The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2376: Golden claw

The gold and iron stood in the sky and looked down at the Qindi below. Although the feeling is not weak, it is still too weak for the Golden Claw family. It can be easily destroyed by the Golden Claw family.

His appearance not only caused the fear of the Daqin soldiers, but also made the surrounding forces somewhat scared.

After the owners of the parties learned about the identity of Jin Tie, their faces were even paler. They did not think that such a strong family of the Golden Claw family had turned their eyes on Daqin. Now Daqin may have suffered.

They also think that Daqin is very strong. They are not opponents. But this golden claw family is a kingdom-level family. The two sides are not at a level at all.

Some people are gloating, waiting for Daqin to stop, such people are the majority. After all, Daqin is an outside force and threaten them. They naturally want Daqin to be destroyed.

Only a small number of people are worried that Daqin is destroyed. This is not because they stand on the side of Daqin, but that Daqin can benefit them.

There are only two families that truly support Daqin, that is, the remaining Tujia and Shuijia. They can see the strength of Daqin in person, and they are also a kingdom-level existence. They are also stronger than the general kingdom. They don’t believe that Daqin will be destroyed. .

This information will naturally not leak out, waiting for the owners of the parties to regret.

Zhao Wei also walked out from one side, and his eyes looked at the golden claws in the sky.

Jin Tieguang also fell on Zhao Wei, and he also saw Zhao Wei as the leader here. He said coldly, "You Daqin is very honored to receive my attention. Now give you two choices. First, now offer your woman. And the property, the second died in desperation and fear."

Zhao Wei couldn't help but chuckle. "Whoever gave you the courage to come to Daqin dare to be so crazy?"

Gold and iron with a arrogance, "I am crazy? You probably don't know my identity, I am the master of the Golden Claw family, the Golden Claw family is a kingdom-level family, and I am a strong man of heaven, if I I want to go, you can't stop me with you."

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "The kingdom-level family? The power of the heavens? How is that?"

There was a sigh of anger on the face of the gold and iron. "You are very ignorant and pitiful now. The emperor and the kingdom-level family are not something that Daqin can make you feel. You may be letting me out now."

Zhao Yan said with a provocative smile, "Is it? Then you will temporarily show me your power as a heavenly king!"


The gold and iron broke out again and a stronger pressure shrouded the four sides. The heavens and the earth changed. The terrible power was cracking on the ground. Jin Tiegang wanted to start with Zhao, but a large number of Daqin soldiers also came over.

"Hey! You will only hide behind the soldiers now. Immediately I will mobilize a large number of soldiers to come and destroy your Daqin. Let you know that the sky is thick and thick. At that time, even if you ask for mercy, it will be useless."

Zhao Xiao laughed. "Good! Then I will come out and let me see and see your powerful power!"

Next to the flower family, I still don't know the power of Zhao Wei. Everyone is shocked. The gold and iron are so powerful. It seems that they can overtake the world. Is Zhao Wei not sent to death?

Qian Chiba quickly pulled Zhao Wei. "People! Don't go out. He doesn't dare to come in here. The strength of Daqin is not afraid of the Golden Claw family. But if you have an accident, Daqin will be very unfavorable."

Hua Qingyi snorted. "Mother said it is right, you don't want to be stubborn, we are your woman, I don't want to be a widow."

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "You still understand the strength of Daqin, but you have not understood my strength."

Everyone in the flower house looked a glimpse and looked around. The Daqin generals of the parties did not have any obstruction. There are some strange things in my heart. Why did Zhao Wei go to death and others do not stop?

Zhao Wei let Hua Qiang release his hand and a person came outside the city wall.

Everyone in the Hua family understands that Zhao Wei is not only the owner of a big Qin Empire, but his strength may be very strong, but they still have a bit of worry in the face of such a terrible gold and iron.

Zhao Tie, who looked at Jin Tie with a cold smile, did not expect that Zhao Wei would dare to come out. He sensed the power of Zhao Wei, and there was nothing special about it.

Since Zhao Wei is looking for his own death, he will naturally not be soft.


Jin Tie took a huge momentum and rushed to Zhao Yu. A metal hand was like a claw, giving off a sharp atmosphere, as if the earth could be drawn.

I saw the speed of the gold and iron rushed to the front of Zhao Wei, cold channel, "dead!" A claw with the power of the monks, Zhao Zhao grabbed the past.

With a disdainful smile, Zhao Wei looked at the gold and iron that rushed over, simply clenched his fist and made a forward stroke.


Very sharp claws and a simple punch hit together in a flash, a horrible shock wave spread out, the ground instantly collapsed, and a gust of wind mixed with countless gravels.

The ground shattered a large pit of hundreds of meters. Zhao Wei stood in the air and did not move a step. The gold and iron turned back a dozen steps. The corner of his mouth flowed out of blood, and his face looked ugly and looked at Zhao Wei.

He made a full blow but was easily defeated by Zhao Wei. This man is stronger than him, but how could he have such terrible power?

Regardless of the shock, Jin Tie turned and flew to one side. This person is so terrible, it is his place, and if he does not go, it will be very miserable.

Zhao Wei looked at Jin Tie and tried to escape. He sneered, his body instantly disappeared in the same place, appeared in the side of Jin Tie, his body twisted, and his leg kicked out with strong force, as if the mountain would be kicked.

Jin Tie was shocked and his hands rushed in front of him, giving off a powerful force.


A dull voice sounded, and the gold iron was kicked out by a kick and fell to the ground.

Jin Tie looked angry and climbed up from the ground. A horrible force erupted. Numerous golden rays emanated from the body. His two metal arms began to grow and become larger, forming two more powerful claws~www.锵!

The gold and iron waved with one hand, and the five golden crescents with strong sharp powers flew away to Zhao Fei, and the speed was very fast.

Zhao Yu extended a hand, a powerful force emerged from the palm of his hand, and a black dragon mask emerged.


The five golden crescents shattered on the defensive hood, and the defensive hood only cracked a few cracks and was not crushed.


The gold and iron body appeared in front of Zhao Wei, a metal claw with a huge force caught Zhao Yu.


A huge sound was emitted, and the black defensive hood was crushed by a piece of gold and iron. It continued to catch Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu extended a hand and grabbed the arm and threw it to one side. The whole body was thrown out.

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