The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2426: Fairy light

The power possessed by the virtual shadow is absolutely many times more terrible than the ordinary immortal, because ordinary immortals cannot rely on their own power to lower the boundary.

Countless people looked at the figure with a shocked look, and did not expect to have this kind of existence that could not be touched, could not be imagined, and could not resist.

At this time, Zhao Wei was also surprised. When he saw the opening of Xianmen, there was such a powerful fairy.

At this time, the tyrannical ancestor was in the middle of the three souls, and his face became very serious. He did not make a slight fluctuation, because such a strong existence was beyond the scope he could accept.

After the appearance of the figure, a pair of eyes fell on the cold youth standing in front of the fairy door, as if to see the cold youth.

The cold-hearted youth was also very shocked. He took a ceremony against the figure. "See the seniors!"

Although the identity and blood of the cold youth are very strong, they are still incomparable in front of people of this level.

The ghost shadow smirked and exudes a Tianwei. "You are not bad. You are qualified to be the core disciple of Xian Daozong. Now go to the fairy world with me!"

The cold-hearted youth couldn't help but feel happy, and there was a smile on his face. This is something that countless people dream of, and it is something that countless people can't do, or something he is very eager to hope for.

Nodded, the cold youth went to Xianmen.

Next to the four holy heavenly arrogance, the face is envious. In the future, the cold young people step into the fairy world and disconnect from them. They belong to two different worlds. They have to work hard to become immortals and fly into the fairy world.

The cold youth is more likely to become a fairy in the fairy world, and it is possible to break through the realm outside the immortal, and have stronger strength than the ordinary immortal.

In the future, the cold-hearted youth will also be famous for the semi-fairy world. Countless people will know that he has opened the fairy door and entered the fairy world. He has become a super-powerful person in the fairy world.

The young and refined young people couldn’t help but respectfully bowed to the ceremony. “Predecessors, I think my qualifications are also good. I wonder if my predecessors can take me to the fairyland. I will definitely try my best to cultivate in the future and will not disappoint my predecessors.”

Who used to push Xianmen, who is qualified to step into Xianmen, who is not qualified to open the door.

But now it is different, there is a stronger than the immortal, and maybe he can enter the fairy door.

The other three saints also followed the ceremony with respect and respect. "Predecessors also want to go to the fairyland. Our qualifications are not bad. We must work hard to cultivate in the future and will not let the seniors disappoint."

Everyone looked at people who needed high hopes, honorable status, and terrible power. They did not dare to offend. Now, regardless of the image, there are some low-profile requests for the strong to take them to the fairy world.

However, everyone did not resent this kind of behavior, because if they are afraid to ask for anything, they can do anything, as long as they can enter the fairy world.

The benefits of entering the fairy world are what they can't imagine. It is a great opportunity. Anyone wants to enter, unless it is a fool.

The virtual shadow heard their words and glanced at them. They were in a good mood. "You are a little worse, but you can also be an internal disciple. Today I am in a good mood, then you follow me to the fairy world!" ”

The four people were overjoyed. They didn't expect to enter the fairyland in this way, and they still entered without opening the fairy door. Their luck was really good, and they met such a tempered fairy.

The cold young man who stayed at the door was a bit speechless. He spent so much power to push the fairy door, but they could enter without pushing the door. He was in vain.

However, they are core disciples, and they are more valued than they are, and they come from one place after all. With them, they will take more care.

Everyone looked wrong and didn't think that it was really possible. Everyone was busy and respectful, and some even squatted on the ground. "Predecessors also want to enter the fairy world, no matter what you want us to do."

The illusion laughed a few times. "You guys haven't gotten the immortals, and you don't have the qualification to push the fairy door. You want to enter the fairy world?"

Everyone looked disappointed, it is obvious that this powerful person will not take them to the fairy world.

Some of the Sons are still not dying, and they ask for directions. "I am asking you! Let me enter the fairy world! I am really willing to do anything, even as a slave to you. I will perform well."

The virtual shadow glanced at these people, and said with a soft voice, "You are also the most noble person in the lower blood, but so humble, it feels a bit disgusting."

This scared the sins of the sacred son, not only did not enter the fairy world, but also caused this terrible strong person to hate, if he wants to kill them, only one thought, no one can stop.

Now they regret it, afraid to lie on the ground and dare not move.

The virtual shadow is about to regain his gaze, with a few people going to the fairyland, but Yu Guang suddenly swept to a young man with a cloak, and then he stunned and said, "You...what is your identity?"

Looking at this terrible incomparable strong, suddenly so surprised, everyone's heart is awkward, who can make such a level of power so surprised?

Looking at the strong man's gaze, I saw a young man with a black cloak, stood there, saw this person, and everyone couldn't help but start to be a little surprised.

Although they know that Zhao’s identity is terrible, he still hasn’t thought that his identity has surprised the strongman above the Xianren level. What is his identity?

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Wei.

Five holy heavenly arrogant faces also looked at Zhao Wei a little unexpectedly.

When Zhao Wei heard the words of this strong person, he thought about honestly doing a good deed. "I am a junior, I am just a lower-level ordinary person. virtual shadow can't help but laugh," Hahaha, ordinary people ? Do you really think that I am cheating? If you are in the lower bounds of your current qualifications, even in the fairy world, you will shake the Quartet and tell me honestly whether you are from the power of the fairy world? ”

When everyone heard this, the waves in their hearts really underestimated the horror of Zhao Wei. I did not think that he was a person who shocked the fairy world, far more terrible than they thought.

The five holy heavenly arrogant faces were also a little shocked to see Zhao Wei, did not expect them to open so much with Zhao Wei.

Although Zhao Wei is the master of a small kingdom, he is the same as the ordinary person in the superficial level of the virtual shadow, so he continues to respectfully say, "Predecessors! I am indeed an ordinary person."

The shadow of the shadow is also a bit unexpected. He did not find Zhao Wei lying, but how can an ordinary person have such terrible qualifications? This is almost impossible, and some of the ghosts can't figure out.

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