The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2401: ruins

The handsome young man quickly explained, "Auntie didn't have that, I just joked with the four brothers. He is my brother. How could I kill him, and if I kill him, I will kill him. How can I stay? Until now?"

The white-dressed woman is cold-faced. "Okay! You don't have to say anything. Your father already knows, and when you go back, you will deal with it."

The handsome young man is pale, and he can understand the consequences. Even if his father does not kill him, he may severely punish him and cannot become a heir.

"Auntie! I know it is wrong, please ask your father for sympathy." The original arrogant handsome young man looked scared and begged the white skirt beauty.

The white-dressed woman looked at the handsome young man and sighed. "I know! But this kind of thing must not be the next time. How can you fight for the heirs as a brother?"

When I heard this, the handsome young man breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully smiled. "Auntie thank you, I will guarantee that there will be no next time."

The Qingxiu youth was dissatisfied and said, "You can't favor the third brother. If I didn't escape, I was killed by him."

The white-dressed woman comforted and said, "Auntie understands this and will not let you be wronged."

Qingxiu youth showed a smile, "Thank you aunt!"

The white-dressed woman said something strangely, "What about your two mothers? Are they coming one step ahead of me?"

The handsome young and the Qingxiu youth have doubts, we have not seen the mother.

The white-dressed woman frowned and said, "Now you two honestly go back, your father and there are other people waiting for you, to deal with the present things together, I am going to find the two of you."

The Qingxiu youth and the handsome youth nodded, and the white-dressed woman flew to one side.

"Bastard, scum, scum..."

At this time, the proud and beautiful woman on the ruins of the void is also the mother of a handsome young man, cursing Zhao Wei while fierce and Zhao Wei, and the other side of the silver robe is also indulged in it, making a debauchery voice.

Ling Ji and Feng Wu Ye face are blushing, and they are watching the three people doing unspeakable.

The white-dressed woman flew over to find two beautiful women.

After a while, the white-dressed woman did not find two people, and she was puzzled. According to the truth, the two of them had already arrived here, how could they not see them? What happened?

Carefully sensing the surrounding void, the white-dressed woman found an enchantment in the ruins of a void.

The white-dressed woman thought for a moment and flew to the enchantment.

Before coming to the interface, the white-dressed woman found that it was just a sound-proof enchantment. It was easy to break. With a wave of power, a force was released, and a hole was formed in the enchantment. The white-dressed woman flew into it.

at once!

The white-dressed woman’s face was awkward, and some couldn’t believe it. Because she heard the sound of the two beautiful women’s debauchery, how could they make such a voice? Even when they were in harmony with each other, they did not make such a voice.

What are they doing now? Will not be with men? But although they don't get along very well, they have always been deeply in love with each other and should not betray the public.

Then why do they make such a voice?

The white-dressed woman was shocked and the body flew forward carefully. As it got closer and closer to the sound, the white-dressed woman’s heart jumped faster and faster, and became more and more tense.

Finally came to the ruins and saw the fierce three people.


The white-dressed woman’s head is like a blast, and there is a blank. I didn’t even think that this is true. The two of them betrayed the same, and they were so debauchery.


Then an anger rushed into my heart, and the white-dressed woman spit out a large blood. Originally, the six of them broke through to the immortal world for their fellowship, and they fell into a weak stage. Now they are still in a weak stage.

This anger made the white skirt beautiful woman vomiting blood, and the body breath was chaotic, as if it was seriously injured.

The proud woman and the silver robes also noticed the white-dressed woman, her face was ashamed, and some of her face did not see the white dress, but the body was more excited and Zhao squatted.

Zhao Wei looked at the white-dressed woman who was sent to the door, and she was not polite. A chain of chains shot her in front of her.

The white-dressed woman struggled hard, but she was seriously injured now. She did not have much strength to resist. She was directly imprisoned by Zhao Wei, and then she became fierce with Zhao Wei.

Finally, Feng Wuye looked at the three beautiful women's faces and couldn't help but join them. Looking at Zhao Wei, who constantly invaded her, she found that her owner liked her, and she was much better than that cold.

Ling Ji blushes and joins it, making a sound that he can't even imagine.


On the other side of a tall and luxurious room, at the top is a handsome middle-aged man with two beards, which exudes a fairy-level pressure.

There are also three beautiful women sitting next to A slim figure with a cool face, a full-bodied, temperament, and a blue palace dress, gentle and gentle.

The handsome youth and the Qingxiu youth who are kneeling in front.

There are also several people standing on both sides. There are men and women. The breath and looks are similar to those of middle-aged men. They should be children of middle-aged men.

The handsome young man squatted on the ground and said honestly, "Father! This time I was wrong. I almost made such a big reversal. I also ask you to punished severely. I have no complaints."

The handsome middle-aged man snorted, "You still know it wrong!"

The handsome young man squatted on the ground, honestly bowed his head, did not dare to make any voice, and voluntarily admit his mistake is the best choice now, hoping that his father should not be too angry.

The young man of the Qingxiu is on the ground, but his heart is secretly happy. This time his brother may suffer.

"Four children! You get up, this thing doesn't blame you."

The Qingxiu youth heard the words of his father, smiled on his face, stood up from the ground, and said with a little hypocrisy, "Father! I see the mistake of the third brother, please don't punish the third brother too much."

The middle-aged man saw the excitement of the Qingxiu youth at a glance, and glanced at him with a sigh of anger. "There are all our family in the room. I don't want to see you killing each other for the sake of mutual benefit, even the family is not care, unity and harmony. What is a bad place? And who have I ever favored?"

Hearing his words, everyone below was honestly bowing his head and dare not say a word.

Next to the charming woman, she advised, "People! Don't be angry, they should not be committing this in the future."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and calmed his anger. He continued, "I will soon fly up to the fairyland. The things of the power are not counted by me alone. There are other elders who deal with it. Don't put your mind on it." ”

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