The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2438: Heaven

Zhao Wei took this three-meter-large sphere and came to the heavens, just above the Pantheon.

The boundary has the deepest space, where the nine reincarnations are located. The reason is that the boundary was originally part of the yin, and it is now connected with the yin. The deepest space in the yin is six reincarnations.

There is a reincarnation of the Spirit of the Apocalypse, and countless souls will enter there, and the space may be very large.

Therefore, the boundary also has the deepest space.

Although the endless sky of the gods has a celestial mirror, there is no corresponding space, so there is no heaven.

Now Zhao’s idea is to integrate the ten-story space of the Taixu relics into the top of the heavens, as the tenth floor of the heavens.

This feeling has further perfected the Three Realms. Now the Three Realms are still in an evolutionary state, which requires Zhao Hao to constantly improve, and the Three Realms will be strong and stable in the future.

The tenth floor of the heavens is placed above the Pantheon. In the future, other people can directly enter the tenth floor of the heavens through the Pantheon, without having to use anything too sham.

Zhao Wei stood in the void above the Pantheon, and extended a hand to throw the three-meter-large sphere in his hand, and the three-meter-large sphere flew upward.


A huge roar sounded, and the purple light ball exudes a huge momentum, such as a huge tide, flooding all around, and easily drowning everything around.

There are no hundreds of surnames and gods in the heavens, and my heart is amazed, my body is cold, and I look up into the sky with a look of horror.

Numerous purple rays are radiating from the sky, and the three-meter-large sphere is constantly getting bigger, and the terrible momentum is getting stronger and stronger. The atmosphere is getting more and more dignified, and people can't breathe quickly.

Many gods came to the Pantheon to find out what happened, and hundreds of surnames were kneeling on the ground and piously praying.

The sphere is getting bigger and bigger. From a distance, a transparent sphere is rapidly becoming larger. There are ten planes, one on top of it, a total of ten layers. The ten-layer interface also grows larger as the sphere becomes larger. .

The gods who came over, looked at the scene with a shocked look, and felt too shocked.

A few hours later, the ten layers of the heavens were fully expanded. The huge shadows covered the heavens and the ground, letting the light be dark. From the distance, the ten layers of the plane stood straight in the air, giving off a vast expanse. Spectacular momentum.

They are different in each layer. For example, the first layer grows all the trees, emitting silver and white light. The second layer is a grassland, emitting a lot of blue light. The third layer is a desert, emitting a lot of yellow. Ray...

The top three floors belong to dark areas, and it is not clear what is inside. It feels terrible.

Many goddesses flew to Zhao Wei, curious and shy and said, "Your Majesty! What are you doing? And you have been away for so long, why don't you come back, we can miss you very much."

Zhao Wei looked at the many goddesses and chuckled. "Now I still have something to do, and I will tell you in detail after processing."

Many goddesses smiled and nodded.

Zhao Wei then went directly into the semi-immortal world. Now he just placed the tenth floor of the heavens, and there are still many things to deal with.

After coming to the semi-fairy world, Zhao Yu wanted to transform the tenth floor of the heavens and changed the tenth floor of the heavens into a place where the gods lived.

The weakest **** can only live on the tenth floor. The **** who is stronger than the weakest **** lives on the ninth floor. The power of the stronger than the weakest **** can live on the eighth floor, and so on.

The top three layers, that is, the dark three domains, Zhao Yu intends to change the property and change to the bright three domain.

The celestial attribute belongs to yang, so the highest level of the heavens should be a bright attribute, and the boundary is a negative attribute, so the attribute is a negative attribute.

In fact, there is also a plan for Zhao Wei to change the tenth floor of the heavens into a trial land, and to try out the trials of countless heavenly people. They can obtain various treasures in them, thus enhancing their strength.

However, Zhao Wei thought about it and felt that there was no need for it, because all kinds of treasures that are now too illusory, Zhao Yi will take it out for the development of the forces.

Daqin is now fighting in the Quartet, the loss will be relatively large, and there is no need to lose too much because of trials.

Waiting for Zhao Yu, he must immediately introduce the fairy qi into the heavens. The tenth layer of the heavens is the place where the fairy qi must pass. It is influenced by the fairy qi, and it is very suitable as a place of cultivation, or a place to cultivate spiritual medicine and spiritual things.

Zhao Wei came to the platform and placed one hand on the jade ball. Now what Zhao Wei is going to do, first change the attributes of the top three layers.

The upper three layers were not actually dark attributes, but because the prohibition was destroyed, and they fell into the darkness. The properties turned slowly into darkness over the years, and the creatures inside adapted to the darkness and turned into dark attributes.

It is not difficult for Zhao Wei to turn darkness into light. In fact, light and darkness are like yin and yang. They are attributes that can be transformed and blended.

Of course, the process is a bit painful for those creatures, but Zhao Wei still has to do it. There is no way that the three layers of Heaven must be bright attributes.


A force is injected into the jade ball, and the jade ball exudes an invisible force. In the dark three layers, numerous glareous white light emerges from the darkness, and the darkness quickly recedes, and the light shrouds the earth.

Ah, ah...

Numerous dark creatures are exposed to the light, and the intense pain causes them to make a scream of screams. Countless plants, like lack of water, become dry and brave a black scent.

Although many dark creatures are very painful, the power of light flows into their bodies, and their dark power begins to change.

They first gave birth to a small ball of light, and then the ball of light became bigger and bigger, and their dark power became smaller and smaller.

In the end, they all turned into bright creatures.

Originally a black scale The fierce dark leopard, now a white scale, looks gentler, not as fierce as before.

An evil demon fox, originally very fierce, now has a soft white fur, giving off a slight white light, giving an elegant and agile feeling.

A black feathered bird flying in the sky, the feathers turned white, and the appearance was not as weird as before, and it became a lot better.

The various plants growing on the ground, originally black leaves and branches, now turn green, and the trunks return to normal colors.

The three dark fields disappeared, replaced by the third order of light, and numerous white rays shrouded the three planes, none of which was dark, and all kinds of ferocious animals and plants were all changed. It becomes so fast and docile, it is hard to imagine that it was the dark three domains before.

Zhao Wei’s consciousness entered the bright three fields, and he looked at the changes in each place, and his face showed a smile on his face.

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