The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2373: Flower home

After Daqin repaired a few days, the army continued to go to the Quartet. Now only a little points can be exchanged for the stone. Zhao Wei does not want to wait for a while.

After creating a great land, Zhao has a lot to deal with.

As time passed, the Daqin soldiers basically easily attacked the families. Without encountering any difficulties, Zhao Wei did not have anything to stay in Qin, which seemed a bit boring.

On this day, the family of the family sent people to invite Zhao to the flower house to play. Now Daqin and the Tushuihua alliance are very close, and they have begun to assimilate them slowly. Zhao Wei thought for a moment and did not refuse.

When I came to the Huajia territory, Zhao Zhao was somewhat surprised. The Daqin flower fields are usually full of flowers, but these flowers are not the flowers of metal flowers, but are as beautiful and beautiful as normal flowers.

In the alchemy world, various plant organisms are in the form of semi-metal and semi-organisms. When they see normal flowers in the alchemy world, Zhao Yu is also unexpected.

Moreover, these flowers are also very strong, and the flowers that appear do not seem to wither and wither, and will always remain in full bloom.

It seems that Huajia has a unique method of cultivating flowers and does not know whether it is useful to himself.

Ordinary flowers Zhao Wei is not very concerned, Zhao Wei cares about a few heavens and flowers, now cultivated so, there is no point to want to bloom, Zhao Wei is collecting their own methods to accelerate their growth.

Everyone in the Hua family has already waited in front of the door for Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the beautiful woman. It seems that this flower family is dominated by women, and the identity of men is relatively low.

The owner of Huajia is a beautiful woman with beautiful face and outstanding temperament. She is named Qian Chiye, and she has five women around her.

They all exude a noble temperament and a strong atmosphere. They should all be the owners of the family next to the flower family.

A voluptuous, wearing a red dress, temperament and femininity, is a seductive beauty, named Hua Shui Ling, a slim, temperament, wearing a green skirt, named Huayao.

The remaining three are dressed in white skirts, tall and tall, giving people a pure and beautiful temperament, named white, one-person black skirt, full body, giving a strong, named black, one wearing a blue palace skirt, temperament Soft, called a flower fan.

"Participate in Your Majesty!" The girls saw Zhao Wei in front of them, showing a smile and a bow.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "You don't have to be polite."

Flower Chiba smiled and said, "You can come to our flower house, we are very happy and honored. Now we will take you to play in the flower house, let you see the beauty of the flower house."

Zhao Wei chuckled and said, then Zhao Wei followed the Huajia people to a flower sea. These are the same as the Daqin flower field, full of various flowers, such as the ocean is magnificent, the flowers are also very rich.

These Daqin have not had much interest in Zhao Wei, and they asked how the flower family cultivated flowers.

Flower Chiba said with a smile, "Your Majesty! Our flower family relies on this unique alchemy technique to nurture these flowers. You want to know that I will tell you now."

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded, then listened to Qian Qianye.

This alchemy technique, called Flower Alchemy, injects a portion of the alchemy power into the flowers, keeping it in a state of steady bloom.

However, once that power disappears, the flowers will instantly wither.

Zhao Wei was disappointed and continued to ask, "Do you have any way to master the flowers quickly?"

Flower Chiba reveals a deep smile and replies, "We have a way to speed up the growth of flowers, which is called the flowering spirit, but this is the secret of our flower family. Blood can only be applied."

Zhao Yu frowned. Once the alchemy family is an important and precious thing, it basically needs family inheritance and family blood, otherwise no one can use it.

Flower Chiba saw Zhao Wei's appearance and chuckled. "You don't have to be embarrassed. This is a good solution. We only need to send a few people to Daqin to help."

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, in fact, he just wanted to take control of the flower family, and then get the inheritance and secret skills of the flower family.

Now I have to spend a few people to help Daqin, and it feels good to solve this problem.

Flower Chiba sees Zhao Yu promised, showing a smile on his face. "My daughter is very good at this thing, and she is very beautiful. I don't know if she can use her as a nephew. This will not only help us further, but also help. To Daqin."

Zhao Yiyi began to understand the purpose of the flower family. He did not simply invite him to come and play, but wanted to go further with Daqin.

Now Daqin is constantly conquering the Quartet. The forces are getting stronger and stronger, and the shots are generous. Everything is willing to be sent. The Huajia also wants to go further with Daqin to gain greater benefits.

If Daqin married her daughter, their relationship is also a family. Daqin may want to attack Huajia in the future.

Treating this kind of thing, Zhao Wei does not care, just want to smile and promise.


A sword screamed suddenly, and a sharp sword spurted out from the side, bringing out a sword light, and it was necessary to stab the throat of Zhao.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked and did not react.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place, stretched out **** and gently clamped it, and then clamped the stabbed sword. Looked ahead.

Holding a sword is a neutral woman, looks good, tall, wearing a green dress, and the chest is flat.

Now she looked awkward, did not think that she was confident that a sword was easily blocked by Zhao Wei, forcefully pumping the sword, but the sword could not draw a trace.

The people around him saw the woman The face also became difficult to look.

Flower Chiba screamed angrily. "Come on! Bring me Missy to me."

The woman is a flower Tsing Yi, the big lady of the flower house, she reacted and wanted to escape, but was directly caught by two people.

Now the young lady of the flower family dares to stab Zhao Wei. This is not a trivial matter. It is possible that the entire flower house will perish. They are not the opponents of Daqin at all, and it is impossible for ten flower families to add up.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei, and his heart was extremely nervous. Now, look at what attitude Zhao Zhao is.

They did not think that the flower Tsing Yi would assassinate Zhao Wei, the master of the great Qin, the Daqin supreme, and the people who surrendered.

"Let me go, I don't want to marry him. I have someone I like. Now I am killing him. If I kill him, Daqin will not break." Hua Qingyi shouted as he struggled.

Her words caused some people's heartbeat, because now they all made the assassination of Zhao Wei, and they felt dead. Instead of waiting for Daqin to kill them, it is better for them to kill Zhao Wei first, which may cause the Daqin Empire to be hit hard. .

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