The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2485: Forbidden land

This door is the same as the mahogany gate that was encountered when the ancestors were too old. It is also a red door that allows Zhao to guess the identity of the tyrant.

Next to the red wooden door, there are thousands of kilometers high, the guards wearing the armor, a solemn face, strong and strong guards, no one is close, once someone approaches, they will be attacked.

The original person wants to enter the third floor, and it must be approved by the guard to pass the redwood door.

Zhao Wei also clearly remembers the power of these guards. If you move a few times, it will cause a disaster. It is also high above, and everyone is an ant.

Now a thousand guards are excited and excited in front of Zhao Wei, and ask, "Yes... is the owner, are you coming back?"

The guards are not the monsters or the void beasts of the forbidden land. They used to be loyal to the tyrants of the tyrants. They are extremely loyal to the tyrannical ancestors. Even if the tyrants have never returned, they also obey the orders and guard the countless years here. .

Too imaginary ancestors saw these guards and said, "Well! You all get up!"

When I heard the familiar voice, it was really their master's return. Countless guards were happy and crazy. They waited for so many years and finally waited until their masters came back. The emotions could not be spoken.

In fact, if it is not Zhao Wei, they will not be able to see the tyrants in this life, they will always wait here.

Many guards stood up from the ground, and the head guard, excitedly said, "Master! We really waited for you for a long time, and finally waited for you to come back today. Have you been there these years?"

Too imaginary ancestors looked at these loyal guards, and there was a little comfort and happiness in their hearts. "I actually lost my life in the endless void because of the failure to break through the immortal world. He used my inheritance to wake up my remnant. Now I also take orders from him."

Wen Yan, many guards focused on Zhao Wei, looking at Zhao Wei's look, many guards immediately remembered who Zhao Wei is.

At that time, they could clearly remember Zhao Wei, and they also felt the power of Zhao Yi’s emperor. They believed that Zhao’s potential was terrible, his status was extremely honorable, and his attitude towards Zhao Wei was equally very polite.

I didn't think that I couldn't see it for a few years. The atmosphere that he exudes makes them extremely afraid. Not only is the power surpassing them earlier, it is extremely terrifying. It is stronger than any emperor, and may even be stronger than the Son.

Didn't see each other grow up in such a terrible existence for a few years? The key is to save their masters and let their masters surrender to him.

How did he do it? They can be very clear about their masters and think that their masters will never be so easy to surrender to one person. I believe that Zhao must have something extraordinary.

Now their masters surrender to him, then he is the master of the current ruins of the ruins, many gatekeepers hurriedly called, "See the adults!"

Zhao Wei showed a smile, a little bit of a feeling of revisiting, saying, "You don't have to be polite."

The guard said with a smile. "We understood that adults are extraordinary. It is even more amazing at first sight. Or we underestimated the adults. If there were any unsatisfactory places in the past, please ask adults not to blame."

Zhao Xin thought of the picture at that time, and he broke out the power of the emperor's blood. The guards let himself in, and did not accept the same test as others, and he was very polite to himself.

Laughing and said, "Well! I won't blame you. After I control the ruins of Taixu, I will reward you, and you don't have to guard here."

When I heard this, many of the guards were happy and said, "Thank you for the adults. In the future, we must obey the instructions of the adults and will not betray them."

Zhao Wei smiled and nodded. "Then you open the door, and my master and I will go deeper."

When the guard heard this, he immediately opened the door and Zhao Wei flew directly into it.

Many guards looked at Zhao Yu’s disappearing back and couldn’t help but sigh the change. One of the emperors of that year became their master.

The third layer and the first layer of the second layer belong to the dark three layers. The emptiness beast here is the most terrible, and it is always in the dark, hiding danger everywhere, it is easy to lose life.

Zhao Wei flew forward, passing a place full of battle marks on the way. It seems that he was fighting with a white man and a white-haired boy. The emperor escaped, and the white-haired teenager was killed by himself. Drop it.

I seem to have obtained Taiji Stone from the white-haired boy, and the Taiji Stone played a big role later.

After watching a few eyes, Zhao Wei continued to fly forward.

Entering the second floor, it is darker, surrounded by dark elements, and it is even more dangerous.

When I came here, Zhao couldn’t help but think of the battle between Wu and Wu. The Wuwu character was not bad. Although there was fighting, the two did not have enmity, but became friends.

At that time, he also Zhao Yi, and said that he had time to go to the Wu family to play.

In the past few years, Zhao Wei has not met him, and he has no time to go to the Wu family. He does not know what the Wuwu is now.

Continue to fly forward.

Zhao Wei came to the first floor, surrounded by darkness and darker elements. Alasna is also the **** of the twenty-four-winged angel. It is the first layer of forbidden creatures. It is extremely powerful and always Escape from here.

In the end, it was still accepted by Zhao Wei, and the process was very fragrant and unspeakable.

Zhao Wei thought of this, could not help but curiously asked, "Predecessors! You can remember that you have suppressed a **** of falling angels here."

Too imaginary ancestors think about it, replied, "I was suppressing a **** of falling angels. I originally thought that her qualifications were good. I wanted to let her recognize myself as the main thing and let management manage things."

"But she didn't want to, she just suppressed her on this level, I wanted to have time to deal with her things, but after that, something happened, I never came back."

"Now I don't feel her What should she use to escape, she has something to do with you?"

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Well! Now she has surrendered to me, or my nephew. Now I am leading the soldiers to guard the chaotic world. It does have a strong talent."

Too imaginary rumors are not saying anything, but saying, "Let's go!"

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei continued to fly to the front,

In the end, Zhao Wei came to a stone platform. The stone platform was 10,000 meters high and kilometer wide. With a majestic momentum, there was a square stone monument in the middle of the stone platform. There was a stone book on it, which exudes a powerful battle. Breath, people dare not approach.

Here is the final trial place, because knowing the first place in the standings, you can accept five special trials, get five treasures, if not the top 30 people in the standings, close to here will be attacked.

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