The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2359: Fengshen

The women below the temple face each other, some want to serve Zhao Wei in the past, to save their lives and status, and some are more aversive of the blue mountains and rivers, and hate watching Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei played with the blue mountains and waters in his arms, and his eyes fell on the enchanting body. He smiled and said, "You come up to serve me!"

The enchanting voice said coldly, "I have said that I want to kill and kill. I can't succumb to you, and I won't kneel down with other women. I am the queen of the enchanting empire, with the dignity and arrogance of the empire."

The empty willow leaf, the favorite woman of the demon, is also cold, "Yes! We are not the kind of woman who squats, you still kill us! We are willing to be killed together by the husband."

Zhao can't help but chuckle, the more they are, the more Zhao Yi likes it, the empress of the enchanting empire, the nephew of the enchanting empire, and they must also surrender under their own bodies.

"Yes? Are you sure? I may be able to fulfill you now. I will hang people who have anything to do with you on the tower. I will peel off your skin first, then sprinkle a lot of salt, and let you endure a lot of pain before you die. ""

The enchanting anger screams, "You mean! Is there a way to be the master of an empire?"

The empty willow leaves are a little scared, and their eyes are twinkling with tears. Although she is not afraid of death, she does not want her relatives and friends to suffer and suffer.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "All this is for you to find, the opportunity has been given to you, but don't blame me."

Other women who hesitated heard this and scared and said quickly, "We are willing to serve you, please do not treat us and our loved ones."

Originally, I wanted to surrender to Zhao Wei’s nephew, and I did not hesitate any more. I also expressed my willingness to become a woman of Zhao Wei.

They immediately walked to the throne and surrounded Zhao Wei.

Among them are two of the most outstanding people, Dong Shangmi and Bai Mi, and there are only a dozen women left by His Royal Highness.

Zhao Wei looked at the woman who was afraid and hesitant, or determined to hate. She shouted at the door with a smile. "You bring all the people involved with them to the door and use torture to torture them."

The soldiers outside the door listened to each other and began to take an individual to the door of the main hall, and then tied it to a pillar. Countless fears of fear and crying pleaded for the sound of the roar, stinging a dozen women under the temple.

I heard the familiar friends and relatives afraid of crying, and the remaining dozens of women were not insisting. They came to Zhao Wei and finally left only the enchanting, empty willow leaves, and the blood of the demon horns. The demon is shallow.

Zhao Wei did not be merciful and ordered the execution of torture.

Ah, ah...

A scream of screams, the fingers of those people were pierced by a long needle, and the severe pain made them scream and scream, asking for mercy and cursing.

After hearing these sounds, the three faces were painful and sad and could not support.

This beautiful woman, with her eyes in her eyes, tears and said softly, "Enough, we are willing to serve you and become your woman."

Zhao Yan’s face showed a scornful smile. No woman dared to resist him, and no woman had succeeded. "You come up!"

The demon walked up to the top, and the empty willow leaves also shed tears, followed by the front, turned to look at the horrible struggle of the painful struggle, and said, "Queen sister! Don't insist, you don't have Did you hear those screams?"

The enchanting face looked angry at Zhao Wei, and no longer struggled, followed the demon to the front of Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei is still a disdainful smile. The voice is somewhat overbearing and cannot be refused. "Your Majesty! Serve me."

The empty willow leaves and the obedient obscenity began to serve Zhao Wei in front of Zhao Wei.

The enchanting face stared at Zhao Wei with anger, and I can't wait to cut Zhao Wei into a meat sauce now, so I was so angry that I was going to die.

Zhao Wei, while enjoying the empty willow leaves and the delightful service, looked at the enchanting eyes with a pair of eyes, and said with a smile that was extremely strong and overbearing, "Your Majesty!"

The enchanting sorrow is very angry, still blocking Zhao Hao's hegemony and succumbing to the strength, kneeling on the ground to serve Zhao Wei, eyes can not help but shed tears, grievances and grief filled with grief.

In the hall, there was a constant sound of debauchery. From the daytime to the late night, no one came to disturb Zhao Wei, because they all knew what Zhao was doing, and the soldiers who kept the door could not hear, because the sound was isolated.

The enchanting face swayed and made an unspeakable voice. She had already indulged in it. She did not expect to be invaded by other men on her own throne. She would be so happy and happy, and she would never experience this feeling. She really was sorry for the demon.

Afterwards, Zhao said with a enchanting smile, "As the queen of the demon empire, it is more exciting than the average woman."

The enchanting face was flushed, and she gasped in Zhao Wei's arms. Her hands still glared at Zhao Wei. She had just invaded her for the longest time. Now she feels that her body and mind have succumbed to him. She is not sad before she died.

Now I want to experience the warmth after the passion in Zhao Wei’s arms. I don’t want to say anything, and I have no strength to say.

Zhao Wei smiled and evoked her chin and said with a smile, "You are resting here now, and some people will take you back to Daqin. I will not hurt your loved ones. As for your status and Daqin."

The enchanting complexion flushed gently.

The blue mountains and waters smiled and looked at Zhao’s arm. “Thank you for your sigh! We will serve you well in the future, and it’s really fun to have a cloud.”

Zhao Xiao smiled, then put on his clothes and left the hall of the demon.

After the enjoyment is over, the next step is to deal with other things. In this respect, Zhao Wei is still very open will not sink into it.

Now that the demon empire is destroyed, Daqin has just upgraded to the kingdom. Daqin needs to digest and stabilize for a while, and is not suitable for continuing to wage war.

However, it is now possible to develop a plan, the alliance has been split, not as united as before, this time from the number of troops sent out, so do not have to worry about their danger.

At that time, Zhao Wei thought that many soldiers in the league would attack, so the soldiers in the heavens and the realm were anxious to shoot at any time. However, the group of people in the alliance was too small, the differences were big, the troops were so few, and they were easily intercepted by the Daqin soldiers.

Before Zhao Wei was a little too much to see them, and now there is no threat in the alliance, then there is an Fengshen empire. As long as the Fengshen Empire is destroyed, there is only one Qinqin in this region. No one can stop Daqin in the future.

At this time, Zhao Wei felt that he could formulate a plan to destroy the Fengshen Empire, while developing a stable force, while doing various preparations to destroy the Fengshen Empire.

But Zhao Weigang returned to Daqin and learned that the forces of the various kingdoms planned to intervene in this place, which made Zhao Yan frown.

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