The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2404: Shimen

Zhao Wei’s expression has not changed. He watched many powerful ghosts exude a terrible momentum, and surrounded himself with rigorous and sturdy, and he seemed to be stunned.

The sound is extremely gloomy, like the sound of nine secluded sounds. "I am looking for a stable place to build a circle!"

When I heard the voice of Zhao Wei, many powerful ghosts felt a little chill in my heart. I thought that this person was terrible in my heart, but after listening to Zhao Wei’s words, I showed a false expression.

He was rushing into the forbidden land with a man's temperament to build a circle of law? Are you sure you made a mistake?

Many ghosts really thought that Zhao Wei came to seek revenge, or forcibly seized their treasures, so they gathered together.

Just looking for a place where the law can be built, this has no image for their interests, and many powerful ghosts are relieved.

The huge Tauren said, "This is no problem, but here the void formed by the cracks in the fairy world has been in a state of collapse and nothingness, and it is almost impossible to find a place to build a circle."

Zhao Wei couldn’t turn because the Tauren turned away in a word, and said, “I have to look for it first.”

The bullhead ghost said with a smile, "With you! Anyway, it will not affect us."

There are no other ghosts to stop, because of conflicts of interest, they certainly do not want to risk offending such a terrible person as Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei did not say anything, flying with Feng Yingye and Ling Ji to one side.

Many powerful ghosts do not dare to block and give way.

Feng Wu Ye and Ling Ji feel that their hearts are jumping out. These powerful ghosts are not only stronger than them, but the critical quantity is extremely large. They are impossible to be opponents.

If there is no Zhao Wei, they are surrounded by so many ghosts, and there is only one death in the end.

Now they are behind Zhao Wei, and a pair of beautiful women are watching Zhao’s back. They are also very admired by Zhao Wei. He is a powerful man who lives in the powerful ghosts, so that they don’t dare to do anything, even dare to offend him. .

Many ghosts stood there watching Zhao Zhao leave, and some ghosts couldn’t help but open their mouths.

"That kid feels arrogant, doesn't put us in the eye, and doesn't know what identity it is. I have never felt such terrible power."

"I think the kid should be a fairy in the fairy world, otherwise it is impossible to have this kind of power. This kind of power is not the power that can be nurtured by the mortal world."

"Well! I feel this way too, and his source of blood, feeling far more terrible than the average source."

"Oh! It's a pity to let him go. His blood and strength are so terrible. If he devours his flesh and blood, he can get the benefits of greatness, and maybe he has that kind of horrible power."

"Hahaha, you can die by yourself. Can you kill someone who wants to kill? Don't say you, even if ten kills him, and he doesn't need help from others. You can smash you into slag."

"Oh, I feel the same way. The strength that the person showed is not real strength, but also hides some powerful power."

"Okay! Everyone is gone! Nothing, and if he really came to find a place to build a squad, then don't worry about him. If he finds that he has other purposes, he will immediately send the news."

"Well, I also feel such a terrible person. It is not easy to break into our forbidden place. Everyone must be careful."


Zhao Wei flew around with Feng Wuye and Ling Ji, looking for a suitable place to build the law. Some powerful monsters quietly followed behind, staring at Zhao Yi every move to prevent Zhao Wei from doing other things.

Any ghosts along the way saw Zhao Yi retreat, Zhao Wei entered this ghost state, can really be with you.

The final result is indeed as the powerful ghosts say, and there is no suitable place to be the place to build the transmission array.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and could only turn his attention to the core of the forbidden land.

Now there is a strong ghost mode blessing, the property and the forbidden property are in line with each other. Zhao Xin, the core area of ​​the forbidden land, can't enter, maybe here can enter, so Zhao Wei takes people to the core area.

After watching the ghosts behind him and understanding Zhao’s purpose, he was shocked and hurriedly spread the news.

The core area of ​​the forbidden area can be completely different from the outer area. It is more than a hundred times more dangerous than the outside. The ghosts inside are ghosts from the fairy world. They usually don't dare to go there.

After many ghosts heard the news, they came in with surprise.

At this time, Zhao Wei and Feng Yi Ye Ling Ji have come to the front of the core area. It seems that there is a gray mask shrouded in the front, and the ground around them has crystallized. The cold power that comes out is also horrible.

Now Zhao’s body is also extremely cold, and it can be seen how powerful the ghosts in the core area are.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Yu exuded a huge ghost flame, a huge incomparable ghost force spread out, poured into the rune cover, the rune cover exudes the power of shaking the world, wrapped in Zhao Wei The three flew forward.

Many powerful ghosts stand in the distance, they are not so courageous, dare to get close here.

The rune hood flew forward and began to withstand the terrible fairy ghost, but as it got closer and closer, the kind of fairy ghost seemed to be a sharp knife and cut the rune cover.


A thunderous roar sounded, and the ultimate force of the ghosts spread out from Zhao’s body. At that moment, the whole piece of the void was imprisoned, without any hindrance, and countless fairy ghosts flinched.

In the rune cover, Zhao Wei exudes a huge ghost flame, and the eyebrow of the eyebrow is writhing quickly, emitting a gloomy, cold, annihilating atmosphere.

The power of the powerful ghosts is injected into the rune hood, and the rune cover exudes a huge force that no longer splits and becomes more sturdy.

Three meters high and three meters high, the color is gray, the stone door that radiates the ancient vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, with the heaven and earth slowly appearing in the six directions of the defensive cover, giving people a feeling of extreme suppression.

Many powerful ghosts standing in the distance, surprised by the look, can feel the terrible power from this far, the body is slightly trembling, this person seems to be a ghostless character.

With this momentum, Zhao Wei continued to fly to the core area of ​​the forbidden area.

Countless horror fairy ghosts began to shrink and feared, but more ghosts began to gather together, forming a huge wave of air, with the power to destroy everything to Zhao Yu impact.

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