The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2421: Unnamed old man


A loud voice sounded, the tree spirit raised a hand, the palms emitted a lot of yellow light, a very terrible force into the void, a huge spear with an amazing power, from Shot in the sky and shot at the monster.

The monsters exude powerful power, constantly dodging, avoiding some wooden spears that have been shot from the sky, and constantly crushing the wooden spears with claws.

The tree spirit snorted, and a much larger force was injected into the raised hand, and the hand gave off a strong yellow glow, shining on the square.


More wooden spears. With a stronger force from the sky, the monster, although desperately resisting, can still be pierced by numerous spears, making a huge scream, and the body is dissipated as the power of countless voids.

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief and there was no danger around him.

Just two big powers are fighting. If there are any monsters, Zhao Wei can be very dangerous. Now that the two great powers have ended the battle, Zhao’s safety has been guaranteed.

Two great powers flew to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei asked with a smile, "How? Is there no injury?"

The two great men said with a smile, "It’s just a loss of strength, nothing."

Subsequently, Zhao Wei three people continued to move forward.

Then there was no danger. The three men continued to deepen and finally came to a wooden door.

This door is 10,000 meters long, and the four sides seem to be integrated into the void. The color is red, and the golden flower and bird pattern is painted on it. The door looks very beautiful and noble, and it emits a huge force of the void.

Zhao Wei saw the door in front of him and felt familiar, whether it was the power that came out or the appearance of the door.

There are still two stone platforms next to the door, which should have been something.

Zhao Wei thought about it. It may be the two monsters. The two monsters are mainly responsible for guarding this door, but they attacked Zhao Wei in advance.

"Adult! Do you want to move on?" Shuling looked at the door in front of him, and said with a very serious look.

The old water dragon is also the expression.

Because they don't just feel the tremendous pressure from this door, they also feel a very big danger, and they are not confident.

Zhao Wei also understands that it is dangerous, but still seriously said, "I want to go in!"

The old water dragon advised, "Adult! If you move on, it is really dangerous, we can't guarantee your safety."

Shuling also advised, "Yes! Adults can't move forward."

Zhao Wei looked at the mahogany door in front of him and said seriously, "Well! I know, but I have to go in."

The two great-speakers saw Zhao Wei making a decision, and they no longer spoke. They looked dignified and stayed beside Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei personally went to the front and put a hand in front of the red door. A huge force gathered in his hand and pushed forward.


A huge sound came out, and the mahogany door slowly opened. A terrible horror seemed to be the power of the world, and it flooded like a flood.

Zhao Wei three people only feel that the body seems to fall into the ice water, the body seems to fall into the ice water, the cold invade the bone marrow, the body feels a sharp pain, constantly tremble, a fear in the heart.

To know that Zhao Wei has the original blood of the original generation, there is nothing that can make him so afraid, and it is not just Zhao Wei, the two great powers feel great fear.

The door is finally opened.

After the mahogany door was opened, the picture behind the door was displayed in front of the three people in Zhao Yu. There was nothing inside. There was only one jade platform with an old man sitting cross-legged.

The old man closed his eyes, his face was cold, he was wearing a white coat, his hair and eyebrows were white, his skin was like jade, and it was very terrible. It felt like a fairy, but it was not a fairy.

Shuling said with shock, "This person is at least half a fairy. Now there is no life fluctuation, as if the impact of the immortal failure has fallen here."

The old water dragon was also surprised. "I didn't expect a terrible strong man to die here. Just because of the terrible pressure that came out after his death, we all felt a fear. If it was in its heyday, we might kill us."

Zhao Wei looked at this old man, frowned and walked forward.

Shuling hurriedly grabbed Zhao Wei and said, "Adult! I really can't move forward. We don't have any grasp."

Zhao Yan looked at the old man seriously and said, "You two are waiting here, I am alone."

Shuling and the old water dragon had a faint expression. They did not expect Zhao Wei to say this. They did not dare to move forward. Zhao Yi was an emperor who dared to move forward.

Looking at Zhao’s serious look is not like a joke, but Shuling is sure to ask, “Do you really want to advance?”

Zhao Wei nodded.

Shuling and the old water dragon did not say anything, waiting carefully and nervously.

Zhao Wei lifted his footsteps and walked forward. A terrible emptiness was blocked in front of Zhao Wei, exuding a breath of blasphemy.

Shuling and the old water dragon were shocked. If they just wanted to be hard-pressed, they would definitely be seriously injured by this prohibition, and they would even be killed.

However, the next scene that made them both looked amazed.

I saw that Zhao Wei exudes a force of emptiness, and the terrible prohibition in front of him actually spreads out without attacking Zhao Wei.

"what happened?"

The two great powers did not understand what happened, why did the terrible prohibition automatically spread?

The two of them couldn't help but think of Zhao's unknown and terrible identity. They think that Zhao's identity is very terrible. Before that, he allowed five holy priests to admit defeat, and there was no dissatisfaction. Presumably he should have some terrible ability.

In this way, they can understand both of them.

Zhao Yu exhaled the power of the void, and the prohibition in front of him continued to spread. Zhao Wei did not get a little hindrance and came to the jade platform.

The two great energies are also watching nervously.

Zhao Wei came to the old Look at the old man in front of him and extend a hand.


A roar sounded, and a force of emptiness continued to flow from Zhao’s body into the body of the old man.

The old man who did not have any life fluctuations actually began to absorb the power injected by Zhao. In turn, he actively took the initiative to absorb the power of Zhao Wei.

Time is a little past.

The old man constantly absorbed the power of Zhao Wei and gave off a terrible wave, but his body was slowly blurring.

With a lot of power loss, Zhao Wei’s face became pale.

Finally, the body of the old man disappeared, and a virtual shadow appeared in front of Zhao Wei, slowly opening his eyes and looking at Zhao Wei in front of him.

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