The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2430: Xianling

Xuan Qinghua and Xianba confessed to the highest level of Xiandaozong as the highest level of Xiandaozong. Each of them is a Taoist-level figure and is also located at the peak of Xianjie.

Generally, they are in a state of retreat for many years. If they are not very important things, they will basically ignore them. Generally, they are handed over to others.

When they learned about it, they fell into a dead silence.

Xuan Qinghua and Xian Ba’s heart couldn’t help but be nervous. I don’t know how the top level will be handled, but now it’s so quiet, it feels very abnormal.

They have no choice but to continue to wait nervously and wait for about a day, and a fairy will be sent to them.

This immortal is a slap-sized token, made of spar, with a fairy streak on it, and the word "Xian Dao" written in the middle. The token is scented and scented.

This immortal power is extremely powerful. Generally, the immortals can't bear this kind of pressure, and they can't touch this fairy. If they are forced to touch, they are likely to die.

Xuan Qinghua and Xian Ba’s heart were shocked. This is the most advanced immortal order of Xian Daozong. It seems that the highest level attaches great importance to this matter.

A message emerges from the immortal command, into the brains of Xuan Qinghua and Xianba, and is the command given to them at the highest level.

"This matter is too big. It involves the secret of the ancient world of the immortal world. Remember to let things leak out. This kind of thing we can't directly participate in, we hand you two."

"Now you have chosen thousands of immortals to lower the border. First, observe the current situation in the lower bounds and collect all kinds of information. Second, look for the whereabouts of that person and collect all his information. Remember to never commit evil with him, let alone interfere with him. Things."

"In the end, whether he joins Xiandao Zong is not to be reluctant to choose by himself. This must be handled with care. In the future, there will be great turmoil in the fairy world, which is likely to affect countless immortal forces."

Xuan Qinghua and Xian Ba ​​Yi’s face were shocked. “The Secret of the Ancients? Caused the turmoil of the fairy world?”

It seems that they still underestimate the importance of this matter, far from being as easy as they think.

They began to think that those Taoists would go directly to the lower bounds, bring the person back or kill them, but the things involved in this matter are too terrible, the secrets of the ancient times have come out, and the fairy turmoil will be triggered in the future.

The curiosity of Xuan Qinghua and Xian Ba ​​is related to the secret of the ancients. They think hard about it. It seems that there is no secret of the ancients related to him. It should be the secret that only the Taoist knows.

There is also the turbulence of the fairy tales that has arisen. It is certainly not a trivial matter to see many Taoists paying so much attention. The turmoil caused may be very large.

Now that things are handed over to them, they feel a huge pressure, as if they were accidental, they could have huge consequences.

Xian Ba ​​Yi looked seriously at Xuan Qinghua. "What do you say about us now? I didn't think it was such a big thing. I have some regrets to sue it."

Xuan Qinghua’s face was dignified and sighed. “Hey! This time I underestimated the man’s horror. What can I do now? Of course, I’m going to follow the instructions of those Taoists. I want to see for myself what kind of person he is, even Xiandaozong is so attached."

Xian Ba ​​said helplessly, "Well then! You choose a thousand immortals to prepare for the lower bounds. I will go to other holy people to ask."

Xuan Qinghua nodded and the two men acted apart.

Xian Ba ​​called the cold young five people in front of him. Now five sacred Tianjiao see the powerful fairyland and the various amazing things. Now they are still in shock, and there is no way to compare the lower bound and the fairyland.

They were called here by Xian Ba, and they were a bit strange in their hearts. I don’t know what happened. First, I respected it and said, "See the seniors!"

There was a smile on the face of Xian Ba, and he said, "I told you to come over and there are some things I want to ask you. If you can answer, I will reward you a lot."

The cold young people are more confused in their hearts. Is there any important thing to ask them? Listening to the tone of Xian Ba ​​should be a very important thing. Asked, "I don't know what the seniors asked? If we know we must answer them truthfully."

Xian Ba ​​said with a smile, "The thing I ask is, do you know the identity and information of the cloak?"

The five cool young people suddenly understood, and only this thing can cause the attention of Xianba.

But they don't know Zhao's identity. They can only answer truthfully. "We didn't know his identity in the predecessors. They just had some intersections in the Xianmen trial and they knew that he was very terrible."

Xian Ba ​​continued, "You will tell me the details!"

The five nodded and said everything to the fairy. Did not reveal a trace.

After listening to the fairy eight, I couldn't help but chuckle. "This kid is really abnormal. You can get as many trial points as you can. If he wants to concentrate on getting points, almost no one can surpass him in the future."

Five holy heavenly arrogants did not speak at the side, thinking about what identity is Zhao Wei, how terrible? Such a powerful person like Xianba cares so much about him.

Xian Ba ​​looked at the five holy heavenly arrogance and said with a smile. "Now you are a disciple of Xian Daozong. I will tell you a lot of preferential treatment, but the information of that person must not be revealed to anyone, otherwise you will immediately Disappeared from the fairy world."

The five sons changed their faces, and the waves in their hearts set off. The things seemed to be more serious than they thought. The five of them immediately began to speak nervously. "We will never reveal this to our predecessors."

Fairy Bay waved five sages into the body of five people. "This is just a ban on preventing you from leaking this. It will not affect you. Now you can go down first."

The five sons were turned and left, not afraid to stay there.

After leaving, the fat man couldn’t help but say, "Who is that person? I feel that he is far from what we think is terrible. It is simply someone we can't reach."

The refined young man looked serious and nodded. "This is indeed a terrible thing. I feel that the predecessor has just reported the matter to Xian Daozong. It is estimated that the Xiandaozong caused a lot of sensation, so the predecessors imposed a ban on us."

The woman in black also shocked and agreed. "I think so too. Otherwise, he will take a ban on us after we enter the fairy world, but he has only imposed a ban on us now. He did not think that this matter will be so great! He just said If something goes away, it should be for this matter."

The white woman said with some concern. "Now we have a relationship with him. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse. I don't know what to do in the future."

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