The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2417: Dragon Soul


A huge roar sounded, and the momentum that overtook the world spread like a flood, and immediately drowned everything. Nothing could resist, and there was a fear in the heart.

The crowd was shocked and looked at the sky, only to see a group of people appear.

Headed by a young man with a black cloak and an ordinary atmosphere, but standing next to him, two old people, these two old people exude a powerful momentum over the world.

There are two other women, although they are extremely beautiful, but not very important.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Zhao Wei. "Who is this person in front of him? There are two horrible characters of the great level who respectfully protect him."

Although their holy forces have a lot of power, none of them have a high status in the power, and they have a lot of power. Usually, these sons need to be respectful to them and cannot easily offend them.

The five holy heavenly arrogances, their faces were serious, and they looked at the appearance of Zhao Wei, the two people who were about to fight, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.


Someone shouted in amazement. "He is the peerless powerhouse who got 20 million points. The breath that he exudes is the same as the breath of the fairy door."

Surrounded by a sigh of relief, I immediately sensed the breath of the fairy door.

"Yes, yes, he is the horror person who got 20 million points in a few hours. I thought I didn't have the chance to see such a terrible person. I didn't think he appeared in front of me."

"Ah, ah, excited, excited, and seeing such a strong presence with your own eyes, it’s really lucky."

"Well! I feel so lucky. I met him here. He is the one who is most likely to open Xianmen. I want to see him open Xianmen now, let us see what it looks like."

"Wait! Don't think that he is very powerful. There are two great powers around him. There are two powerful people who can help. It is not surprising that he easily gets so many points."

"I think so too. I feel that his strength and breath are good now. It is impossible to have such terrible ability!"

"Do you two are stupid? The first big one can't use the fairy door, the second one can't get the points. The third one is that he looks ordinary. Do you think ordinary people will make the power so respectful?"

"Well! He is not as terrible as we think, but it is definitely the existence of our contact, I still believe that he may open the door."


Hu Zhuang’s youth in the distance stared at Zhao Yu in the sky, and his face was unbelievable. He still underestimated Zhao’s identity. He did not expect Zhao’s identity to be so terrible. I did not think that Zhao Wei was the peerless powerhouse that was terrible than the holy heavenly arrogance.

The skinned woman and the ugly youth were equally shocked to see Zhao Wei. No wonder he beat them so easily. The words were so arrogant. The identity and strength were so scary. Fortunately, they were honestly leaving, but they could not be imagined.

Zhao Wei heard some of their words, a look, what points? It seems that they all know how they look.

The five holy heavenly arrogant faces looked seriously at Zhao Wei, and he was the horror person who made them feel weak.

Although they also sensed that Zhao’s breath and strength are very different, Zhao Wei gave them an invisible pressure and a very dangerous feeling.

Shuling and the old water dragon face a little serious, they also sense that the five people in front are terrible, have the power to fight with them, but they as a power, certainly have a very big advantage.

The old water dragon looked at the five people and said, "This dragon soul is the thing of my dragon family. Our adults are the dragons supreme, and the dragon soul should belong to my family."

"The sky is the Dragon Supreme?"

Everyone was shocked at once, and the Dragon Supreme Master said that he was the most distinguished person among the entire Dragons, and his identity was far more terrible than the Sons.

The five holy heavenly arrogances are more serious. Although they are extremely scary in their identity and blood, they are still not qualified to be called supreme. Those who dare to call such a name are very famous in the fairy world.

The cold-hearted youth said, "I don't have any interest in the Dragon Soul. You want to take it away."

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei is also welcome, reaching out and grabbing, an invisible force exudes, and a dragon soul automatically flies to Zhao Wei.

Feel the power of the powerful dragons contained in the Dragon Soul, and Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile.

This is the dragon spirit of the big energy level, and the power can also be the heart of things. Zhao Wei thinks that it will be too integrated into the nest of the Silver Night Dragon, which will certainly have unimaginable benefits. Maybe Daqin can cultivate a lot of energy. Night silver dragon.

Huiyin Yinlong is an eighth-order top dragon species. If they can be as much as Daqin's two-legged dragons, it is also very helpful for Daqin.

For Zhao Wei’s behavior, no one has opinions on the scene. They are not only afraid of Zhao’s identity. Now the two great powers are guarding him. They dare to rob the two big powers. Isn’t it looking for death?

To get things into space, Zhao Weizheng wants to leave, because Zhao Yulai is for the Dragon Soul.

The cold-hearted youth looked at Zhao Wei to leave, and quickly said, "I am the sacred son of Xuanwu and the half-land, I don't know who is the dragon?"

"Xuanwu half fairyland?"

When I heard the name, Zhao Wei stopped. Isn’t this the power that said that I want to accept myself as a disciple?

Zhao Wei is still very grateful for the power, he gave himself a map, so that he does not have to look for purposelessly.

Taking out that token, Zhao Wei asked with a smile. "Do you know this thing?"

The cold young man saw the token, his expression, and he did not expect it. He said, "This is a token unique to my master. I don't know how you have it?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I have a little thing with your teacher. You give this token to me, you can go to Xuanwu and the half fairyland at any time."

The cold youth and others are a little scared. The cold youth is the most terrible of many sons. That is even more terrible. It is very famous in many semi-fairies and will soon become Half-class people.

Now Zhao Wei said that he is familiar with such a powerful person. The hearts of the people are more certain that Zhao’s identity is terrible. It is not the person they can offend.

The fat man smiled and hurriedly said, "I am the singer of the celestial world. I am fortunate to meet you today."

The refined young people also introduced themselves with kindness. "I am Shu Yang of the semi-fairy world of Shulin. I hope I can get to know each other."

The remaining two women also introduced themselves. The beautiful woman like a fairy came from Liu Xiangxiang in Liu Xianjie, and the woman in black was Mo Yi in the semi-immortal world of Moshan.

Like Zhao Qiang's powerful people, if they can know, there will be many benefits in the future.

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