The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2425: Fairy shadow

The eyes of the people are also concentrated on him. He is the only one who has the hope of pushing the fairy door. His heart is also very nervous. If he can't do it, then no one can push the fairy door.

The ruthless youth was serious and slowly walked to the front of the fairy. God put a hand on the fairy door and closed his eyes.

The surrounding people are also nervous and expect to reach a high point.


A huge roar, a huge force erupted from the body of the cold youth, forming a huge gust of wind, blowing away fiercely around, standing in the vicinity of the four holy heavenly arrogance have retreated a few steps.

A powerful purple arrogance ignited from him, and the terrible power continued to grow stronger, the void was distorted, and people looked at his body blurred, and the surrounding became extremely dignified.

The purple arrogance is burning and growing, and it is getting bigger and bigger, forming a huge purple arrogance of more than ten meters high. The huge arrogance constantly condenses and changes, forming a powerful warrior with only the upper body.

This powerful warrior, with a good face, strong body, wearing a dress, exudes an amazing momentum.

He looked at the door in front of him, held out a hand and pressed it on the door of the fairy.

At this moment, the cold young man slammed his eyes open and pressed **** the door of Xianmen. The purple warrior pressed the hand in Xianmen and pushed forward with great strength.


A huge roar sounded, and a shock wave spread. Xianmen was pushed away a little, which was much more open than the previous four.


Another huge roar sounded, and the cold young man pushed the other hand to Xianmen. The powerful purple flame warrior, the other hand with a huge force, pushed to Xianmen, a huge force hit. On Xianmen, the fairy door was a big hole.

The crowd was shocked and then showed a happy expression. They thought that the cold youth might open the door to Xianmen.

Zhao Wei and the other four sacred Tianjiao are somewhat surprised by the power of the ruthless youth.

The cold young man pressed his hands on the fairy door at this time, controlling the purple warrior to push forward with force, and the fairy door was pushed away.

But soon the cold youth couldn’t push it anymore. Now Xianmen is only being pushed halfway, it’s the generality of the door frame, and it hasn’t really opened yet.


A huge roar sounded at once, and the cold youth burst out with all the power. Two huge purple arrogances poured into the sides of the body. The two purple arrogances formed two purple warriors, which looked a little different from the previous one.

They are very strong, only the upper body, wearing a dress, a long beard, a face,

The terrible pressure of the three purple warriors, even at a great distance, can be felt, and there is a fear in my heart.

After the appearance of the two purple warriors, both hands were pressed on the fairy door, pushing forward with force, and looking forward to the cold young man, there were three people with only the upper body, pushing the fairy door together.

That Xianmeng was slowly pushed away at once, and everyone stared at Xianmen with a pair of eyes, full of expectation and tension, and the heart jumped very fast.

When the fairy door was about to be pushed open, the fairy door stopped and could not be pushed.

The cold youth snorted and ignited a more powerful purple power. The purple flaming flame burned even more fiercely. The three warriors exude a more powerful force and push forward the fairy door.

Can Xianmen still do not move a trace, everyone is shocked, not cold youth can not push Xianmen, right?

The cold young man took a serious face and controlled three purple warriors. He continued to push the door, but he could not push it.

After thinking about it, the cold youth dispersed three purple flame giants, and turned into countless arrogance to dissipate, and the terrible momentum also disappeared.

Everyone's heart was cold and cold, and his face was very disappointing. Cann't the cold-hearted youth as the strongest person push?


Suddenly a loud bang broke out, and a force that transcends the world erupted from the body of the cold youth, directly forming an explosive force like a ball that spreads around and the people around it are repelled a few steps.

The cold youth's eyes exude a strong purple radiance, and the immortal print of the eyebrows also emits countless celestial lights. Now the atmosphere that he exudes, the extreme danger is terrible and desperate.


A figure shot from his body, on the right side of the cold youth, showed a few tricks, blurred figure, exudes a powerful force.

Then there was another figure, shot from the left side of the cold youth, and displayed a few sets of palms. The breath that came out was very strong, the body was equally blurred, and then more and more ghosts appeared.

In the end, there were more than a hundred figures, appearing beside the cold-hearted youth, constantly showing all kinds of tricks, and a terrible momentum that could not be spoken.

The cold young man became extremely serious at this time, his hands tried to push forward with all his strength, and the numerous figures around him also slammed forward at that moment.


A thunderous explosion broke out, and a terrible force struck on Xianmen. A shock wave spread with the power of thunder, and the void was torn apart. Many people were directly shot and flew out of the blood.

Everyone was affected by the terrible shock wave, and it looked awkward.


A huge sound sounded, and it rang through the whole piece of the void. Everyone looked blank and looked at the front. The expression slowly became very excited and excited. Because that fairy door slowly opened.

Countless colored fairy light shot from it, countless quintessence of scent overflowed out, a world that surpassed the earth and the earth, surpassing the power of life and death, slowly spread out, shrouded around.

In front of this force, countless people feel very small, just like the vastness of the heavens, there is a sense of incompetence in the area that Xianmen slowly opens is getting more and more Large, the sensation of the sensation is getting stronger and stronger, and the scent of rushing out is increasing.

In the end, the fairy door was completely opened, and the sacred light was shot from it. It shrouded the four sides. Numerous fairy scented and spread out. People who stood nearby, only felt a force pouring into the body, and it seemed to become more The spirit is more powerful.

At the same time, the terrible momentum that the fairy door exudes is completely detached from the world. The hearts of the people feel even smaller and humble. In front of this facade, it feels like an ant.

The inside of the door is full of light, and I can't see what is going on. A figure slowly appears in the center of the door.

This vague figure appeared as if it were a strong man. The body exudes terrible power. It seems that the void can't bear his coming. It seems that raising a hand can destroy a world, and everything is humble in front of him.

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