The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2484: Redwood door

"Then let's talk about what happened? Why is the ruins of the Ming Dynasty too open, too sham, but nothing happens? How do we get into the ruins of the Taixu in the future?"

"I guess there must be something wrong with the ruins of the Taixu. Otherwise, this kind of thing will never happen. Now it is what happened."

"Hey! I am worried about what happened to the ruins of the imaginary relics. We have been exploring the ruins of the imaginary for many years and have been getting treasures in it. If we can't enter, we will lose too much for us."

"I also hope that there will be no changes. I would rather wait a few years to enter the ruins of Taixu. This too ruin is too important for us to go to something else."

"I just watched the relics of Taixu open. I thought that the relics of Taixu were opened in advance. I was very happy. Now I found that it was too sham, I didn't respond. I was really disappointed. I also wanted to avoid any changes. It was too easy for me to get it. of."


People who have entered the trial of the ruins of the Taixu, such as ice abandonment, volcanoes, poetry songs, faint, Longyang and so on.

Now they look awkward and don't know what happened, but they think that the last time the ruins of the ruins are open, there is a figure in their minds.

Numerous people do not know that the masters of the Taixu relics have returned, and they do not know that the ruins of Taixu belong to Daqin. If they know this, they are expected to be very shocked and extremely envious.

At this time, the jade scented out a myriad of purple rays, wrapped around Zhao's body, turned into a stream of light and shot into the purple ball of light, and then disappeared.

The purple light in the sky dissipated, the purple light ball disappeared, and the heavens and the earth returned to calm.

How did it return to calm? What happened in the end? Countless people looked at the sky with a puzzled look and wondered why the vision disappeared so quickly.

As soon as the scene was blurred, Zhao Wei came to the first layer of the silver forest in the remains of Taixu.

The first layer is dominated by forests, surrounded by trees. The trees grow tall and leafy, many of them are high on a kilometer, and the trunks of the leaves are white and silver.

In addition, here is the land, the flowers are also white and silver, the feeling is to come to a silver world, there is a strange feeling.

Zhao Wei remembers that when he entered here last time, many creatures attacked him. Now he is surrounded by silence. The countless creatures living here have felt a familiar atmosphere. Instinct is scared or respectful. On the ground.

"The owner of the Taixu ruins is back!"

This is the only thing they think about in their minds. They are extremely shocked. They never thought about having such a day, because the tyrants have not returned for too many years.

The imaginary ancestor in Yuxi said, "There are many places where the remains have been destroyed. There is no way to go directly to the eleventh floor. You need to start from the first floor and continue to the tenth floor."

Zhao Wei nodded lightly and turned into a streamer to fly forward.

The original tenth level customs clearance token needs to be killed by a leader-level virtual beast. Only the possession of the customs token can go to the next level. Now Zhao has a virtual ancestor and no longer needs any tokens.

On the boundary of the tenth floor, the jade shot a purple light, a purple aperture floated out, and Zhao Wei flew directly into the ball of light and entered the ninth floor.

The ninth floor is a plain, and all the grass that grows is blue, and it is also long and beneficial. It will be scratched by blue grass if you accidentally. Here is the blue thorn.

The emptiness beasts are almost all in groups, and their strength is much stronger than that of the tenth layer of emptiness beasts. The momentum that comes out is also very large. When people meet so many empty beasts, they will only scare away.

Now countless emptiness beasts feel the temperament of the tyrannical ancestors, and smash into pieces on the ground, the fear of a face, which has a strong look before.

Zhao Wei did not care about these empty beasts and turned into a streamer to continue to fly forward.

The eighth floor looks more ordinary. It is a desert that cannot see the margin. The sun emits hot rays in the sky, and the temperature is very hot.

Although it looks quiet and there is no danger, but there are countless sands here, there are countless sand bugs in life, and there is a strong attack power. If you are not careful, you may die here.

Zhao Wei still did not waste time here, turning into a streamer to fly forward.

The fierce land on the seventh floor is a stone forest. The number of diamond-shaped stone pillars is numerous. There are also many stone pillars of several hundred meters and kilometers. If you accidentally enter it, you are likely to be lost.

Naturally, there was no way to stop Zhao Wei, and soon Zhao Yu flew to the boundary of the seventh floor.

The jade shot purple, a purple aperture appeared at one time, and Zhao Yu flew into the sixth floor.

The sixth floor is a snowfield. It is full of snow and white. There is no sign of life. It is cold enough to freeze the people of the 5th and 6th ranks. It is not a place where ordinary people can come.

Zhao Wei flew directly and came to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is different from the previous one. Here is a large piece of ruins. The ruins are broken and the grass is overgrown. Once there should be places where countless people live. Now only these empty houses are left behind.

The void beast here is a humanoid virtual beast with a strength of nine steps. It is a very powerful creature for ordinary people, and there are many.

If you can control a group of nine-order creatures, you can play a horrible role, such as letting them participate in the war, and almost no soldiers can stop them.

Because now the Tianqi World Center is the mainland, the most basic soldiers are the sixth-order soldiers. A nine-order creature can crush a group of sixth-order soldiers and let a large number of sixth-order soldiers.

It is a pity that the emptiness beast in the ruins of the Taixu is something that is condensed by the power of the emptiness of the imaginary ruins. It is not a real creature, and it can only exist in the remains of the imaginary.

If there are enemies attacking the ruins of the Taixu, then many emptiness beasts can take a big role, but they can't take the initiative to attack others.


Too imaginary ancestors looked at the ruins and suddenly sighed There were a lot of people living here, and they were surrendered to him. But because of the three immortals, they have become like this, the former Most people die, and some people flee.

Zhao Wei heard him sigh and asked, "What happened to the predecessors?"

Too old ancestors remembered the previous things and returned to the road, "Nothing!"

Zhao Wei saw that he did not want to say, nor did he say that his savings had flown forward. Many of the humanoid emptiness beasts were honestly on the ground and did not dare to attack Zhao Wei.

Finally, Zhao Wei came to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is also ruined, with a mahogany door with a golden flower and bird pattern on the border.

. m.

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