The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2423: Xianmen

"My cognition has been refreshed. It was scary enough for him to get 10 million points. I didn't expect him to get a billion. If you give me a few years, there are not so many points."

"Ha ha ha, fortunately, I have seen such a terrible person, and several holy heavenly arrogances automatically admit defeat in front of him. No matter how amazing his performance, I will not be surprised, because this is normal performance."

"It's a pity that he is not interested in Xianmen. If he can open Xianmen and enter the fairy world, I can guarantee it."

"Oh, you don't have to guarantee that he is such a powerful person that it will be strange to enter the fairy world. I feel that it is a pity that I didn't ask him if he didn't lack the talent. If he followed him, it would be a big day. Opportunity."

"Yes! You said this, I also reacted, but unfortunately, there are no such powerful people to say a few words, I think I will never meet such a powerful person in the future."

"Okay, don't say it all, such a person is afraid that the Son will look down, let alone us, or honestly collect treasures! Don't think about such unrealistic things."


Zhao Wei does not know these things, but more than 100 million points are of no use, and can not be exchanged for other things, or what are the benefits.

Time passed a little, and I passed a few days without knowing it.

The time of Xianmenling was about to end, and the fairy light flashed. Zhao Wei also stopped and did not continue to search for treasures.

Zhao Xin said with a smile on his face, "Thank you for your help and protection. I will definitely repay two in the future."

This time in the depths of the fairy world, it can be said that relying on the tree spirit and the old water dragon, Zhao Yucai is so relaxed, did not meet too much danger, but also got a lot of treasures.

If Zhao Wei is alone, with the cultivation of his emperor's heaven and earth, many places can't go, and he still has to hide from it. He is very careful, and it is even more impossible to obtain such precious treasures.

They also need to protect him very seriously at critical moments, such as in the passage, and fight against two powerful monsters.

Zhao Xin’s heart is really grateful to both of them, and I am thinking that Daqin will be able to repay them in the future.

The two great powers were somewhat flattered. The two of them were originally the cultivation of the peak of the road. They did not know how many years they were stuck in the realm. They all relied on Zhao Yucai to break through and thanked Zhao Wei for his heartfelt gratitude.

Plus Zhao Wei is not terribly scary, even if half a celestial being amazed, even if Zhao Wei treats both of them as slaves, he does not dare to complain.

On the contrary, Zhao’s attitude is opposite. They are very good to them, and some respect them. They also like Zhao Wei.

The two great replies replied with a smile. "Adults don't have to be polite. This is what we should do. If we have time to continue playing here, we will definitely be ready to entertain a good banquet!"

Zhao Wei nodded gently. "If I have time, I will come."

More and more fairy lights were emitted from Xianmen Ling, and then wrapped in Zhao Yu Ling Ji and Feng Wu Ye, turned into a stream of light and shot to the horizon, disappeared.

Zhao Wei three people only felt a huge force pulling them to fly to one side. After a while, they returned to the inside of the crack of Daxian, the front of a huge fairy.

At this time, Xianmen gathered a lot of people, not only those who came back from the depths of the forbidden land, but also many people who did not enter the depths of the forbidden land. They gathered here, mainly to see if anyone could open Xianmen.

This time, there are five extremely terrible sacred Tianjiao participations, which may open Xianmen with their terrible strength and qualifications.

They don't know what happened in the depths of the forbidden land. If they know, they will definitely make a big jump. The five holy heavenly arrogants they look up will admit defeat in front of Zhao.

The five holy heavenly arrogances have been tested in the depths of the forbidden land. Now five people have a fairy print on their eyebrows. It is a square with a hexagonal star in the middle, emitting countless fairy lights.

Five of them stood in front of Xianmen, looking serious and ready to open Xianmen.

The eyes of the people around them were concentrated on them. Everyone was nervously expecting, and no one made a sound.


Zhao Wei three people sent to the outside, the original quiet scene, immediately set off a sensation, some people did not expect to see Zhao Wei, excited and shouted.

"I have seen adults! I am willing to be your slave, adults, please accept me, I can do everything."

The five holy heavenly arrogances also stopped, looking at Zhao Wei, a smile on his face, and flew to Zhao.

Most of the people looked wrong and didn't know what was going on. A girl asked curiously, "Hey, what kind of person is that person? How did it cause such a big sensation, the five holy heavenly arrogances seem to be very polite to him? Look like."

A young man also curiously said, "Yes! I am also curious about the identity of that person, how it seems to be terrible."

The bearded young man said with pride and laughed, "You who don't enter the depths of the forbidden land don't know! He is not an ordinary person, but an unknown and terrible person."

"He can not only get 10 million points, but also get 100 million points. The big man must be respectful and courteous in front of him. The five holy heavenly arrogants also admitted to losing to him. You said that such people are not terrible. ?"

An ordinary middle-aged man, with a look of shock, asked, "Is this true? Don't lie!"

The young man who explained, replied with a smile, "Do you think I will lie? You see the present scene, do you think that I am false? I tell you that his identity is several times more terrible than the holy arrogance. You should be careful. One point, don't offend him."

Looking at the excitement of those people, others believe in the words of the youth, and the same shocked look at Zhao Wei, what is the identity of such a powerful and terrible person? Where are you from? How come you have never seen it?

Five holy heavenly arrogances came to Zhao smiled and said, "We have met again!"

Zhao Wei also understood that the five of them passed the test and said with a chuckle, "Congratulations, I hope that you can open the fairy door and enter the fairy world."

There was a smile on the face of the cold young man. "We don't have much confidence in this matter. If it is you, you should be able to open the fairy door."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "You don't have to care about me. Now you can try to open Xianmen. I will watch it here."

Although there is no interest in entering Xianjie Zhaoyu, but for Xianmen to open this thing, but more curious, want to see what it looks like.

Zhao Wei did not go through the second test. He did not get the imprint, and he did not qualify for the front door.

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