The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2380: contract

A little bit past, the families of all parties are also anxious, they understand that Daqin will call soon, but they are not opponents of the Golden Claw family? What should I do now?

There is really no way for the families of the parties to choose to force a breakthrough. Otherwise, when Daqin comes over, they will be even worse when they attack each other.

The gun of a war sacred beast was aimed at the Golden Claw family. Many families of soldiers also clenched their weapons, and their faces were serious. They looked at the Golden Claw family and were preparing to launch a charge.

The Golden Claw family understands the purpose of each family, and immediately orders someone to retreat. They are only responsible for stopping these people, but they don’t want to help Daqin to kill these people, and they don’t want to lose anything.

The families of all parties have a happy heart, and they also see that the Golden Claw family does not want to fight with them, then they still have a chance.

Immediately, the people will be able to break through the isolation, and they will build more transmission arrays. They must deliver all the people at the fastest speed.

The strongest of the families and the people who are well versed in the law quickly broke the isolation in the sky, and everyone is also building more transmission arrays on the ground, and their movements and speed are very anxious.

The side of the Golden Claw family is not in a hurry. The new transmission array is arranged at a slower pace than the other families, giving hope to all parties.

Let them think that they can leave by breaking the transmission array, instead of directly fighting the Golden Claw family. The Golden Claw family itself is also very disgusted and afraid of Daqin. I really don't want to help Daqin.


A loud roar sounded, and a black army with a huge momentum like a flood, rushed to the families of the parties, unstoppable.

The families of the parties were shocked. The people immediately accelerated the construction of the defensive hood and broke the isolation. Others formed a defensive formation and were ready to arrive at Daqin’s offensive.

Now they can only form a defensive formation against the Daqin, without the city walls, and without the defensive array, they are intercepted here, the situation is very unfavorable.

The key is that they have to be careful of the golden claw family next to them. This family of gold claws helps Daqin intercept them. Who knows if they will attack them. They are facing two terrible forces, each of which is stronger than them. They look ugly.


The war sacred beast on the side of Daqin shot a beam of light with powerful power and shot it toward the front, as if it had penetrated the sky.


A huge arrow turned into a stream of light, with amazing power to shoot forward, bringing out a stream of traces, the momentum is terrible, as if no one can live.

The war sacred beasts on the side of the family also calmly and fully shot a huge beam of light, shooting forward with terrible power.

Many family soldiers exude a force to form a huge defensive cover to protect themselves.


A loud explosion sounded, and the two beams of light burst into a huge explosion. The white light shone on the square, a terrible wave of volatility spread, the ground shook violently, and the wind blew toward the square, and the rock crashed.

The light dissipated, the defensive hoods of the various families were shattered, and there were many large pits. The nearby bodies were broken and the blood had already stained the ground.

This wave of attacks has caused a lot of casualties to all families, so that the alchemy families of all parties are pale and their hearts are full of fear.


The Daqin soldiers had already rushed to them, shouting loudly, waving their weapons and killing the family soldiers.

The two sides fought fiercely together.

A large Qin soldier rushed forward, a long gun forced through the chest of a family soldier, a family soldier shouted, raised a big knife and flew a large Qin soldier out.

A Daqin soldier waved a giant axe, and an axe with a terrible force directly smashed a family soldier in two. A Daqin soldier held a dagger and quickly cut the throat of a family soldier.

A family soldier armed with a sword in anger, took a forceful wave, brought out a cold mang, and smashed the head of a Daqin soldier. A Daqin soldier shouted and punched a family soldier out.

Ah, ah...

The screams, the sound of weapons and collisions continued to ring, the blood continued to splash, the **** smell spread, and the ground was covered with dead bodies, like hell.


A loud roar of screaming, some giant beasts of Daqin also fought, fiercely attacking the family soldiers, smashing their bodies out and killing them directly.

The war situation must have been a great advantage for Daqin. It has been continually killing the soldiers of the various parties. Now all the family soldiers are reluctant to fall back and can't resist the attack of the Daqin soldiers.

The people of the Golden Claw family also saw some surprises. This Qin Qin was really brave. They saw an apocalyptic world power for the first time. They hardly killed an alchemy force, and he really didn’t bother.

Now the Golden Claw family feels a bit gratified. At the beginning, they did not directly attack Daqin, otherwise they did not know what the consequences would be.

Ah, ah...

In addition to the fierce fighting on this side, and other places as well as the war, the Daqin soldiers and family soldiers opened a fierce fight, because the Daqin soldiers had many advantages, and the family soldiers were not opponents at all.

Many people in the center, fear of watching the killing of the Daqin soldiers, some could not help but cry, feeling a deep despair.

The battle was too fierce, and some of the owners personally went to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

But no matter what the families of the parties do, they can't resist the attack of Daqin, watching the people who are dying, some of the owners can't bear it, and shouted on the ground, "Don't kill, I am willing to surrender!"

With the surrender of this homeowner, the war is slowly subsiding.

The Golden Claw family saw this scene also thought about launching an offensive against the families of the parties. If Daqin receives the families of the parties, the strength will become stronger.

They don't want to see this kind of result, and they also surrendered to these families to the Golden Claw family. With the addition of these families, the strength of their Golden Claw family will be enhanced.

The families of the parties could not withstand the attack of Daqin. Now the family of the Golden Claws has joined in. The families of the parties have no hope at all. Some choose to escape from the other side. Some choose to surrender and some die there.

Zhao Wei was a little dissatisfied with the behavior of the Golden Claw family. This is obviously the fat of Daqin, but they were robbed by them.

In particular, they surrendered to the alchemy family and shouted that they were alchemists who would be better than other races.

This has been recognized by many people, and as a result, many people have surrendered to the Golden Claw family.

Zhao Wei now has a point to start a war against the Golden Claw family, but because the contract is not broken, he can only bear it first. ()

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