The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2403: Ghost fairy

Ah, ah...

A loud scream rang, and it was not long before Zhao Wei’s three men entered. A sly ghost screamed, and then with a strong momentum, he rushed over to Zhao Zhao.

The picture is terrible. Countless ghosts are swept away by Zhao Yu, like a tidal wave. The sound is huge and the square is shaken. This place is called a forbidden place. Naturally, there are terrible places.

The powerful phoenix dance leaves are also a little nervous in my heart.

Ling Ji is now weaker, seeing such a terrible group of ghosts, his face becomes a bit serious.

Zhao Wei walked up alone, facing the imposing ghosts, but his face was not afraid.


A thunderous explosion broke out, as if something was broken. Zhao’s body ignited a smoldering flame, and countless gray rays spread out. The surrounding void seemed to be banned by an invisible force, and everything was at rest. Gives a sense of oppression like the heavens and the earth.

The temperature of the whole world has dropped rapidly and it has become cold and biting. Countless people in this world can't help but tremble.

Zhao Wei’s left half of his face turned red and red, and he looked extremely embarrassed, like a ghostly face, and grew a tooth decay.

The pale eyeball of the eyebrows turned into seven colors, and the eyelids in Zhao’s eyes burst into a thin mouth with a horrible force beyond imagination.

Nine gray rune circles floated around Zhao Wei, one larger than one, each one is one foot wide.

Now Zhao Wei is like a ghost fairy. The terror of only one person has overshadowed the momentum of the entire group of ghosts.

Originally, a fierce ghost with a strong temperament rushed over, frightened and scattered, the body quickly retreated, and even some ghosts were like ancestors who were squatting on the ground.

The ghost of Haotian collapsed instantly!

When Zhao Wei came here, he did not hesitate and went directly into the ghost mode. When he came here, this mode will definitely enter. Zhao Wei will use this state in advance to avoid some troubles.

Feng Wuye looked at Zhao Zhao in front of her face with a shocked look. Before Zhao Hao entered the state of the gods, that kind of power was enough to make her fear. She did not think that Zhao Wei had such a horrible power.

Her master is really terrible. It seems that she really did not follow the wrong person. She also became very happy when she thought of the phoenix dance.

Ling Ji also looked shocked, and she was the first to see the power of the ghost mode.

Zhao Wei’s body flew forward, and Feng Wuye and Ling Ji followed.

Dissembling this ghostly power that transcends the heavens and the earth, no matter what ghosts on the way, seeing Zhao Wei scared to escape directly, he did not dare to stay for a moment.

Zhao Wei also caused a sensation in the ghost field.

"Run, run, I heard that a ghost fairy broke into us, it was terrible, no ghosts."

"Really? What is a ghost thrown into us? There is also a good deed. We are also ghosts. It is the same attribute as that ghost fairy. What are you afraid of?"

"Your boy doesn't even know the horror of the ghost. It is beyond my imagination. It scares me away from a distance. Under his terrible momentum, my ghosts have collapsed."

"Have you seen the ghost fairy? I also looked at it far away, scared my soul is gone, I felt such a terrible power for the first time, and this ghost fairy is mainly poor, will Many ghosts are so scared."

"Yeah! I don't know if it is the ghost who doesn't know how to be awkward. I dare to offend the ghost fairy. Now the ghost fairy is coming to the door. The ghost must be dying. Anyway, there is no ghost outside the forbidden place to stop him. Look at the core of the forbidden land that existed in ancient times."

"Now everyone is honestly here, don't make trouble, if anyone wants to die, die, don't be tired of everyone."


Zhao Wei flew forward with Feng Yingye and Ling Ji, and flew directly inside the forbidden land. There was no need to look at the outside, and there was no place for Zhao Wei to find.

As it gets closer and closer to the inside of the forbidden land, the huge fairy ghosts are getting richer and thicker, and some places are almost crystallized. The terrible coldness is getting more and more terrible, as if it could be iced.

Zhao Wei entered the state of ghosts, and the body can bear this cold, but Feng Dance and Ling Ji are somewhat difficult.

The nine-way rune circle around Zhao Wei spread out, emitting a lot of light, constantly rotating, forming a rune cover to wrap three people, to resist the terrible cold.


Zhao Yi all the way through the unblocked rushed into the interior of the ghost field, the powerful ghosts inside the ghost refining domain knew Zhao Hao, because they caused such a big sensation on the outside, they could not know.


A terrible ghost of a Tauren height of 10,000 meters, holding a huge iron fork, appeared in front of Zhao Wei with a huge momentum.


A ghost wearing gray armor, pure black eyes, waist and long sword, exudes a horrible killing will appear bang!

A roaring sound, a monster with three ghosts, and a strong human body, a monster more than a dozen meters, with amazing ghost power.


A ghost that only emits a terrifying momentum appeared in front of Zhao Wei, and directly surrounded Zhao Wei. The momentum was sensational and the atmosphere became extremely suppressed. Even if he was far away, he could feel it.

Many ghosts looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes, and found that Zhao Wei was not a ghost fairy at all, but a person who was cultivated by the emperor had no horror outside.

However, many ghosts do not have any ease, or a serious face, because he is not as horrible as rumors, but he is still very horrible, just because of the power of his ghosts, they have fear in their hearts. .

The ghost of the huge bullhead, with a deafening voice, "Who are you? Why are you running here?"

Because of the extremely terrible momentum that Zhao Yu exudes, there are many ghosts and strong people, but there are still no ghosts to dare to start with Zhao.

As ghosts living in the forbidden land, they also have the power to understand some unknown things. They are not only the power of Zhao Wei, but also the identity of Zhao Wei.

The power of this ghost is far more terrible than the power they have mastered, and they also feel the breath of their own blood, and look at his blatant direct intrusion, they are even less dare to start with Zhao.

When they look at Zhao Wei, they must be a person who can't imagine the power. Such people can't offend the existence of the forbidden place, let alone them.

So they didn't do it. The ghost of a huge bullhead, the tone of speech is in a tone of politeness.

Only Zhao Wei has this treatment. If the general saint dares to do this, then he does not know how to die.

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