The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2416: 5-people

In the next few days, Zhao Yushuang can't do it. I want to take what treasures directly. There are two big-level protections. Don't worry about a little threat. Those creatures that are far stronger than Zhao Wei don't dare to have any opinions.

In the past few days, Zhao Wei has harvested countless precious treasures. Each of them has greatly helped Daqin, which can greatly enhance the strength of Daqin.

This trip to the depths of the ban is really right.

What the old water dragon sensed at this time, said, "I have sensed that there is a treasure of our dragon in that direction, and there are still many people competing. Do you want to see it in the past?"

Dragon treasures? Many people are vying for it? Compared to the treasure is very good, Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded.

The crowd flew in that direction with a strong momentum.

Above the ruins is a golden crystal floating in the shape of a diamond. It is one meter long, and there is a golden dragon. The crystal emits countless rays and emits a huge dragon.

This crystal is a dragon soul, and it is not a general dragon soul. Its strength and blood are very powerful. Now the momentum that comes out is not so weak.

The dragon soul is an object that is condensed after the dragon dies. The power of the dragon will be lost a lot, but the momentum that is now emanating is not weaker than the mighty power. That means the owner of the dragon soul is a very powerful existence.

This is definitely a very powerful and scarce treasure, so not only a lot of ordinary people are robbing, even if the Son has joined the battle.


A roar of sound continued to sound, and a terrible wave of volatility continued to spread, forming a squally blow, the world changed, and the sand flew.

In particular, the terrible attacks of the Sons are extremely powerful, as if they can easily destroy the heavens and the earth, and the picture is very scary.

Ordinary people can start to withstand a few times, but it doesn't take long to resist. Some people are directly killed. This scares the ordinary people to withdraw from the battle group and dare not rob the treasures with those sons.

They retreat to the distance to see, the sacred son can **** the dragon soul, of course, there are also unwilling people, looking for opportunities to **** the dragon soul.

Many of the fighting sons, including the animal costume women and ugly youths Zhao met before.

They performed very well on the battlefield and successively repelled several sons.

There are too many sons involved in the battle. No one can **** the dragon soul for a time. Once the saint flies to the dragon soul, it is greeted with countless attacks, forcing them to stop.

The battle is still fierce, and the various saints cast a terrible attack on others.

Slowly, some of the saints were injured and forced to withdraw from the battle. Although the dragon soul is precious, they do not want to suffer heavy losses, and they do not want to lose their lives.

The Son who stayed on the battlefield is undoubtedly stronger than the ordinary Son.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five huge roars sounded, and five figures appeared in the sky, emitting the pressure that the heavens and the earth could not bear. Their temperament was extraordinary, and the celestial light was like five masters.

They are three men and two women. The strongest one is a young man with short hair and a cold face. The power he radiates seems to be comparable to the ordinary power level.

The second man was dressed in a green dress, temperament and easy-going, with a smile, the third man was a little fat, his eyes looked a little small.

The remaining two women, also very beautiful, a tall figure, wearing a white dress, temperament dust, like a fairy, a figure of grace, dressed in black, face cold.

Feeling the pressure from the five people, the saints who were fighting fiercely stopped, and looked up and looked at the five people in the sky, his face was slightly ugly.

The five of them are the five strongest people in the region. They have already reached the level of cultivation. How can these people have won these five people?

Originally, five of them were defeating creatures in different places to earn points, but because of Zhao’s appearance, they were not interested in defeating creatures and wanted to find the terrible person who got 20 million points.

Then all five of them felt that there was a lot of volatility here, and they came directly with a horrible momentum.

The five people glanced at the many sons and finally looked at the dragon soul. The fat man said with a smile. "This is a big-level dragon soul. Even if the power is very strong, it is no wonder that so many people are robbing. Do you want to think about things? If you don't want it, then it is mine."

When I heard this, many of the Sons were not convinced, but they could only endure it. They compared the other people’s trajectories to the place where they were placed, and the forces behind them were terrible.

The woman with a cold face said, "I want this thing, we still have to compete, and let the dragon take it away."

When the fat man thought about it, he smiled and said, "No problem! Do you guys want it?"

The fat man looked at the other three people and deliberately took a look at the cold young man. As the strongest person, if he wanted this dragon soul, it would be difficult for the fat man to grab him.

The elegant young man said with a smile, "I am not interested, you two fight!"

The woman in the white skirt did not speak, and it seemed that she did not seem interested.

Finally, the cold-hearted youth also said coldly, "I am not interested."

Then, the fat man and the cold woman flew to each side, exuding a much larger momentum, making the world change and the situation surging.

The other sons changed their faces and hurried back, and the two of them fought together must be terrible.


At that moment, the two immediately shot, the body disappeared in place, turned into two streams of black and red streamer, a horrible wave of proliferation, tearing the void, making a huge roar.


The roar did not stop, but kept ringing. The two black and red streamers continually collided with horrible power. The sky was shocked by countless cracks and was dyed in two colors. Black, one side is red.

The strong volatility hits, the ground is constantly breaking down, and the trees, stones, flowers and plants are also broken, without any resistance.

Everyone looked at the two fighting The strength of both people was too strong, and everyone felt a fear in their hearts.


A loud bang broke out, and two streams of light hit with great force. A red and black band of light spread with horrible power, and everything around it became nothingness.

A gust of wind blows with great power, countless trees are uprooted, and many stones are blown into the sky, and dust and grass are flying around.

The waves dissipated, and the fat man and the cold woman stood in the sky, and a trace of blood flowed out from the corners of their mouths.

The battle is not over yet. The two men look at each other and give off a terrible momentum. When they are about to continue, the accident happens.

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