The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2375: 3 big flowers

Several other owners said with a smile, "We don't object, as long as the Huajia can have stronger status and power than before, we also believe that Xianggong will not treat us badly."

Flower Chiba kissed Zhao Wei, "Xiang Gong! The flower family will surrender to Daqin, and you will be responsible to us in the future."

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, and then kissed on the leaves of Chiba, and spent a warm response to Zhao Wei.

The flower Tsing Yi lies in Zhao Yu’s arms. She looks at Zhao’s **** and her mother’s intimacy. The body of her own and the beloved is also invaded by this bastard. Now she is really angry and wants to kill Zhao.

But she can't get out of it. I don't know what the reason is. I just have this kind of idea, but I can't do it at all.

Moreover, she also enjoyed the feeling of being invaded by Zhao Wei. She never experienced this kind of happiness like her mother. She also remembered the debauchery that had just appeared in Zhao Wei.

Now this **** bastard, while intimate with her mother, also played with her chest, so that she wants to do that.

Hua Tsing Yi for a long time, finally could not help, took the initiative to ride on Zhao Wei, at that moment seems to have a vast Daqin Empire.

Afterwards, everyone wore clothes.

Hua Qingyi is trying to use the cloth to continue to tie the things on his chest. Zhao Wei said with a smile, "Don't do that, I like you now."

Hua Qingyi glanced at Zhao Wei, snoring, and did not use cloth, put on clothes.

The flower glutinous rice is happy to fall into the arms of the flower Tsing Yi. "Tsing Yi! We can stay together again in the future."

The flowers are dressed in glutinous rice, and their faces are still unhappy. Although they can be together, they all belong to a man.

And when the flower glutinous rice was invaded by Zhao Wei, it was also very enjoyable, which made her feel uncomfortable. No one would be happy when she saw that scene, but she was more than a glutinous rice, especially just really. so crazy.

Now she is not good at saying anything about flowers.

Zhao Wei came to the place where the flower family passed down, occupied the stone of the flower family, and took some flowers of Chiba, and obtained various inheritances of the flower family.

This made the Huajia people all look shocked, not only can occupy the inheritance stone of the alchemy family, but also get the pure blood of the flower family so easily, it is too terrible, they never come back to see who owns.

At the same time, they are more fortunate to join Daqin, and there will definitely be imaginable benefits in the future.

Later, Zhao Wei returned to Daqin with her daughters, and the girls began to truly understand Daqin, and the waves in their hearts could not be calmed for a long time.

Huajia is not integrated into Daqin now, or is it as it was before, and the news that Huahua will surrender to Daqin will not leak out.

Because now the parties and Daqin have a good deal, the flower family suddenly surrendered to Daqin, which will cause a lot of suspicion, so Zhao Wei does not want the news to leak out, there is no need to cause trouble.

In the end, Zhao Wei came to the flower field of Daqin with flowers and thousands of women. The flower field of Daqin is stronger than the flower field of Huajia, and the origin of the flower is stronger.

The purpose of Zhao Wei’s bringing them is to arrange the flowering period.

This legal array, Zhao Wei, knows its information through inheritance, and it is indeed a very powerful means to accelerate the growth of flowers ten times.

And this flowering array can be combined with the time matrix, the effect will be more powerful, can accelerate more than 30 times the growth rate of flowers.

Finally, you can add something that contains the power of life, which can make flowers grow faster.

Now Daqin has three flowers, the world's wonderful flowers, the evil devils, the three nights of the night, and now the heights have reached tens of thousands of meters, exudes a huge momentum, and also grows a flower, but it does not bloom. .

The flowers of Chiba’s girls were also surprised by the look. For the first time, they saw such a large flower, and then arranged the flowering circle around the three flowers according to Zhao’s instructions.

Zhao Wei also called the goddess of three time, and arranged the time array.

Finally, the array is well arranged. The flowering array is arranged on the ground, with flowers as the center, the flowering period in the interior, and the time array wrapped in the flowering array.

boom! boom! boom!

Three loud roars sounded, and the three squads activated the power of the entire flower field, pouring into the three flowering phalanx, and the flowering phalanx rapidly turned, constantly injecting power into the flowers.

The time matrix has also begun to turn, making the time in that area seem to be ten times faster, everything is changing, as if it is in different time and space.

The most surprising thing happened to Zhao Wei. As soon as the three squadrons were activated, the three flowers showed signs of flowering. Zhao Wei couldn’t think so fast. He thought that after the three tactics were running, it took a lot of time for three flowers. It is possible to bloom.

It is still possible here, not necessarily to bloom, and now Zhao Wei does not have much confidence in the flowers he cultivates.

For example, the first world of exotic flowers, Daqin has been planted for more than ten years, exhausted all kinds of treasures, but still no flowering, is definitely the longest thing that Daqin cultivated.

Now all three flowers have signs of flowering, and how Zhao will not be surprised, this has been waiting for more than ten years.

However, it is still only a sign that it takes a little time for the real flower to bloom, but this time should not be too long.

Zhao Yan smiled and smiled back, and returned to the alchemy world to deal with all kinds of things.


On the second day, a huge roar suddenly sounded during the day. A huge pressure was pressed against the territory of Qindi, and this terrorist pressure was felt. Many Daqin soldiers looked up and changed.

I saw a young man appearing in the sky. The young man is tall and looks cold. Both hands are metal claws, and the color is golden, giving off a very sharp cold.

This young man is an alchemist I don't know what identity, but his cultivation has reached the realm of the emperor, and the momentum is even more terrible than the general emperor.

Daqin constantly attacked the Quartet, and it is also the power of the Apocalypse world. It has such an amazing performance in the case of the overall suppression of the Apocalypse world. It is difficult to attract attention.

Now Daqin's position is in a place almost close to the middle of alchemy. The people who come here have a kingdom-level family called the Golden Claw family. The power is extremely terrible, and it is also the existence of Megatron.

The young name is called Jin Tie and is the owner of a golden claw family.

In fact, he heard the news of Daqin very early, and he didn't care too much. He thought that Daqin would be destroyed in a few days.

An apocalyptic world force has no way to defeat the alchemy forces, and there is no way to fight the Quartet, because this is the site of the alchemy world.

But then he never thought that Daqin not only defeated one alchemy family, but also fought against the Quartet, counterattacked the alchemy world, and let the Sifang alchemy family fall into fear. ()

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