The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2370: family

Ten days later, Zhao Wei deliberately made good contacts with the various families, greatly weakening their hostility, and their attitude toward Daqin became even better.

The two sides also started trade. Daqin can sell some products from the Apocalypse world. Many alchemists are interested in buying them. The alchemy family will also sell some things in the alchemy world. Daqin will also buy.

With the benefits, the relationship between the two sides will naturally be better, no longer as tit-for-tat as before.

Even the best relationship with Daqin is that the civilians can come to Daqin to play or buy things at any time.

In fact, there is also a way of assimilation. A very powerful force can swallow a small force without force.

Mainly relying on his own powerful influence, affecting the small forces, time has been submerged for a long time, and everyone has no resistance to the big forces, and they think they are part of the big forces.

Daqin is the big force, and the Tushui Alliance is the small force.

After Daqin and the various alchemists' stable and friendly relations, Zhao Wei did not hesitate to continue to launch the war directly, eliminating those forces that did not pay good relations with Daqin.

This time they are distributed among the parties, not together, so the Daqin warfare needs to change.

Prior to this, Daqin also collected information on these families, with more than 600, of which the most powerful ones have a population of tens of billions, and one billion alchemists, the weakest population is less than 100 million. There are only a few million soldiers.

Zhao Yu left five billion Daqin soldiers to keep their homes, and the other six billion troops were divided into 30 teams. Each team of 200 million soldiers, equipped with war sacred beasts, a little ferocious beast, and already rune arrows, sun spar.

The 30-strong army marched in all directions with a huge murderous atmosphere. It was powerful, shaking the Quartet, retreating from the spirits, and looking at the Quartet.

The nearby alchemy family looked at the Daqin soldiers wearing black armor, holding black weapons, chilling eyes, and taking a consistent step, emitting a strong cold and dark atmosphere. The instinct was a little scared.

Many families still don't know why Daqin went out, his face was serious, and he was worried. He immediately sent people to investigate the reasons and understood that Daqin was attacking the forces that were hostile to Daqin.

Understand this reason, many families are relieved, and those families are looking for their own death. This is no stranger to anyone. Daqin has taken the initiative to show off, you are still hostile to Daqin, who will not attack you?

Many families do not have any intention to help these families. On the one hand, these families are looking for themselves. On the one hand, they do not want to involve many things.

Daqin's march into the army was a sensation. The families who were hostile to Daqin were also afraid of this news, especially those who could not beat a team in Daqin.

The Daqin army quickly reached its own destination. The 30th army had excellent Daqin generals in charge of the command, and Wang Hao was in charge of the general command.

A team of Daqin soldiers came to a family power, the foremost is a heroic young man, riding on the black horse, a pair of eyes looking at the alchemy family in front.

This alchemy family has a general power, but there is no defensive wall. After all, building a defensive wall to wrap its own territory is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive project. Only the general forces can do it.

Like these small forces, they are still based on the city, and there is no defensive wall.

Now Daqin soldiers are in front of a city, emitting a huge chilly chill, making the surrounding cold, and the world is slightly eclipsed.

The alchemists of the city wall guards looked ugly. When they were yelling, they didn’t even think that Daqin would call so fast.

More importantly, they asked the families of the parties for help. The families of the parties did not respond. The group of **** actually watched them being destroyed by the external forces of Daqin, or were they in the same world?

Now they hate the family's stories around them, and think that they are the same race, the same world, and will certainly resist the foreigners of Daqin.

But reality is not good for them, there are all kinds of disadvantages, even people of the same world, the same race, they will not participate, unless they are fools.

Their family strength is not more than 10 million, which can block the 200 million Daqin soldiers in front, and the Daqin soldiers also have the power of alchemy and alchemy holy beasts. They have no advantage at all.

General Daqin looked coldly at the front, with a majestic tone, and shouted loudly, "Following life, the opposite is dead."

This time Daqin finally gave the opportunity, mainly their family surrendered to Daqin, that Daqin treated them well, and also avoided casualties in the war. If they did not want to surrender to Daqin, they would conquer them by force.

When I heard the words of General Daqin, the alchemy family was in a dilemma and did not make a decision quickly.

General Daqin saw that the family did not respond, raised one hand and fell down, and ordered the road, "offensive!"


The Daqin soldiers rushed over with great momentum. For example, the black tide was terrible. A single alchemy sacred beast shot a beam of light, and some beasts helped the soldiers to attack the city from one side.

Ah, ah...

The two sides quickly fought together, and a scream of screams continued, blood spattered, the sound of weapons collided constantly, and one fell to the ground and became a cold body.

As a result, it goes without saying that the winner is Daqin.

Daqin easily broke into the city and saw the alchemists who fled, and there was no mercy.

Some Daqin soldiers rushed forward quickly, and looked cold. They waved their swords to the people, and the blood spattered them. The warm blood splashed the Daqin soldiers, making the Daqin soldiers even more terrible.

The people did not have any resistance. They were basically slaughtered by the Daqin soldiers. Some people are afraid of squatting on the ground to beg for a life.


A team of archers saw the people who fled, and there was no mercy. They shot a sharp arrow and carried a force through the bodies of the people. The people died and the blood flowed to the ground.

The doors of some rooms were also knocked open, and the people hiding inside were dragged out and kneeled at the door of the house, fearing to tremble.

Some valuable things inside have also been taken away by the soldiers of Daqin. The things that can't be taken are not destroyed, because this city has already belonged to Daqin, and the things that are destroyed are Daqin things. If you take a wave, Daqin may not take it. Things are destroyed.

The Daqin soldiers quickly controlled the city, and there were splashes of blood and corpses everywhere. The surrendered people were also gathered together, and some Daqin soldiers guarded them.

After controlling this city wall, the Daqin soldiers immediately took the fierce momentum and attacked the other cities.

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