The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2440: Great changes in the world

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile. “Okay! Go on.”

After telling the ministers, Zhao Wei intends to leave immediately and go to the spiritual domain to solve the problems of the spiritual star and the six desires.

At this time, a huge world, with great momentum, slowly moved to the Apocalypse world, and then collided with the Apocalypse world.


Suddenly a thunderous roar sounded and resounded throughout the Apocalypse world. The ground trembled fiercely, the heavens and the earth changed, the sun and the moon were dull, the winds were surging, and the spirits were chaotic, just like a disaster.

Countless people panic, don't know what happened, feel the terrible momentum of the day's shaking, and there is a strong fear in their hearts.

Many terrible powerhouses, but there is no accident, as if they knew that this would happen, and their faces were dignified.

Zhao Wei felt the violent vibration of the ground, and the terrible momentum. At first, he was shocked, but then he realized what happened.

In the previous power of the Emperor College, I said that there is a big world moving towards the Apocalypse world.

Now is the fluctuation that the big world has hit in the Apocalypse world.

After a while, the violent fluctuations stopped, and the reminders quickly sounded in my mind, as everything Zhao thought.

"Hint! The card battlefield is open."

"Hint! The battlefield door opens."

"Hint! The strength to reach the level of the Hou national level, you can enter the alchemy battlefield or chaotic battlefield and card battlefield through the battlefield door."

“Hint! Enter the battlefield, you can earn points by killing extraterrestrial creatures, and points can be used to redeem items.”

“Hint! Reward item types are updated.”

“Hint! The reward item level is raised.”

“Hint! The number of reward items has increased.”

"Hint! Aura is weakened, the power of the region is weakened, the power of the world is weakened, the air transport is greatly affected, and the stability is reduced."

"Upgrade! The gods can also participate in the war through the door of war."

"Hint! The celestial world can also participate in the war through the door of war."

"Hint! The forces have reached the level of the national level to participate in the fighting, have the right to support the resources that do not reach the Hou national level and do not participate in the battle. This power can be exchanged with points. If you do not promise to provide supporters, the whole force will Was punished."

"Warning! Every state-level force must obtain certain points every month. If it does not meet the requirements, there will be corresponding punishment. If it fails to meet the requirements many times, it will be cancelled. The whole royal family will be affected by the world. Counterattack."

"Warning! Infighting is prohibited in the battlefield. If there is any violation, it will be severely punished. If it is serious, it will be obliterated."

"Warning! If there is an enemy to sell, you will be punished and endured suffering, until the spirit is gone, not only the wife and children, but the entire family is equally."

Zhao Wei looked at this road reminder, similar to the tips after the last Alchemy World crash, but the content changed a bit.

The first is the card world, the card battlefield, the former one called the Alchemy World, the Alchemy Battlefield. Is this a card world hitting the Apocalypse world this time?

Secondly, the types, quantities and grades of reward items are greatly improved, which means that more good things can be exchanged.

The third point was originally that the kingdom-level forces were qualified to participate in the plane war. Then the alchemy world appeared and needed the power of the Principality. Now it has another level, and the Hou-level forces will participate in the war.

The lowest level of the country is the kingdom, and the country is only a little stronger than the country.

The fourth is the power of aura, the power of the region, and the decline of world power. These were the last time, but this time it was even more serious.

Those forces have fallen a lot, and the most important air transport has been greatly affected. The relative instability is unstable. The turbulence of the unstable forces of gas transport will increase, and it will be easily defeated or swallowed by other powerful forces.

This is not a good thing for all the apocalyptic world forces.

On the fifth point, Zhao Wei feels a little surprised. Now both the Yin and the Divine Realms must participate in the war. In the past, no matter the chaotic world and the alchemy world, the gods and the Yin world did not need to participate in the war.

At this time, both the gods and the celestial world must participate in the war. This shows that the situation in the Apocalypse world is very unfavorable, and almost all efforts have been made, without any hand.

This is indeed the case. There was not much pressure to deal with a chaotic world. Suddenly there was an alchemy world. Now the Tianqi world forces are very unfavorable in the alchemy world and have been suppressed by the alchemy world.

Now there is another world of cards, that is, three big worlds attacking an apocalyptic world, and the situation is naturally more unfavorable.

Although the vaginal world and the gods are not as big as the apocalyptic world, if they participate in the war, they can weaken the pressure of the apocalyptic world.

The sixth point of participation in the battle can be a certain amount of material support for the forces that are not involved in the battle, which feels very good.

Because they can have a lot of losses in the plane of the plane, and some small forces can hide in the Apocalypse world, there is nothing to control, punishment can not punish them, and there are some big forces that have losses.

Now that there is this power, Zhao can have some benefits to the forces around him. This is the power given by the Apocalyptic world. Those small forces simply do not dare to resist.

Even Zhao Wei feels that he can take this opportunity to oppress the small forces, and finally to swallow and digest these small forces to make their own forces stronger.

Only this power needs to be redeemed for points. Zhao Wei feels that it should be easy to exchange, because the small forces are weak. If you consume a lot of points, you can't get many benefits. Who would be so stupid to exchange?

Finally, there are three warnings, it is forbidden to fight in the battlefield outside the border, and it is necessary to obtain certain points and severely deal with the traitors. These need not be said before.

This road can all indicate that the situation of the Apocalypse world is very bad There is a danger of being attacked by three big worlds.

If the Apocalypse world is destroyed, it will be a heavy blow to Daqin. Daqin can only enter the endless void from the Apocalypse world.

Zhao Weike has just returned from the endless void. There are all kinds of unknown dangers, and there are many dangers that simply cannot resist. It is difficult to lose the apocalyptic world.

But this is a plane war, Zhao Wei can't play much role, and now it can only follow the tide.

Zhao Wei’s face is serious. Now, such a big thing happens. Naturally, this matter must be dealt with first. The plan to go to the spiritual domain can only be changed. After the matter is handled, it is going.

The minister who had just left, felt the momentum of the change of the day, and hurriedly turned back to the hall. They understood that Zhao Wei would definitely call them again and discuss the matter.

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