The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2422: mysterious

The state of the old man is a remnant of the soul, and the power radiated is weakened a lot, but it is still terrible.

His eyes flashed with fairy light, and Zhao Wei in front of him looked a little surprised. "You got my inheritance?"

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. "The inheritance and rewards of the predecessors have helped me a lot. I am here to thank my predecessors here."

The old man said calmly, "If you can get the inheritance, it is your chance. At this time, thanks to you, let me wake up, and I am curious about who you are? Even grow into such a great existence, even if Fairyland is also hard to own."

The two big powers next to him also felt the horror. The old man who almost became a fairy said that Zhao’s identity is really not something they dare to imagine.

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Thank you for complimenting. I thought that my predecessors had already reincarnation. I didn't expect to meet you here."

The old man explained, "That is a good friend of mine, not me."

Zhao Wei asked with doubts, "Why didn't the seniors go back there for so long? Why did they annihilate here?"

What the old man thought of, a few anger on his face, said, "There is nothing important to me, so I didn't go back. As for why I ended up like this, it was hit by three immortals, forcibly breaking through the immortal world and finally falling. Here."

Zhao Wei feels that the old man is not a general strong person. Now he is shocked by the three immortals. He is a little surprised. If he becomes a fairy, he feels far stronger than the average immortal.

The doubts that have been buried in my heart have all been solved. Zhao Xin’s heart has also relaxed a lot. He smiled and asked, “I don’t know what the future plans for the seniors?”

The old man saw the purpose of Zhao Wei, "Do you want to convince me?"

Zhao Wei did not explain the hidden, nodded. "Yes! I think that a person with such a strong predecessor to join me Daqin is definitely a good thing."

The old man’s eyes became sharp and he stared straight at Zhao Wei. “Do you think I will surrender to you so easily?”

Zhao Yan’s eyes and the old man looked at each other and said with a confident smile. “My seniors, my my inheritance, and now awaken your soul, that our two have their own fate, and the seniors understand my potential. Never succumb to the predecessors."

The old man fell into meditation and did not directly agree with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei was waiting quietly next to him, not saying anything.

After a while, the old man said seriously. "Now I am just a remnant soul. It is very difficult to restore the heyday. It is not a bad thing to surrender to such a miraculous person. I can surrender to you. ""

Zhao Wei couldn't help but smile. "Thank you for your predecessors. I believe that in the future, I will help the seniors to restore their strength to the heyday and help their predecessors become immortals."

The origin of this old man is not simple, not only has a relationship with Zhao Wei, but also has a relationship with more than a dozen domains around Guti, because his true identity is too imaginary.

In the past, Zhao Wei went to a place called the ruins of Taixu. It was very large. It was divided into ten layers. Each floor had various treasures. Many people dreamed of entering it.

But it is not an easy task to get there. First, you must have too much sham, and you have to wait ten years to enter.

Every time the ruins of Taixu are opened, it is the most lively time. Countless forces are very concerned about it, sending their own geniuses to try.

The ruin of the imaginary is the imaginary ancestor, that is, the old man in front of him, and it seems to be him, forcing Alasna to seal on the first floor of the ruins of Taixu.

Nowadays, the things in the ruins of Taixu are not very important to Zhao Wei, because now Zhao Wei is a strong man of the heavens, and the origin of the blood, no longer that Zhao Wei.

At that time, Zhao Wei could not beat a natural world. Now Zhao can pinch the dead and strong in one hand.

Zhao Wei also did not think about meeting him here. He thought that he had reincarnation using the wheel revolving stage. He had never returned because of an accident.

Having said that, Zhao Wei also remembered that the main material of the reincarnation of Daqin Jiu Road was made by the reincarnation of the wheel.

At this time, it is a great advantage for Daqin to conquer the tyrants. The first is that there is a peerless powerhouse that can become a terrible existence of the immortal level.

The second ruins of nature are naturally owned by Daqin alone, and no one wants to enter it in the future.

Mastering such a big relic will definitely help Daqin.

Because the tyrant ancestor is only a remnant now, although it looks very strong, but it is easy to dissipate, Zhao Wei wants to take him away, but also needs to let him into something, this thing is best to have a solid protection soul The role of force.

Zhao Wei thought about it and took out a jade. This jade was made of three soul jade. It has a strong soul and can protect the soul firmly, and the effect is very strong.

This piece of jade is very precious and difficult to obtain. It is one of the treasures given to him by a group of ghosts in the refining domain.

After the tyrant's ancestors entered the jade, Zhao Yu will be worn on the body, too imaginary ancestors do not want to enter the storage ring.

The two spirits of Shuling and the old water dragon looked at Zhao Wei with a look of adoration. The existence of such a horrible level can be surrendered. Both of them have a point to surrender to Zhao Wei.

However, even if the two of them want to surrender to Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei will not accept it, because with his current strength, there is no way to control the power, and the two of them are mainly because Zhao’s identity is terrible. .

But if they know that Zhao Zhen’s true identity is only the king of a small kingdom, they are very likely to kill Zhao Wei, because the benefits of killing Zhao Wei are obviously greater.

For example, taking Zhao Wei’s blood, it is the rarest and most powerful blood in the world. It is a treasure in the world. No one does not want it.

After leaving here, Zhao Wei continued to follow the tree spirit and looked around for treasures.

However, Zhao Wei did not know that his Xianmen command suddenly had another 100 million points, which is equivalent to defeating ten talent points.

Countless people saw this scene, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the heart stopped for a moment. Is this still something that people do? It’s just too incredible.

The five holy heavenly arrogants saw this scene, and they felt that some of their legs were soft and their hearts were extremely shocked. This person exceeded their beliefs at one time.

"God! Let me hit me first. I see if I am in a hallucination. How can a person get 100 million points and beat a power of 10 million. Did he beat a half fairy?"

"Don't doubt, this is true. He just got 100 million points and scared me to death. That terrible enemy might really beat a half."

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