The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: Half cent

Come here to accept the final test, and then get very valuable reward items, Zhao Yu's chance to enter the reincarnation and Xiantao are here.

The jade flies into the void at one time, emitting a lot of purple light. There is a purple light door in front of the stone platform. On the other side of the light door is another world, where the green grass and the blue sky fly.

Zhao Wei entered it and immediately felt the scent of the surrounding, which is completely different from the feeling of entering the dust world before.

The immortality here is pure without cracks, because the fairy scent in the cracks of the fairy world is revealed from the fairy world, and the scent of the semi-immortal world is infiltrated, so there will be such a gap.

However, although the fairy tales here are somewhat different from the cracks in the fairyland, it does not mean that the fairy tales here are weak. The scent here is still very strong and very rich, but it is weaker than the cracks in the fairy lands.

Daqin can be a base point here, relying on the absorption of countless immortals here, and then injecting countless immortals into the heavens, and thus the heavens begin to change.

Now that the boundaries of the land have been affected by the power of countless resignations, some changes have begun. If the upper heavens are affected by the influence of immortality, they will also change.

In the end, the human world in the middle will be influenced by the lower bounds of heaven, and thus change. At that time, the new world will be transformed into the most terrible power and law.

The tyrant tyrants also came out of the jade and flew forward.

Zhao Wei is behind him.

Later, the Taixu ancestors and Zhao Yufei flew to the front of an ancient courtyard. From here, Zhao Wei can see that the purple-scented peach trees that have been growing for thousands of years are planted in the courtyard, such as ordinary small trees. Exudes countless fairy lights.

Now there are dozens of fist-sized pecans on the top, which exudes a charming fragrance. In the past, Zhao Wei was thinking about how good it would be to get this fairy peach tree. Now Xiantao belongs to Zhao Wei, which makes Zhao Wei happy.

After entering the courtyard with the Taixu ancestors, he came to the front of a platform. The platform was made of jade fairy stone. There was a white jade ball floating on it. It was the size of a watermelon and it radiated countless fairy lights.

It should be the control center of the entire ruins, as long as you control it, you can control the entire ruins.

There was a strong prohibition protection around him. When the tyrants waved their hands, the countless bans dissipated, and then he stepped onto the platform. This hand was placed on the white jade ball, and a force was injected into it.


A roar of sound rang, and the white jade ball exudes countless celestial lights. The whole ruins of the ruins are shocked, and countless creatures are shocked, but there is not too much panic, because they know that the tyrannical ancestors are back.

The old ancestral face is too expressionless, and a group of purple light **** are injected into it. After the purple light ball is blended into the white jade ball, the white jade ball emits a more intense light.


A roar sounded once, and the huge fairy power of the semi-immortal world rushed to the bottom with amazing power. The huge Xianli first poured into the first layer, then the second layer, the third layer, and the fourth layer. ......

Every time it is affected by the huge influence of Xianli, some of the banned destruction, some damaged buildings, all are slowly recovering.

Even the creatures that live in it have gained great benefits. The huge fairy power has also poured into them. Some beasts feel stronger than before. Some injured beasts seem to be cured, and various plants grow rapidly.

The thing that the tyrants are doing now is to repair the remains of the imaginary.

After a while, the tyrannical ancestors had some weakness on their faces. They took back their hands and turned to Zhao Wei. "Now I have repaired the ruins of Taixu, you can control it directly."

Zhao Wei smiled. "Thank you for your predecessors!"

Too imaginary ancestors nodded and turned into a streamer into the jade. He consumed a lot of power in order to repair the ruins of the imaginary, and now he is very weak.

Zhao Wei took the platform and placed one hand on the jade ball. The consciousness entered into it. Now the entire ruins of Taixu are under the control of Zhao Wei, and every corner can be seen in hidden corners.

At the same time, Zhao Wei discovered a lot of information about the ruins of Taixu. This illusory remains is like a treasure. It can be moved away. It is not fixed and cannot move, but it does not include eleven layers.

Originally too imaginary remains only one to ten layers, like an independent space, can be moved to other places, but the eleventh floor is also a semi-fairy, should be added later, and can not move.

Because the eleventh layer is also the semi-fairy world, it is not an independent space, but a space connecting the fairy world, so it cannot move.

Now the position of the semi-immortal world is not on the first floor, but in an endless void. Outside the Apocalypse world, the space on the first floor is connected to the eleventh floor.

Zhao Yu guessed that the tyrants of the tyrants had created the ruins of the ruins before, and later discovered a half of the fairyland, then connected the first and the half of the fairy, and placed the control center in the semi-fair, so the semi-fair became the tenth layer.

At this time, Zhao Wei has two choices. The first one is to connect the semi-immortal world and the heavenly boundary, and directly absorb the fairy spirit from the semi-fairy world. The second option is to connect the Taixu relics with the semi-immortal boundaries and the heavens.

Thinking in the same place for a while, the ruins of the Taixu are very large, and there is a world as big as the world. The tenth floor is the ten worlds. It is a pity to give up.

In the end, Zhao Wei made a decision and left the semi-immortal world to come to the heavens.

Zhao Wei stood in the void of the heavens and carefully sensed the surroundings. There was no other space, and the void was very stable.

After confirming that the space in the heavens was very stable, Zhao Wei returned to the human world, and with a wave of his hand, a force came out, and a purple light door appeared. Zhao Wei directly entered it and went directly to the semi-immortal world.

Zhao Wei placed a hand on the jade ball, and a force was injected into it. The jade ball exudes a huge force and spreads to the entire remains of the Taixu.


A loud noise rang Resounding through a dozen fields nearby, countless purple radiances emerged from it, and a huge pressure shrouded the four sides, and everyone felt a huge pressure.

A dozen fields have been restored to calm, and everyone’s mind has been thinking about things that were too open before the ruins, but they did not think that the ruins of the imaginary and the horrible waves.

Countless people looked at the sky with a shocked look and didn't understand what was going on.


The sound of violent vibration came from the sky, and the horrible sound felt that the sky was shaking, and there was a feeling of being extremely small and powerless.

Some heaven and earth strong people immediately flew into the sky, closed their eyes and felt the void, and wanted to know what happened, but they did not expect that they saw a scene that they could not believe.

. m.

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