The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2424: Immortal

The cold youth nodded, and five people came to Xianmen again.

The first thing that came forward was the fat man, who flew to the front of Xianmen, and his eyes looked at the fairy door in front of him, and his heart was a little nervous.

Deeply exhaled, the fat man became serious and put a hand on the fairy door.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge force broke out from the body of the fat man. As the flood surged around, it seemed that no one was resisting, and the void became very dignified.

The fat man's eyebrows sent out a strong fairy light, and the fat man screamed, pressing the hand on the fairy door, with a powerful force, as if he could blast the void and push forward.


A huge dull voice sounded, a wave of air blew around, and everyone looked stunned. In front of this huge force, the door of the fairy door did not move, and even did not react, it is too difficult!

Looking at this scene, everyone feels a cold, so powerful people can not push a trace, they are even more impossible.

The fat man's face was ugly, and he didn't think that this fairy door was so difficult to push. He just thought that even if he couldn't really push the fairy door away, then at least let the fairy door move a little, but the result made him disappointed.


Some fat people do not believe, burning the holy blood of the body, a larger force emerged from his body, forming a strong storm to the surrounding, making people feel a fear.

His body exudes a lot of red light, and the imprint of the eyebrows is activated by him. A fairy force spreads out from his body. Although it is a small amount of fairy power, the power of the fat man is much stronger.


The fat man tried his best to push hard, and a huge force hit the fairy door with a horrible momentum. The fairy door was finally moved.

However, it is only a trace.

The fat man continued to push the fairy door, but the fairy door could not be pushed aside, the strength of the fat man slowly weakened, and the imprint of the eyebrows was dimmed.

In the end, the fat man could only take back his hand. He sighed with a look of sigh and returned to the original place. He said to others, "You should also be psychologically prepared. This is not a general difficulty."

Other people's faces became serious. They now see it with their own eyes and understand how difficult it is to push the fairy door.

Others will fail the fat man, but they will also be disappointed. But they have prepared in their hearts. It is doubtful that this fairy door can only be pushed by dozens of people in 10,000 years. If it is easy to push open, it will not be so few. people.

Zhao Wei’s look is also serious. The fairy door in front of it is indeed not simple. Not only does the power need to be very high-order, but the blood also needs a high order, and it is necessary to fully stimulate the power of the immortal to push it open.

If the three do not meet the requirements, then it is certainly impossible to push the door.

The second is the gentle young man who came to the facade of the fairy with a serious look. He extended a hand and pressed it on the door of the fairy.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge force emerged from the body of the refined youth. His body exudes countless white light, shining on the square, and the enormous power will confine the surrounding voids.

The illusion of a book embodies around his body, and each one exudes an amazing power, and there are many books, reaching thousands.

Confucianism began to use the full force.

This is not over yet. The eyes of the refined young people have inspired the imprint of the eyebrows. The immortal prints have sent out countless fairy lights, and a powerful fairy force has shot around.

The book around the void, with a strip of immortality on it, exudes a fairy, as if it were a book of the fairy, exudes a much larger book, which makes people feel shocked and feels a sense. Awesome.


A huge roar sounded, and the hand of the refined young man pushed hard. The book of this book hit the fairy door with a powerful force, and a huge shock wave spread.

That huge fairy door was pushed aside, which made countless people happy, and finally someone pushed open a trace. Maybe the refined young people can really push the fairy door and enter the fairy world.

On time, everyone smiled and their eyes were full of expectations.

The refined youth looks serious, one presses on the fairy door and continues to push hard. The book of this book exudes a powerful fairy power and hits the fairy door.

Xianmen was pushed aside again, and the Confucian youth was a little surprised, but when he continued to retreat, he found that he could not push.


A huge roar sounded at a time, and the refined youth broke out all the power. The book of the book was automatically opened, and countless fairy lights were shot. The power of a fairy tales hit the fairy door with the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. on.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge shock wave spread out instantly, knocking back some people nearby.

But Xianmen still didn't move a little. The young people in the heart of the Confucianism were cold, and one hand that did not give up pressed on the door of Xianmen and continued to push hard.

Even if he tried hard, Xianmen still did not move.

In the end, Ruya also gave up, and his face turned dimly back to the original place, and he did not say anything.

Everyone looked even more disappointed. He thought that he might push the fairy door away. The result is still not good. This fairy door is really too difficult to push open. Now there are still three holy heavenly arrogances. Can they push them away?

The third one was the woman in black, who broke out all the power and pushed open the door of Xianmen. Then she could not push.

She didn't change much in her face, and she didn't have a very lost look. Because she had the preparation in her heart, her strength was almost the same as that of the fat man. At most, she was a little more powerful than the fat man.

The fat man can't push it all out, and she is very likely to push it away. She came over and tried it.

The fourth woman in white.

The white woman looked serious came to the front of the fairy, she did not have much confidence, because her strength is weaker than the refined young, the refined youth can not open, she does not push Open, but she still wants to try it.


A huge roar sounded, and the woman in white stretched out a hand and pressed it on the door of the fairy. A very terrible force broke out. The body exudes countless fairy lights, and the fairy print of the eyebrows also exudes a huge fairy power. .

Under this huge force, Xianmen was pushed aside once, and the white woman’s eyes were cold, and the body poured out more powerful power, and the body exudes a dazzling fairy light.

The fairy door was pushed a little at a time, but it was not moved afterwards. It was useless to let the white woman push it. Finally, the white woman sighed and chose to give up.

In the end, there is a cold young man who is the last one who has not come forward and is the strongest of the five holy heavens.

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