The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2379: family

"No! The Gold Claw family is such a powerful force. It has dispatched 30 billion troops to the city of Daqin. Didn't dare to do it to Daqin? Is it true? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"I also don't believe that the Golden Claw family is one of the strongest forces in the region. Isn't that afraid of him? How can I not even dare to shoot an apocalyptic force? I still dare not dare to challenge him."

"It is true. I saw it with my own eyes. Although the power of the family of the Golden Claw family is strong, the momentum is overbearing and tyrannical, but the Lord of the Great Qin is more arrogant than him, and completely suppresses the Golden Claw."

"Well! You didn't see it at the time. Some of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth did not dare to breathe in front of the Lord of the Great Qin. The Lord of the Great Qin was terrible."

"I feel that it is not only the master of Daqin. If it is possible to resist the army by a master of the Great Qin Dynasty, the army of Daqin may be terrible, so the Golden Claw family does not dare to attack."

"Right, I think so. You didn't look at the devilish appearance of the Golden Claw family. This Daqin is really strong. It can make a kingdom-level family like this. Fortunately, we didn't choose to host them?"

"Ha ha ha, yes, I felt that this Daqin was not simple from the beginning, so I also handled the relationship with Daqin. It turns out that I am really not wrong."

"Now is the time of performance, we immediately give gifts to Daqin first congratulations, like such a terrible force, we must please it, there can be no offense."


The parties rushed to give gifts to Daqin to express congratulations. There was no such thing as waiting for Daqin to be destroyed and gloating.

Now the forces that are hostile to Daqin are terrible. They were full of hope and thought that their savior was coming, very happy.

I hope that there will be much disappointment. They originally thought that Daqin would be eliminated by the Golden Claw family. Then they would not have to worry about Daqin’s attack. However, they did not expect the Golden Claw family to dare to do it.

Is the strength of this Daqin really so strong? Now they are also very scared, and all the forces are afraid, without exception.

Plus, they sent the messengers of Daqin for mercy, and there was no response. Many families felt that their hearts were dead.

"All of them blame you, nothing to resist Daqin, now it is good, Daqin forgives the opportunity not to give one, the whole family will be destroyed."

"Yeah! You look at other forces and have a good relationship with Daqin. Not only will you not be attacked by Daqin, but there are also various benefits. It is really mad at me."

"You guys love to force, but also yell, Daqin does not dare, I will advise you not to do this, the current result can be said, blame you."

"Well, it’s useless now, or what should I do now?"

"What can I do now? The Golden Claw family does not dare to shoot Daqin, we must be dead, I think we will withdraw from this area as soon as possible!"

"I feel that this is the only way now. Although the loss of evacuation is huge, at least the family roots have been saved."

"Well, now we have no choice but to move now, or Daqin will attack again and everything will be late."


The families of the parties made a decision and did not hesitate. They immediately ordered people to pack up and prepare to move to other areas. Now they can’t beat Daqin, they can only choose to hide.

The migration of different families in different places, this action is very big, sensational to the Quartet, this is the largest family migration in history, no one is not eye-catching.

Daqin naturally learned the news very quickly. Zhao Wei frowned. If they ran, who would they fight?

At this time, there was no way. Zhao Wei left two billion troops to defend Qin, and the other 10 billion troops attacked the families who fled.

The number of these families reaches several hundred. If you want to kill them all at once, it is impossible.

Zhao Wei does not want to reveal too much strength of Daqin. He can only think of the contract signed with the Golden Claw family. The Golden Claw family, as a kingdom-level family, has the ability to intercept these forces and escape.

Daqin does not need them to do anything, they are only responsible for interception, Daqin is responsible for killing, not too much loss of the Golden Claw family, the Golden Claw family should be unified.

Zhao Wei immediately went to the Golden Claw family and told the Golden Claw family about it.

The Golden Claws did not think that they had just come back to Daqin. They had to ask for it. It was not difficult to hear that this request was only to help the family who escaped from the parties. The Golden Claw family breathed a sigh of relief.

To solve this requirement, they will not owe anything to Daqin, and the contract is only one year. They can investigate Daqin’s information during the year.

After waiting for all the information of Daqin a year later, they are deciding whether to destroy Daqin. If Daqin is stronger than them, they can only bear it first, but if Daqin is weaker than them, they will have to repay Daqin ten times.

The families of the parties still don't know about this. They are packing up all kinds of valuable things. They want to migrate all of them. Not only soldiers, but also more people, and there are so many things.

After carrying all kinds of things, the families moved in front of all directions, and they also built a block of transmissions to transmit.

Otherwise, if so many people, if they rely on it, they will not be able to leave this place for ten days.

The Golden Claw family has long waited for a long time, one by one to start a large array, directly blocking the transmission of each family.

This made the families of the parties very panic, thinking that Daqin attacked them, so they immediately formed a defensive formation, ready to withstand the attack of Daqin.

But what happened was not the Daqin soldiers, but the army of the Golden Claw family.

The families of the parties are on, "How do you make the Golden Claw family a running dog of outside forces? Help the outside forces to harm us. Are your Golden Claw families also equipped with alchemists? You gold The claw family is too disgusting, the most annoying thing is your family."

In the face of the embarrassment and anger of the families of the parties, the Golden Claw family has become somewhat angry.

Before the Daqin's anger, because Daqin was too terrible, they could only endure it. Now these little families dare to insult them. Do they really think they are bullying?


The Golden Claw family directly shot a wave of arrows. This arrow shot with a sharp metal smell, dragged out a stream of traces, and shot at many families.

Many families rushed to resist, using defensive hoods and using shields, but the sharp IDE arrows still shot through the defensive hood, causing a few casualties to all families.

This wave of attacks is only a warning. The families of the parties also understand that they are too different from the family of the claws. They dare not continue to curse the Golden Claw family. They are ugly in the spot and do not know what to do next.

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