empire wins, the air transport will enter a period of weakness, and various attributes will fall.

Not only the air transport, but also the most important demon of the demon empire is called by him, that is, the demon dragon.

This demon can train a large number of monsters and powerful soldiers for the Demon Empire. It was originally destroyed by Zhao Wei, but the demon will kill his brother and kill his demon with his skull, making the demon more powerful than before. .

Now the body of this demon is also 100,000 meters in size, and it is integrated into the entire imperial empire, and the demon can be said to be everything.


All the monsters of the Demon empire are also nesting out. There are huge white tigers, pythons with hundreds of meters long, wild boars with large hills, huge crocodiles with fierce wrecks, and huge flying birds flying in the sky...

The demon herd also took the power to destroy everything, and rushed to Daqin, and could not resist it.

The demon meditation stood at the top of the demon faucet, and a pair of eyes looked fiercely at the Zhao rushing over, controlling the demon dragon to rush over with a huge momentum.

Zhao Yan’s face showed a sneer, and a hand grabbed it. The ancestor statue also stretched out a hand and grabbed it. A huge blood-colored sword appeared in the hand, and a force was injected into the sword. The sword braved a glimpse. Sword, the void is twisting.

On the demon dragon that rushed past, there was no fear, and there were countless lights, and fierce power hit the ancestral gods.

At this moment, the ancestor image of the ancestor smashed out the sword in his hand.


As soon as the sound of the explosion bursts, the two collide together, and a horrible shock wave instantly spreads out. The earth will collapse in an instant, and countless sandstones will collapse. The world is shaking hard.

The forces in the nearby world felt this terrible fluctuation. The hair was erected and the heart was shocked. Although they did not see what happened, they could feel that there was a terrible battle.

The eyes turned back to the battlefield once.

The huge demon dragon and the ancestor gods have retired a few steps before the body stops. The demon dragon stretches out the powerful and powerful dragon claws and claws toward the ancestor god. The ancestor statue uses a sword to block the blow of the demon dragon.

The body of the demon dragon suddenly twisted, and the huge dragon tail with a horrible power, took the ancestor statue back a dozen steps.


The ancestor **** image injects a powerful force into the sword, a horrible sword light, and the dragon's body flies out. The demon dragon is only slightly hurt, and with a fierce force, rushes to the ancestral **** past.

The two continue to open the battle The volatility of a stock horror continues to spread, destroying everything around it.

The monsters of the demon horn army and the fierce beasts of Daqin rushed together with a huge momentum, and launched fierce killing.

The body of the corpse guarded with heavy armor, waving the big sword in his hand, chopping on a monster, the blood splashed, the huge wolf rushed to bite on a monster, a spider spewed out countless spiders Silk, wrap the body of a monster...

A huge monster like a cow fiercely flew out a corpse guard, a huge python monster, biting a giant wolf, the snake body entwined quickly, a huge flying bird monster Down, the two claws attacked a sea lizard...


A lot of blue eyeballs and Daqin alchemy sacred beasts slammed, and a beam of light hit the other side, making a loud noise, a terrible wave of proliferation.

The Daqin alchemy sacred beast attacked below, and the mechanical flying dragon attacked in different directions in the sky. The huge blue eyeballs were inflexible and could only release the defensive cover to resist.

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