The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2431: Down

The refined young people thought for a moment. "It should not be a bad thing to look at the predecessors. Otherwise, he will kill us. We are just ants, we don't have to treat us like this."

Others nodded and agreed.

The cold-hearted young man said with dignity, "Since it has caused such a great attention to Xian Daozong, we may have a chance to see you again in the future. By then, we can understand what identity he is and how terrible it is."

The refined young man said, "Well! With his potential, it is impossible to stay in the lower bounds. In the future, he will definitely come to the fairyland."

The white woman was a little disheartened. "When we waited at that time, we didn't know how big it was. He might have become a famous person in the world of immortality. His existence is too shocking."

The fat man said helplessly, "This is a no-brainer. He is so attached to Xiandaozong. In the future, we will still practice honestly. Although we can't compare with him, we can become a strong one."


Xuan Qinghua has selected a thousand powerful immortals, standing on the platform in front of the Xianmen Terrace. They have men and women, old and young, and each one exudes a fairy-like atmosphere that makes the world change. .

In the lower bound, the immortal has been the most top-ranking person, can dominate one side of the world, can break everything, can let countless creatures annihilate.

Now a thousand immortals gather here, and the momentum that comes out is naturally terrifying. This scene is extremely unsightly, but it is very common in Xiandao.

However, this does not mean that the immortals are very weak in the immortal world. There are also many ordinary people in the immortal world. There are also one-level to half-sensifications. It is not in the fairy world that all are immortals.

The immortal also belongs to a very powerful existence in the fairy world. It can be dominated by one side, high above, and feared by countless people.

The general power in the fairy world is definitely impossible to take out more than a thousand immortals. Only the supernatural powers such as Xian Daozong can do it.

Xianba came to Xuanqinghua, and many immortals saw Xianba, and they saluted. "See the elders!"

It can be seen that the identity of Xian Ba ​​and Xuan Qinghua is very high in Xiandaozong, and many immortals are respectful in front of them.

Xian Ba ​​smiled, nodded, and then said to Xuan Qinghua, "I just wanted to ask the few sons, the boy is very mysterious, did not get any information, how are you prepared?"

When Xuan Qinghua heard the words of Xian Ba, there was no strangeness in his heart. If it was so easy to get the information of that person, Xian Daozong would not specifically collect his information.

The answer replied, "I have already said this as if I would go down. They will go to the lower bounds to collect the intelligence of the lower bounds. They will also look for the whereabouts of the man, but the lower bound is no smaller than the fairy world. I don't know when I can find that person."

Xian Ba ​​said with a smile, "This time I will personally search for the kid in the lower bound, and stop by the lower bounds. Do you want to go down together?"

Xuan Qinghua seriously replied, "Well! I also want to see the person with my own eyes."

Afterwards, all the immortals prepare for the lower bounds. It is difficult for the general forces to descend into the fairy world. The barrier between the fairy world and the real world is extremely strong and powerful. It is difficult for people in the world to rise to the fairy world, and it is difficult for people in the fairy world to go down to the realm. boundary.

Xiandaozong built Xianmen, which can enter the world through Xianmen, but it is only a little easier than the average person, especially the existence of the immortal.

Because the immortals already have the law of immortality, they are greatly rejected when they enter the realm of the world. If they can't resist the power of rejection, there is no way to enter the realm.

More than a thousand immortals were divided into a team and came to Xianmentai. Xuan Qinghua and Xianba came to the Xianmentai, where the five sons stood, which was connected to the fairy door of the Great Immortal.

Because there is a big fairy crack, the force of rejection there will be much smaller.


A loud roar sounded, and a huge Xianmentai exudes a huge momentum. Countless scent of scent is poured into the Xianmen Taichung. The fairy gates emit countless celestial lights that shine on the square.

A huge Xianwei shrouded all directions, as if it was confined in time and space. Countless people felt a fear in their hearts.

A colorful light door, with a huge fairy power, floated on the platform of Xianmen.

In front of Xuan Qinghua and Xianba, there was also a fairy door. When they stepped forward, they were about to enter the Guangmen. They felt that a huge force of rejection from the mortal world blocked them.

boom! boom!

The two of them directly exude a terrible fairy force, and they rushed to the huge repulsive force. A huge explosion rang and a shock wave spread instantly.

The two forces are almost as strong.

Xuan Qinghua and Xianba's body exude a slight scent of light, time and space began to distort, and the body of the body became stronger and stronger, gradually reversing the huge repulsive force, and the two entered the fairy door.


A loud and loud noise came out, and Xianmen turned into a streamer, and took a huge force to shoot at Sendai. The Sendai suddenly trembled and a huge force spread.

The other immortals also felt the tremendous repulsive power of a stock, and they broke out the power of the powerful immortal to resist the power of rejection.

They did not have Xuan Qinghua and Xianba relaxed, and some difficulties resisted the repulsive force, slowly stepped forward and entered the Xianmen.

The crack in Daxian, more than a day has passed, and the people who had gathered here have dispersed and continue to explore in the cracks of Daxian.


Suddenly a huge roar sounded, and I saw that a huge fairy door exudes a vast force of power, such as the shock wave sweeping the square, no one can resist.

Numerous people feel this huge fairy power, like falling into the abyss, the body is cold, and there is a huge fear.

"What happened?" Countless people looked at the direction of Xianmen with a look of horror. It was not clear what happened.


A huge sound sounded sound sounds all around, Xianmen slowly opened, countless fairy light shot from it, shining on the square.

Two figures appeared in the door, and the power above the immortal rushed out, making the atmosphere cool to the extreme, as if everything was in collapse.

At this time, everyone finally understood what was going on, and fell into the horror of a look. "Sin... the door... turned on, and the immortal came out of it, fled from here, and told the matter to the power, the immortal." ”

Countless people struggled to escape at that moment, as if there were incomparably scary beasts behind them chasing them.

Not only they, but even the forbidden creatures, but also fleeing with fear and fear, did not dare to have any stay, even the most powerful existence in the deepest place, and was also awakened at this moment.

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