The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2437: Too virtual

I saw that the huge ruins of the Taixu, emitting a lot of purple light, is rapidly shrinking, exudes a huge momentum.

"What happened? How is the ruin of the imaginary become smaller?"

The ruins of Taixu are not known here for many years. They have always been the most important relics in this area. Nowadays, people have really never thought of it, and there is also a bad feeling.


The huge roaring sounds constantly, the ruins of the Taixu are constantly shrinking, and the momentum that comes out is getting stronger and stronger, and the countless purple rays have become more intense.

Countless people on the ground, looked shocked and looked at the sky that emitted countless purple rays, without saying anything.

In the end, the ruins of the Taixu became a three-meter-large sphere, which emerged from the void, floating in the sky, emitting a slight radiance, and a powerful momentum.

Numerous purple rays in the sky have dissipated, and there is no strong momentum, but the pieces in the hands of the people are automatically smashed.

The crowd stunned and cried in a panic. "How can you break yourself? What happened? Who can say it? Can't you enter the ruins of the imaginary in the future?"

They quickly learned that the relics of the imaginary ruins were shrinking, and they showed a horrified expression. They were still in a state of laps. It is not clear why such changes have occurred in the ruins of the imaginary. I wanted to ask those who were strong.


At this time, those strong people did not care for them, and rushed to the void with a huge momentum.

Now the ruins of the Taixu become a three-meter-large sphere. Whoever gets the three-meter-large sphere is equivalent to getting the remains of the imaginary imaginary. I think of the countless treasures in the ruins of the imaginary, many of the strong heartbeats are accelerating, and the excitement is not spoken.

At this moment, they only have one idea, that is, to rob the ruins of the imaginary ruins at all costs, and everyone is like crazy, rushing forward to the void.

A figure of the figure brings out the streamer, from the sky in all directions, from the past, this scene is quite spectacular and surprising.

A big man who radiated the power of horror rushed to the forefront. He looked at other people who rushed over and immediately shouted. "Too ruins are owned by my mountain, and I am rude to blame me."

The handsome young man, who immediately looked forward, shouted. "The ruins of the Taixu are all right for me." You dare to rob my Dongming dynasty, and you must pay a huge price."

A middle-aged man with a scholarly appearance said, "The ruins of Taixu are still handed over to our college for the best, so it will be fair to everyone. Please believe in our college."

The ugly woman yelled directly, "Roll your mother, who is the ruin of the ruins, who is who you are, and because you will be afraid of you."


A loud roar sounded, and some of the strong men did not even care for them. With a terrible momentum, they dragged a huge wind and rushed to the remains of Taixu.

This time, the monster-level powerhouse who has been retiring all the year round has also broken through and joined this robbing.

The ruins of the Taixu are extremely important to them, and they can make a force rise and become stronger.


A white streamer ran the fastest, and instantly surpassed many people. It was a girl riding a white horse. The momentum was very strong. It seems that it is not a few people in the vicinity.

When everyone looked at the girl, they were close to the ruins of the imaginary, and they were shocked. They quickly tried to stop the girl.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and the imperial controversy spread out. The old man in black suddenly appeared near the ruins of the ruins, and the cold eyes glanced around. "Who is going further...dead!"

Many powerful people frightened and stopped, and their faces were ugly. Most of them were strong in heaven and earth. They were not opponents of the strong heavens. They were too different between them. It seems that Emperor Tiantian can easily kill them. .

The girl riding the white horse stopped, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the dignified old man in black.

The old man in black looked at the stopped people, with a sneer on his face, and turned to fly to the ruins of Taixu.


A huge punch, with amazing power to the old man in black, a man full of chaos, looks like a strange man, appeared near the old man, and said, "This thing is mine."


A huge momentum suddenly came, a tall woman, also exudes a huge pressure, is also a strong Tiandi strong, women did not say anything after the emergence, directly rushed to the past .

Then came a few strong players, the two sides directly fought, issued a terrible wave of stocks.

There were countless people who stopped and watched the strong men of the melee. They couldn’t help but rushed over and wanted to **** the remains of the imaginary.


A huge roar sounded, and the ruins of Taixu exuded countless purple radiances, and there was a huge momentum that turned into a purple streamer that rushed to the sky and disappeared.

Sudden changes have caused countless people who want to **** them to stop, and the face of the imaginary ruins has disappeared.

Some people still don't want to believe, and they immediately feel around, but they can't sense any remnants of the imaginary relics. Today, the ruins of the vain really disappeared from this area. Countless people on the ground lost everything, and even some people burst into tears.

In the future, there will be no such good relics for them to explore, and they will not be able to obtain all kinds of treasures. The celebrations of the birth of the ruins of Taixu will disappear.

The last thing that is uncomfortable is the many powerful people in the sky. They feel regretful. If they just hurry up, they will get too much ruins, but now they are too imaginary to fly away, and they regret it is useless.

A few of the Emperor's strongest people snorted and looked at each other. They could not get the reason for the ruins of the illusion, and they were blamed on each other.

However, they are not working, and now the ruins of the imaginary disappeared They also disappeared into a streamer.

Many of the strongest people in the sky were also disappointed to return to the ground, and there was no fighting.

Everyone has never understood what happened, why the ruins of the vain will become smaller, and why the ruins of the imaginary will disappear.

Above the semi-precious platform, a three-meter-sized sphere flew out of the platform and stopped in front of Zhao Wei.

Everyone did not know that everything was caused by Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the ball in front of him and showed a smile. He just used the ruins of Taixu. He knew that there were many people underneath to rob the ruins of Taixu. However, it was estimated that he would not take back the remains of Taixu, but stayed for a while. they.

In fact, even if they grab the ball, it is useless. The control center of the imaginary remains is in the semi-immortal world. It is impossible to control the ruins of the imaginary.

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