The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2442: cavalry


A little white-haired hair, a small squirrel with a green hair on his head, ran to the side of Zhao Wei, where he was lying, and a pair of watery eyes looked at the fairy fruit in the hands of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked down at the little things and couldn't help but smile. He took out a fairy fruit and handed it to the little squirrel.

The little squirrel is holding the fairy fruit and eats it when he is happy.

Zhao Wei discovered that the little squirrel does not seem to be an ordinary creature. The current strength has five orders, and its blood may not be low.

Da da da……

A sound of horseshoe running sounded, and a group of cavalry rushed out from the forest and stopped in front of Zhao Wei.

They have the faces of Westerners. There are a total of thirteen people, all of them women. They are the first blond-haired eyes, a very beautiful woman, dressed in mature, wearing a blue armor and riding a white horse.

The other twelve women, tall and handsome, look good, are also good, wearing a silver armor, holding a long gun, also riding a white horse, the breath is not weak, there are saints repair for.

Zhao Wei looked at himself and couldn't find it. As a result, they ran out and couldn't help but reveal a happy smile. Now they can understand the information of the card world.

"Who are you? Why do you see our princess, don't you swear?" asked a female knight with a cold face.

They said that they should be the language of the card world. Now Zhao can't understand what they are saying, but they have telepathic things and understand what they mean.

The little squirrel saw the blonde woman at this time, and she took the fairy fruit to the blonde woman. She jumped on the shoulder of the blonde woman and continued to eat the fairy fruit.

The blonde woman looked at the greedy little squirrel on her shoulder, her face showing a smile and a sweet voice. "Forget it! Don't worry, let's go!"

It was said that the female cavalry had taken a command and said nothing. A group of people were thinking about turning around and leaving.

Zhao Yan smiled and said, "It seems that I did not let you leave!"

Upon hearing this voice, the blonde woman stopped and turned to look at Zhao Yan's frown, and her face was unhappy.

At this time, Zhao Wei has also used the language stone to translate his words into the language of the card world, so they can understand.

The female cavalry whispered, "You already know the politeness of our princess, and even dare to speak for our princess? Really, when our princess is tolerant, will not kill you?"

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "You can come and try it."

The female cavalry was angry on her face and was about to ride the horse to Zhao Yu. The blonde woman reached out and stopped her. She said seriously, "His strength may be strong, not as ordinary as it looks."

When I heard the blonde woman, many female cavalrymen were shocked and their faces became serious.

The blonde woman looked at Zhao Wei with a beautiful pair of eyes and asked seriously, "Who are you?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I will tell you when you come over!"

The blonde woman is obviously not so stupid, but she is not sure how strong Zhao Wei is, worried that Zhao Wei will be very dangerous, coldly said, "What do you want to do? This is the territory of the Locke State."

Zhao Yan smiled and walked forward, his tone whispered and asked, "What do you think I want to do?"

When everyone looked at Zhao Wei and walked over, the instinctive felt a danger, but the other side had come back. They could not stand here waiting for Zhao Wei to hurt them, so they distributed a powerful force and raised their rifles. Directly rushed to Zhao Yu and launched an attack on Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei watched them rushing over, the smile on his face was deeper, a force was injected into the left eye, and the golden eyelid of the left eye was rotated.


A sound of the chain rang, and a black chain was shot from the ground, and the speed quickly shot at the many women.

Many women were shocked and gave off an energy cover to resist countless chains.

But the power contained in the chain is terrible. It easily runs through the energy hoods and binds the women, including the horses under them. They struggle hard but struggle.

The little squirrel was also tied with a chain, wrapped in a scorpion, and screamed in fear.

Now they are in fear in their hearts. The person in front of them is terrible. They are not opponents at all.

Zhao Wei watched them being tied together by many chains, laughing with a wave of hands, a chain of chains tied to their bodies, pulling their bodies from the horse to Zhao Wei and falling to the ground.

The blonde woman’s face was ugly, and a pair of beautiful women looked at Zhao Wei and warned, “You are very strong, but you should not think that Locke is bullied. If you dare to hurt me, Locke will ask you to pay the price.”

Zhao Wei was a little scared. He smiled and reached for the blond woman's chin. The blonde woman turned her head in disgust and wanted to break Zhao's hand.

But Zhao Wei bowed her head to the blond woman's mouth, and countless six desires poured into her mouth, and the blonde woman was quite determined to resist Zhao Wei.

The other female cavalry glared at Zhao Yan with an angry look. "Bastards, scum, animals, don't invade their princesses, and they will rush to them."

Zhao Wei naturally did not care for them, his hand reached into the blond woman's armor, can not be described, the blonde woman will collapse directly, fiercely respond to Zhao Wei.

Subsequently, the two men heated up in the clouds, and the female cavalry was blushing. They did not expect their princess to become so debauchery. They were doing this with a man in front of them, and they looked happy.

In less than a moment, the blonde woman was soft in Zhao’s arms, and the other female cavalry quickly experienced the joy of their princess. One by one and Zhao Yu could not describe it and made a different cry.

The blonde woman is also recovering her strength. She is riding directly on Zhao Wei’s body. The female cavalry is surrounded by Zhao The picture is amazing.

These female cavalry are very scary and they have been riding crazy on Zhao Wei, but they are not Zhao’s opponents. In the end, Zhao Wei rides on them and enjoys their taste.

After a long time, the sun is about to fall, the golden sun is falling on the lake, the lake is full of ripples, and the armor and clothes next to the place, many women rely on Zhao Wei, the face is flushed and weak.

Zhao Wei looked at the blond woman in her arms and said with a smile. "I want to know all the information about the card world now. You tell me everything you know."

The blonde woman also reacted immediately, and she was shocked. "You are the person of the Apocalypse world?"

Now they also know that the card world and the Apocalypse world have started a plane war. When Zhao Wei wants to inquire about the card world, he understands that Zhao Wei is a person of the Apocalypse world, because only the people of the Apocalypse world want to know the world of cards. information. ()

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