The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2374: Flowering

But they watched Zhao Wei standing there confidently, without a little fear and escape, and did not dare to do it directly.

Zhao Wei originally gave them a very dangerous feeling, and as the owner of the Daqin Empire, it is impossible for them to be killed by such a simple, otherwise they would not be the Lord of the Great Qin Empire.

Since he dares to come to the flower house and be so confident, there must be some backhand.


Flower Chiba looked angry and went to the front and hit the green clothes and slap a slap. He turned to an apologetic and bowed to Zhao. "Let her, although my daughter, dare to make this kind of thing, now I will hand it over to you to kill. I want to be casual."

The flower-green clothes that had been struggling and screaming were honest, with tears in their eyes and a look of their mother.

Her mother is the most painful for her, how can she be handed over to others now. Still regardless of her life and death.

Other homeowners also took a ritual, afraid to say nervously, "Your Majesty! I am really sorry that this happened, but this is what she did alone, and has nothing to do with the family."

Now they don't dare to start with Zhao Wei, they can only choose to sacrifice flowers and green clothes to preserve their flowers. A person dies more than a group of people.

"Your Majesty! Please don't kill Tsing Yi, kill me and kill me! Tsing Yi is doing this for me." A woman wearing a pink ancient dress and a weak temperament rushed out from the side and squatted on the ground.

Zhao Wei face with a smile, and there is nothing angry, the flower Tsing Yi is too weak for Zhao Wei, the just assassination is like a fly hit.

The eyes fell on the weak woman, Zhao said with a smile, "What is your name?"

The weak woman said nervously, "My name is Huami!"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Flower glutinous rice, if you perform well, I will let her go, and will not pursue this matter."

Huami is happy to look at Zhao Wei, "Good! I promise you."

The hearts of the people also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that it is not a big deal for Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei did not have a deeper idea. They will not be destroyed by Daqin.

Zhao Wei looked at the sea of ​​flowers and said, "The scenery here is beautiful, and there is a banquet here. I want to have a good time here."

Hearing the words, the flowers Chiba immediately ordered people to do it.

A long table was placed at the forefront, Zhao Wei sat there, with a few long tables underneath, and several homeowners sat there. The long table is full of wine and snacks.

Zhao Yu reached out and took flowers Chiba and flowers glutinous rice into his arms. Hua Qianye did not think that Zhao Wei was interested in her. She originally wanted to marry her daughter to Zhao Wei, and her face was blushing and she did not dare to resist. .

Sitting in the green clothes, he was imprisoned and watched his mother and his beloved being bullied by Zhao Wei. He said with an angry curse, "Bastard! I want to kill you, so that you can die."

Flower Chiba looked at the next one and asked her to seal the mouth of the flower Tsing Yi. She didn't want to be angry with Zhao.

The man understood that he was walking next to the flower Tsing Yi, and a wave of power was emitted. The Tsing Yi could not speak, only one pair of eyes glared at Zhao Wei.

In order to please Zhao Wei, the flowers and the rice glutinous rice served the dishes and served Zhao Wei. The other homeowners also tried to please Zhao Wei.

And they also ordered people to dance to the dance team and dance to Zhao Wei.

It was okay at first, but after a while, Zhao Wei reached out and played with the chest and flowers of the chest. The two men were blushing with Zhao Wei, and they did not dare to offend Zhao Wei. They also enjoyed it.

Other homeowners saw a scene in front of them, their faces were reddish and they did not say anything.

On one side of the flower green clothes, Zhao Wei, very want to kill Zhao Wei, and then Zhao Wei into a meat sauce.

After a while, it was completely out of control. When Zhao Yu pulled out the flowers of Chiba, she invaded her, and then she planted glutinous rice. Several of her family members were not spared. Finally, Tsing Yi was forced to join.

The sky is dark blue, floating a few white clouds, the breeze is slowly, and the sound of the female **** is constantly ringing in the sea of ​​flowers.

Things continued until the night, the bright moon hangs in the night sky, the moonlight is full of flowers, the flowers are extraordinarily moving, and the girls are soft in Zhao’s arms.

Zhao Wei was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, holding a thousand leaves in one hand and a flowering green dress in one hand. She began to think that the chest of the flower Tsing Yi was very small. It was only now that she was very surprised. She was tied with cloth.

Flower Chiba's hands glared at Zhao Wei, and his face was flushed and charming. "Your Majesty! I have never been so happy today. I feel that nothing is important now."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Your taste is also very good! You are my woman in the future."

Flower Chiba said with a smile, "Now we become your woman, then I will call you a public, we are all your people, how do you plan to treat the flower family in the future?"

Zhao Wei thought for a moment, "Since you are my woman, then I will not marry you. One day, one day, your flower family will belong to Daqin, not only the flower family but all the alchemy forces nearby."

Upon hearing this, the women were shocked. It turned out that Daqin had always wanted to annex them, but I can understand that Daqin is growing at an alarming rate, and sooner or later it will become an untouchable existence.

By the time they are too weak, Daqin can easily annex them, this is already doomed.

Zhao Wei continued, "Da Qinyuan is not as simple as you think. The territory of Daqin has covered the gods, the celestial world, the chaotic world, the alchemy world, and the ability that you can't imagine. After you join Daqin, you will know. Everything in Daqin."

"If you join Daqin now, I will give you a position that you can't imagine. If you don't want it, I won't be reluctant."

The girls fell into meditation and did not make a direct decision.

Flower Chiba, a pair of beautiful eyes, looked at Zhao Wei. "That is the same as you said that Daqin is terrible? The strength of Daqin we saw before, is it that Daqin is rarely part of it?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "That is for sure. Daqin's ability is beyond your imagination. In the future, the Daqin Empire will become the same type of existence as the alchemy world, that is, an independent world."

Become an independent world like the alchemy world?

When everyone heard this, they were shocked. There was no way to imagine that the impact was too big for them. The head could not turn a little, and some did not believe it.

It can be said that any force does not dare to say this. Even if it is the ancient and powerful forces in the refining field, they dare not say this because they cannot do it at all. What is the existence of this Daqin?

Seeing Zhao Wei's appearance is not like lying, and as long as he joins Daqin, he can understand all the information of Daqin, and he does not worry that Zhao will lie to them, so they also believe in Daqin.

Flower Chiba smiled and asked other neighbors, "What do you think about?"

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