The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2372: territory

But now I can watch the Daqin momentum as a rainbow to destroy one alchemy family. The people are all slaughtered by blood, and there is no resistance at all.

Not that they are too weak, but that Daqin is really too strong, even if they are the same result.

They are also afraid, do not want their family to be destroyed, do not want to die, very regret to do those things, so rushed to send messengers to Daqin, want Daqin not to attack them.

At this time, they are also willing to be friends with Daqin, and are willing to apologize to Daqin for the previous events.

Zhao Wei guessed their identity, because at this time in addition to these families to find themselves, no other family will find themselves.

After the people reported the origins, the first sentence was an apology and sincere attitude. "I am sorry that Daqin is under our control. It was our fault before. It was too arrogant and arrogant. Please give us a chance. We are willing to be friends with Daqin."

Zhao Wei has already guessed their words, but Zhao can't promise them. The first big Qin didn't talk so well. You said that against Daqin, you will resist Daqin. If you say no, you won't resist. Daqin has its own majesty and will not allow it. this way.

They must pay the price, and at a price that can be painful, can maintain the majesty and prestige of Daqin, otherwise they think that Daqin is weak and what they want.

The second big Qin aims to attack them. If they accept their apologies, who will Da Qin play next? There are no other goals at all.

Unless it is going further, Daqin has already gone far enough. Too far, Zhao Wei does not want to go, it is easy to happen, and it takes time and effort.

Therefore, Zhao Xiao said with a smile, "I am sorry! I refused. Since you are the enemy of Daqin, you have to pay the corresponding price. I will give you two choices. One is to surrender to Daqin, and Daqin will treat you well. It is Daqin that kills you."

When the people heard this, their hearts sank and their faces became pale. One was surrender, the other was extinct, and neither of them wanted to choose.

An ordinary young man looks directly on the ground and pleads with enthusiasm. "We really know that we are wrong in the Great Qin Dynasty. I beg you to give us a chance. Daqin’s power is so great. Forgive us this time!"

An old man also squatted on the ground and cried, "Da Qin is down! The owner who made the decision has been abolished by us. Now we really regret it. If we want to be friends with Daqin, we will never betray Daqin and do any harm to Daqin. Things."

A well-groomed woman also fell to the ground, crying and said poorly, "Your Majesty! We also know that we are wrong. We made that decision when we were stupid. If you don't attack us, then we can do anything."

Others are also kneeling on the ground, they will certainly not surrender to Daqin, if you want to surrender to Daqin, then you will run here.

But they don't want to be destroyed, they can only kneel on the ground and ask for Zhao.

The words are similar, saying that they are wrong and regretting, is the decision made by others, not the decision of the whole family, and is willing to do everything, as long as Daqin does not attack them.

They are in tears, a miserable miserable and misunderstood, and very sympathetic.

But who is Zhao Wei? Will they pity them because of their pity? This is impossible.

Zhao Wei said firmly, "You don't have to be like this. I won't change my decision. Now go back and tell your family, or surrender to Daqin, or wait for Daqin to be destroyed."

When I heard that Zhao’s tone was so firm, some people sat on the ground and felt that their family was going to die. Some people still didn’t give up, and they cried on the ground and cried.

Zhao Yan frowned and ordered, "Get these people out!"

Many soldiers immediately stepped forward and dragged a person out, and then threw it outside Qin, these people can only die, turned back to their family, and told the news to their family.

Every family was shrouded in a haze, and the heart was extremely regretful, but everything was late.

A few days later, the Daqin soldiers who had gone out with a large number of people began to return and did not continue to conquer.

Because these people come from various places, there are many families separated, leaving people there is not much control, and they are easily attacked by others, so Zhao Wei ordered them to migrate all of them back to Qin.

The Daqin army was unable to continue the war because of the retreat of these populations. Therefore, many people and harvests were first sent back to Daqin.

And after many battles, all kinds of materials are consumed a lot, soldiers are also very tired, need to go back to Daqin to trim.

When the Daqin soldiers who saw the expedition returned, many of the alchemists were relieved and things finally settled down.

This time, Daqin went out to kill 70 families, harvesting 5 billion people, 400 million alchemists, and 800 alchemists.

Zhao Wei feels that this result is ok, although not many, but the population of billions and alchemy sacred animals is not so easy to obtain.

The most important thing is that Daqin’s consumption was very small this time, but it lost less than tens of millions of soldiers.

Other materials have also gained a lot. I don't have to elaborate on them. Finally, those territories that were attacked by Daqin have no use for Daqin, and the points have already been obtained.

Zhao Wei understands that this time Daqin went to the Quartet, which caused a lot of people's vigilance and worries, so he made a decision to distribute these territories to the nearby forces and Daqin.

Many families have learned that this news is very happy to die. They can watch it without doing anything, and there is no loss. But they can get so many territories, what Daqin gave them to them~www.mtlnovel. Com~, like they used to want to get more territory, they have to pay a lot of price and loss to get it. Now it’s too easy, they don’t believe it.

After Daqin personally confirmed this, he really believed this and really had such a big good.

Originally, the atmosphere of depression and dignity in this area disappeared, and all the forces showed a happy smile and a happy look.

Those families who were originally wary of Daqin, in the face of great interests, laughed too much, and did not have such strong hostility towards Daqin, nor did they have such strong vigilance and worry.

Even some of them like Daqin, because they have not met such a good force, and the territory can be sent free of charge.

Finally, I regret the natural family that resisted Daqin. Now they not only have to worry about Daqin attacking, but they have no good benefits. They look at the families who have acquired the territory and simply envy and hate.

However, as Daqin fought in the Quartet, his reputation became larger and larger, which also attracted the attention of a stronger family.

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