The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2400: Immortal

The proud woman also injects a force into the sword in her hand. The sword exudes a myriad of swords, forming a huge sword dragon composed of swords, making a huge roar and rushing forward with a terrible sword.


The knives and the swordsman slammed together, and a huge explosion spread out, tearing the void and shining the light.

The two men were each stepped back by more than a dozen meters.

The silver-robed beautiful woman worried that her son was very dangerous, and shouted in a twilightous opening. "Three sisters, you are blocking me, really don't blame me."

The proud woman said, "Let me see if your strength can beat me!"


The silver robe beauty is unbearable, bursting out all the power, and the body ignited a huge silver arrogance, and the body instantly rushed forward, dragging a silver flow mark.


The proud and beautiful woman's face was serious, and she did not care. All the power broke out, and a golden arrogance emerged. A gust of wind continued to blow, and the body rushed to the silver robes to pull out a golden stream.


A sound of explosions continued to sound, and a wave of shocks continued to spread. The void was constantly fragmented and collapsed. The terrible momentum caused the body to cool and the hair was erected.


A loud and loud noise occurred, and both of them showed the most terrible attack. There was a terrible explosion. The two bodies flew out and spit out a large mouthful of blood. They were pale and seriously injured.

The proud woman looked sharp and turned to look at Zhao Wei. "Boy! Now she has no power. You listen to me and kill her. I will give you everything you want."

Now that both of them have lost both sides, there is no power. For their sons, there is no harm. She can only choose to kill the silver robes.

The silver robe beauty woman heard the proud beauty and let people kill her. Cold face was unceremonious and said to Zhao Wei, "You understand her viciousness now. If you follow her words, there is absolutely no end, you listen to me now. Kill her, I can give you everything you want."

Gao proud beautiful woman hurriedly said, "My identity can be far more noble than her. If you dare to kill, the consequences are extremely serious. My mother is another holy force. If you kill me, you will receive two holy The pursuit of the ranks of power."

"But if you listen to me and kill her, I can guarantee that you have nothing to do, you can rest assured."

The silver robe beauty woman's face is a bit ugly, and she quickly said to Zhao Wei, "Don't believe her words, or you will regret it."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Okay! Don't fight, I won't kill you both, then you two should give me everything I want."

The two beautiful women had a sly expression and did not understand what Zhao Wei meant.

Hey! Hey!

The sound of the two chains suddenly sounded, and the two chains were shot from the void of Zhao Wei, and quickly tied the bodies of the two beautiful women, then pulled and pulled the two beautiful women toward Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei extended his hands and held two beautiful women in his arms.

The two beautiful women were shocked and said with a cold face. "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Your two sons have offended me, so you two need to repay them."

Gao proud beautiful woman sneered and said, "Your boy is simply daring, we are not only from the holy forces, but also the woman of the Lord of the Holy Power, and we have become a fairy, you dare to try me, I see How are you dead?"

The silver robe beauty woman advised, "She said yes, if you do this, the end will be very miserable, we will surely chase you to the ends of the earth, if you let me go, I will not pursue anything. ”

Zhao Wei is not polite to play with the two women's chest, said with a chuckle, "The immortal is terrible, the holy forces are terrible, but the number of people I offend is not clear, I am not afraid, unless You can find me."

The proud woman and the silver robes are shocked. They all show their identity. This person dares to do this, and there is no fear. What is his identity? Immortal and holy forces are not afraid.

Now they have no resistance at all. They have just said that they can break through to the immortal world for their common acquaintance, and they are reduced to a virtual environment. They could all exist at the big energy level, and they can kill Zhao Wei.

However, they only had a virtual environment at this time, and they were deeply injured, so they were easily subdued by Zhao Wei.

If you know that Zhao Wei is such a person, they should kill Zhao Wei before.

I don't know what magic this kid has. Under his play, their faces are flushed and their bodies become weak. Some kind of reaction is very big.

The silver robe beauty said, "You don't want to do this, the consequences will be very serious."

Things have come to this point, there is no turning back, even if they are put together, the result will be the same, and Zhao Wei wants to be angry with This can only blame their two sons, everything They are all caused by them.

Zhao Wei bowed his head and kissed the silver robes, and the silver robes were struggling a few times, and they responded fiercely to Zhao.

The proud woman has a flushed face and snorted. "Three sisters are really a slut, and dare to be intimate with other men."

Zhao Wei turned his head and kissed him on the proud lips of the beautiful woman. The proud proud woman responded more fiercely to Zhao Wei.

Feng Wuye stood on one side, his face was blushing, and he said to Ling Ji, "Is the owner always like this?"

Ling Ji’s face floated a little red, a little helpless, whispered, “Well! He has good temptations in this area, and he has no resistance to other mothers and wives.”

On the other hand, handsome young people have caught up with the Qingxiu youth. This time, a handsome young man does not want to waste time and opportunity. He wants to kill the Qingxiu youth by lifting his knife.

Qingxiu youth is afraid to ask for directions. "Three brothers ask you not to kill me. I can make a guarantee. I will never take the place of you to inherit the successor. Even I can leave the semi-fairy world and ask you to give me a living path."

The handsome young people looked at the Qingxiu youth for mercy, and there was some suspicion in their hearts. They were brothers after all, but for the sake of the successor, the handsome young man was in a hurry and was about to kill the Qingxiu youth.


A huge roar, a beautiful woman wearing a white palace dress, tall and exudes a generous and dignified temperament.

The handsome young man saw this beautiful woman, scared and hurriedly took back the knife, bowed down and honestly shouted, "Auntie!"

The person who came was his father who had a wife and was the most important person of his father. He was in a very high position in the power. No one dared to offend her because she had only one dead end.

Qingxiu’s youth was greatly surprised. He hurried to the side of the beautiful woman and said, “Auntie! The third brother is going to kill me, you must save me.”

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