The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: territory

Ah, ah...

The next city was even less resistant, and the Daqin soldiers rushed directly into the city to start killing.

A large knife cut down a group of people to the ground, blood flowed to the ground, a root arrow shot through the chest of the people, one by one fell to the ground, turned into a body.

Some of the Daqin cavalry rode on black horses, armed with long guns, galloping on the streets, and a long gun running through the front of the people, carrying their bodies and continuing to move forward, regardless of men, women and children, died under their guns.

The screams continued to ring in the city, and blood was splattered everywhere. A **** atmosphere spread throughout the city, giving people a sense of horror.

Not only is this alchemy family encounter like this, the experience of other alchemy families is the same.

Another alchemy family is stronger than this alchemy family, and there is a little resistance, which caused Daqin to pay some casualties.

Daqin attacked the city, killing him in a crazy way, killing most of the people, and many people were hanged on the wall.

These people are the ones who caused Daqin to cause losses, stubborn resistance, and can counterattack Daqin. If they are afraid of surrendering Daqin, they will have to pay the price.

They were just hanged to the wall. It was not bad. After some families were attacked by Daqin, the people of the alchemy family were tied to the pillars. Their skin would be peeled off and exposed to the sun. The severe pain made them scream. Screaming, constantly struggling on the pillars.

This is still done in front of countless alchemists. Daqin is telling them to dare to resist the end.

One by one, the people saw Daqin’s **** and cruel means, and there was a shrill scream. He was afraid to raise his head on the ground, and his heart was full of fear.


Another team of Daqin soldiers shouted loudly, with a huge momentum, and launched a general attack on an alchemy family. Countless Daqin soldiers fiercely attacked the city, and set off a **** killing.

"We surrender, we surrender, don't kill us."

Some of the population is only tens of millions, and the army has only a few million alchemy families. Before it was reacted, it was surrounded by Daqin. There was no possibility of escape. Seeing that Daqin was so terrible, he did not dare to have any resistance.

People with many families put down their weapons and kneel in front of the city wall. There is no such thing as a strong scream.

The Daqin generals also accepted the surrender of this family, and entered the power with the Daqin soldiers and mastered the family.

The battles began, the killings continued, the deaths permeated, and the alchemy family was destroyed by Daqin, and the entire region became very depressed.

Many families who did not participate in the event, although not attacked by Daqin, were not threatened by Daqin, but they could see that a family of alchemists was attacked by Daqin, and still felt a huge pressure.

Before that, some people said that Daqin was soft to them, and they were afraid that they would offer them a good show. Now they watched Daqin fight for the Quartet and swallowed the mountains and rivers. The Thunder’s power destroyed a family. They realized the terribleness of Daqin and there was no softness at all. meaning.

"Da Qin is really terrible. I am the first to see that an apocalyptic world can be rampant in the alchemy world. I admit that I am a little afraid of Daqin."

"The Daqin means is also cruel and bloody, some are peeled, some are smashed, some are burned, and they are cut off and hanged on the walls, regardless of men, women and children."

"Well! This is what Daqin really looks like, but don't think that Daqin is a good person, or it will pay a very heavy price."

"Don't we watch Daqin attacking one family? Well, they are also people of our world, and they are also a race. It is a bit of a disappointment to watch them being slaughtered by outsiders."

"If you want to go then you go, don't pull us to death, now I don't want to do it with Daqin."

"Right! Now playing against Daqin is equal to finding death. Do you think that a family can resist Daqin? It is impossible, and those families are asking for themselves, and they can’t blame others."

"I feel the same. Most of the current trends don't want to participate. If a family dares to say something against Daqin, the Daqin soldiers will kill the next day, so don't participate in the best."

"In fact, I also admire this Daqin. It has become the most powerful force in the region in a short period of time. The alchemists belonging to Daqin now have 30 billion, and the population of several hundred families adds up so much."

"I also admire Daqin on this point. However, after Daqin has destroyed these alchemy forces, the strength may be even more terrible. I am really worried about the future. Will our ending be like them?"

"Now take a step and take a step! At this time, no one wants to resist Daqin. You can't always go to a family. And this time Daqin has a good reason to attack those families, but they have no reason to attack us, as long as he dares to attack all. The family will gather together in an instant."


Zhao Wei sat on the throne of the Qin Dynasty and looked at the memorial in his hand, revealing a smile. Daqin's plan was very successful. Except for the family that first resisted Daqin, no other family participated.

They didn't get involved, and it was simply too easy for Daqin to destroy the scattered families. These families had no resistance at all.

This time, the target of Daqin’s offensive is also under the strength of 200 million troops. After 200 million troops, it will be resolved after the meeting, and many small forces will be destroyed. There are no threats left by several major forces.

The memorial that Zhao Wei is watching now is that Daqin has broken through the harvest of one This time, the harvest is not wrong, and there are quite a few people and war sacred beasts, and the losses are small.

"There is a warning! Some families sent messengers to come to Daqin." A soldier suddenly walked in and sue.

Zhao Yan’s expression is awkward, “Family messenger? What family messenger will it be time to come to Daqin?”

Thinking a little, Zhao said with a smile, "Let them come in!"

Afterwards, dozens of people came in from the door. There were men and women. Most of them were younger. There were also some middle-aged men and women, and some old people. They came to Zhao Wei in a nervous and careful manner, and they saluted and said that they came from What family.

There are from the mushroom ice house, the Fannan leaf home, the valley flame home, the lake water home, the gray stone home, the white mine home, the black soil home...

These families are families that dared to call Daqin and dare to openly oppose Daqin.

I did something that others did not dare to say, and said that others did not dare to say it. Shuang is very cool, and the reputation is also a lot bigger. See also Daqin continues to hand over the Quartet and thinks that there is nothing.

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