The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2439: Fairy

Then Zhao Wei continued to change other layers, such as desert and rocky land, which was not suitable for living. Zhao Yu made many oases in the desert and created a lot of forest grass in the rocky land.

This took Zhao a few days, and it is also the use of these days, Zhao Wei ordered a huge array of people in the semi-centre.

The huge array of laws covered almost the entire half of the fairyland. The center of the circle was the courtyard. It was once the place where the ancestors lived, and the location where the fairy peach trees are located.

The array of arranging now is not the sacred method of the sacred, but the sacred ancestor of the tyrant.

Ten secluded pass is best used in the lower interface, not suitable for use in the upper bound, so the use of the illusion of the ancestors of the illusion of the ancestors.

The Faerie of the Faerie is a squad that attracts a lot of scent, and its level is not low, it has a strong effect.

After transforming the tenth floor of the heavens, Zhao Wei came to the center of the Faerie.

Here, there are eight light **** floating, each of which is ten meters in size and distributed in eight directions, each of which exudes a powerful momentum.

Zhao Wei raised one hand, and the eight light **** radiated a strong radiance. A huge array of tactics, with powerful force, emerged from the ground, and the surrounding forces quickly poured into the law.

After the law array absorbed countless forces, there were countless lights on the top, and the huge momentum that came out was growing.

The eight light **** around Zhao Wei radiate a strong glare, and they can't see the surrounding scenery as if they are covered by light.


A loud bang, a huge discoloration, with the power of horror, flew past the sky, hitting the sky with force, as if the sky was broken, forming a huge white beam.

The eight light **** around Zhao Wei, in the center of the light column, radiated a powerful force and began to turn to one side, and a huge suction came out.


A huge roar sounded once, and the huge fairy scent, like the water of the Tianhe River, descended down the huge beam of light, drowning everything in it, and the sound was extremely shocking.

As the celestial continually pours down, the celestial celestial spirit of the semi-immortal world is more and more, and then flows to the first layer, just like the water flowing down from the sky, the fairy air flows through the first layer, the second layer, the first Three layers...

Finally, it fell on the ground of the heavens, and countless immortals spread to the surrounding, and the heavens changed at that moment.

Countless plants are growing fast, and it seems to have a hint of power. Many creatures are stronger and more spiritual than before. Some sick creatures are automatically cured and the body is very comfortable.

Zhao Wei sensed the change of the heavens, and a smile appeared on his face. The huge beam of light began to dissipate, but the eight light **** around Zhao Wei continued to rotate, and the steady stream of celestial spirits rushed from the fairyland to the half fairy.

The fairy scent in the semi-fairy world flows through the first layer, the second layer, and the third layer finally flows to the heavenly ground.

This is the same as the realm. Now it is time to wait. As the immortality continues to inject into the heavens, the heavens will be affected by the influence of immortality and have stronger powers and laws.

Now it can be said that the three worlds have been accelerated a big step, and the basic thing Zhao Wei has done roughly. There is a scent of gas injection above, and there is a force to return to the market. Even Zhao Wei has built a reincarnation of his own world.

The next step is to wait for the world to change.

After this matter was solved, I relaxed in the Pantheon and enjoyed the five goddesses of gold, silver, iron, bronze and jade, and the goddess of the gods, and the debauchery of the goddess of the earth and her seven daughters. The goddess is happy to join.

Finally, Zhao Wei returned to Daqin.

Originally, Zhao Wei thought about several things that must be done first in order to cope with the upcoming catastrophe.

The first battle in the alchemy world, the acquisition of a large number of points to exchange the stone, to build a flood, has now been completed.

The second search for the semi-immortal world, the introduction of countless immortals, the transformation of the heavens, this matter has also been completed.

The third thing is to awaken the two emperors and the aquarium.

Zhao Wei decided to awaken the spirit star, because Zhao Wei now has the yin and yang soul fire, the bone of Jinling, the blood of the water spirit, the heart of the fire spirit, the body of Muling, and finally a soil spirit. Zhao Wei has a yin and yang five elements.

With these conditions, the awakening of the Lingzu Emperor will be simpler.

As for the awakening of the aquarium star, Zhao Wei has not found a clue, can only put it aside, as the last awakened emperor star.

There is also the Six Devils, Zhao Wei must go to the Six Immortals once to solve the problem of their own exercises.

This will be a matter that takes a lot of time. Zhao Wei summoned a large number of ministers and told them about going to the spiritual domain.

Lisi said, "If you have just returned, you have to go to the spiritual domain for a few days. If you have to talk for a few more months, don't you rest for a few more days?"

Next to Li Muqing, he also advised, "Your Majesty! Please also don't be too tired, staying for a few days, Daqin people have not seen you for a long time."

There have been many things in recent years, and it is not a trivial matter. Zhao Wei needs to travel to several places and spend the least few months.

When there were no such things before, Zhao Wei would often go on a patrol, and the people of all parties were very excited and warmly welcome.

They can see Zhao Wei, the highest ruler of the Daqin Empire, the people they respect and worship, and the relationship between the two sides will be close to each other, which can strengthen the cohesiveness of the empire.

But now Zhao Wei does not have that time, naturally there is no patrol, and the things such as the imperial examinations are all handed over to others, and there is no time to deal with them.

Zhao Wei did not have a personal look at the changes in Daqin for a long time. He only learned about Daqin’s current situation through his memorial.

After thinking about it, Zhao Wei still intends to go to the spiritual domain. These things must be solved first. And that catastrophe can happen at any time, there is no time to waste this.

Open the door, "Well! I know, but now the time is tight, I have to solve these few things first, and other things are being dealt with later."

Many ministers saw Zhao Wei making a decision and no longer persuaded him to stand there honestly.

Zhao Wei continued seriously. "In the period of my departure, everything in Daqin is still the same as before. Every local matter is solved by people from all walks of life."

"There is still more attention to the side of the Apocalypse. Now the Tianqi world is in a very dangerous situation. The parties may take action against Daqin at any time. Daqin should not rush to expand and stabilize."


The ministers of the parties respected each other and acted in unison.

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