The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2358: Dragon

After Daqin entered the demon empire, he quickly captured one area. The area of ​​the empire was ten worlds. Daqin could not occupy it in a short time. Some areas still had some resistance.

It took about two days to complete. Daqin finally occupied the demon empire, but not all occupied. Daqin only occupied seven worlds, two were occupied by the Alliance and one was occupied by the Fengshen Empire.

The enchanted empire that he had hardly attacked was taken advantage of by others. Zhao Xin was somewhat unhappy.

However, at this time, Zhao Wei did not want to have a war, but he could only ignore it for the time being.

Zhao Wei came to the inheritance of the Dianjiao Empire, looked at the purple Rubik's Cube, and reached out to choose the occupation.


A purple beam rushed into the sky, and the liberty of the empire empire was gathering, forming a huge purple dragon, hovering in the sky, emitting a huge pressure.


The demon dragon was unwilling to make a sound of a dragon, and the body quickly dissipated. A large amount of gas transported to Daqin.

Countless demon horns squatted on the ground, and there was a sadness in their hearts. Today, the enchanting empire officially declared dead.

There are still many bodies in the city, and the blood is splashing everywhere. Daqin’s ferocity can not be lost to them at all. Now they can only fear and lie on the ground, and dare not resist.

Zhao Wei felt the huge amount of air transport into Daqin, revealing a smile, and then returned to the imperial palace of the empire, sitting on the throne of the demon, and squatting at the minister of the empire.

Now, with a look of respect and fear, I lie on the ground, my head is on the ground, and I don’t dare to lift it.

Next to Bai, he confessed to the result of this war. He killed more than two billion demon soldiers and conquered more than seven billion. He captured seven worlds and harvested two hundred billion people, including countless substances.

The most important thing in the demon empire is to cultivate the demon beast. Because it was killed by Zhao, it lost its original role and could not cultivate the demon.

In addition, more than two billion blue-eyed people who had been dug out of their eyes were discovered. Those blue eyes came out of these people's eyes and used to summon huge blue eyes.

If it is not the demon, it is the first to disperse the blue scorpion everywhere, and forcefully suppress it by force. It is estimated that the blue scorpion has long since rebelled.

Now more than two billion blue-eyed people who have been dug up their eyes need Daqin to deal with them. They can't see anything when they are blind. Some things can't be done. They only consume materials and food. Keeping them is only a burden.

However, Zhao Wei did not so much kill these people, but ordered people to collect some ways to heal their eyes, first to cure their eyes.

Although it may cost a lot of money, but since they are the people of Daqin, Zhao Wei believes that there is no problem in doing this.

This is the harvest of this war, and some of the harvest was robbed by the Alliance and the Fengshen Empire. Daqin will kill them sooner or later, and those things will still belong to Daqin.

Zhao Wei glanced at the many imperial empire ministers who were kneeling on the ground and said, "Since you are now willing to surrender to me, then I will not treat you badly. You can rest assured that there is nothing to go on first!" ”

Many demon empire ministers sighed with relief and said with gratitude, "Thank you for not killing."

Later, everyone left the hall and a group of beautiful women were brought up.

There are more than two hundred of them, each of which is very beautiful. Some of them are among the empire of the empire, and a large part is the scorpion.

The demon meditation also listens to the beauty of the color, and that aspect is also very powerful as a demon, so the scorpion is also very much.

Among them, there are six of them, one is the queen of the demon, the long purple hair, wearing a purple robe, the face is beautiful, with a noble temperament, called the enchanting.

The other one has a pair of wings, a hot body, a childish face, and looks very beautiful. She is the favorite nephew of the demon, called the empty willow.

The remaining four, one of them is a beautiful woman, sexy, temperament seductive, is a royal family, named demon shallow, a slim figure, looks very good-looking, gentle temperament, named Dong Shangmi.

A tall, cool face, with a pair of blue dragonflies, should be a blue Dai people, named blue mountains and waters, a full-bodied, very beautiful look, giving a feeling of good and generous, named white honey.

Now is the time to enjoy the results, the demon has always wanted to break the defense of Daqin, rushed to the harem of Daqin, enjoy the numerous nephews of Zhao Yu, and openly said to invade Arthurina.

At this time, Zhao Wei enjoyed his woman, and he should take it for granted. In the same way, he would retaliate against the demon empire.

Now these women are somewhat afraid, some are afraid, some hate, standing there watching Zhao Wei.

Especially the Queen of the Demon Horn, looking at Zhao Wei with a cold face, can't wait to kill Zhao Wei now.

Because Zhao Wei destroyed the demon empire, and even killed her man, her most beloved, and countless demon people, all of which were caused by Zhao Wei, and the enchanting hatred Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the enchanting look and said with a smile, "Come up!"

The enchanting cold face, said, "If you kill, you will kill, I will not give in to you, and will not listen to you."

The blue-eyed blue mountain water showed a smile, took the initiative to Zhao Hao, and sat in Zhao Yu’s arms, seductively said, "Your Majesty! I am willing to serve you, become your woman, you are much better than that demon." ”

Daqin is also grateful for the blue-and-white people's work. Although she is one of the favorite nephews of the demon, she does not like the demon always afraid of him.

But this big Qin emperor is different. Although the enemy may be more ferocious than the demon empire, it is very good for his people and women.

If it is a demon, it may have long slaughtered those blue-eyed people who have been dug their eyes, and Daqin is willing to heal them at a greater cost because they have become the people of Daqin.

Compared with the demon, the blue landscape prefers Zhao Wei, so it takes the initiative.

Moreover, Zhao Wei told them to come here, obviously to enjoy them, even if they do not have a little strength, it is better to take the initiative to ask Zhao Wei like.

Zhao Yan extended a hand and squatted on the blue mountains and said with a smile. "You are smarter and understand the situation!"

Blue Mountain said with a smile, "Yes! Now the demon empire is yours, we are also yours."

Zhao Xiao smiled and began to play with the body of the blue mountains and waters. The blue mountains and waters enjoyed a happy look. She did not have a pretending look now. She was really happy to enjoy this feeling.

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