The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2443: emperor

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am the person of the Apocalypse world. This time I came to collect information about the card world. I couldn't find a few people. As a result, you sent a dozen of them to your door."

The blonde woman snorted. "The plane war began. We just came to see the territory. We didn't expect to meet you. Now we have violated us. Now that our body is dirty, what do you say? we?"

Lying on the other side of Zhao Wei, the female cavalry who had spoken to Zhao Wei before, said with a flushed face, "You can leave us alone, but you must have an account for our princess."

Zhao Wei said with a overbearing smile, "Since I have possessed you, you are now my woman."

The blonde woman showed a smile, and the women in their card world all attached great importance to chastity. If they didn't have it for the first time, it would be difficult to get married.

Now she is possessed by Zhao Wei. She doesn't know why. She wants to stay with Zhao Wei and enjoy the kind of happiness just now. It seems that Zhao has a kind of invisible magic in his body.

Next to the female cavalry, her face first smiled, then worried and said, "But you are the person of the Apocalypse world, you and our princess are two world people, you are hard to be together."

Zhao Wei said, "Since you are my woman, it is naturally on the side of the Apocalypse world, and my Daqin army will soon come in. This time I will first collect intelligence."

The blonde woman asked with a strange look, "Your army? What is your identity?"

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "I am the king of a kingdom!"

Many women were shocked by the look. "What? You are still the king of a kingdom. How can you as a king dare to run alone to inquire about intelligence? Are you not afraid of danger?"

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile. "You can rest assured that you don't have to worry about me."

Many women think of Zhao Wei's powerful strength, and there is nothing to worry about, but the faces of the women are hard to look at.

The Daqin army entered here, and the Rock State was on the side. Daqin is sure to attack the Locke country, and the Locke State has their relatives and friends, or their loyal faith.

The blonde woman was worried. "How do you plan to deal with Locke? I don't want you to fight with Locke."

Zhao Wei thought for a moment. "Do you think that our two different worlds are in a period of war, may you get along well? Is the Locke Congress recklessly appearing in Daqin? Even if we can get along well, then you will be Be a traitor."

It’s said that the girls are in silence and don’t know what to do next.

Zhao Wei put a few female cavalry into his arms and said with a smile. "In fact, you don't have to think about it. Not only is Locke State mine, but dozens of worlds will be mine."

The blonde woman took a look at Zhao Wei. "Do you really have such a strong strength in Daqin? Here is the card world. You want to capture such a large area. It is impossible."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Okay! Tell me about the card world. As for what I can't do, you will know it in the future."

The blonde woman nodded and began to explain the information of the card world to Zhao Wei.

The first is their name, the blonde woman named Hilary, and the female cavalry who just spoke to Zhao Wei are Melissa, Anne, Meridian, Alice, Aviva, Kritina...

The second is the Locke Kingdom. It is a state-level force. It is only one-tenth the size of the world. It is a very powerful country for ordinary powers. It is very weak for Daqin.

Then there is the location here, here is no longer the outer domain, but the middle domain of the card world.

Now Daqin has been upgraded to a kingdom and has strong strength, so it is transmitted to the middle of the card world by the door of war.

There is no accident here. The basic strength is a second-order soldier. At this point, Daqin will have a little weakness.

Finally, the whole world of the card world, the card world is a country-based world, but this is somewhat different from the Apocalypse world.

The card world implements a sub-sealing system. A king can divide the country into several large lords. Several large lords can also divide the territory into small lords, and the small lords can also distribute their land to the knights.

This is like a pyramid, the top is the king, then the big lord, the small lord, and finally the knight.

In the card world, the knight is the lowest lord, but it is also a lord, and his identity is more noble than other world knights.

It can be called a knight. It is not so easy. First, it requires long-term training. It is impossible for ordinary people to become knights. It must be stronger and more excellent than ordinary people.

In the end, if you want to be a knight, you must accept the approval of the Knights Union to become a knight.

After becoming a knight, it does not mean having everything. It is also a proof of honor and identity. To obtain territory and wealth, you also need to choose a lord loyalty. If you perform well, the lord will inevitably give the knight.

This is the tradition of the card world, and there are corresponding world rules, which are basically the same in all countries, with few exceptions.

A king enjoys the highest power, and each lord must pay taxes to him, hand over supplies, and mobilize the power of many lords to fight, and can also cancel the position of any lord in the territory.

Not only the king, but other big lords and small lords have the power to cancel the positions of the lords below them.

Many of the forces that have been removed from the lord, the entire territory will be in a curse attribute, power and air transport will drop a lot, and will continue for a long time.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there is no such thing as the lord of the next level who dares to offend the lord of the upper unless it is the time when the next lord declines and the next lord is strong.

Zhao Wei does not like this kind of sub-sealing system, and divides power step by step. The drawbacks will not be small. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the lower-level lord may rebel at any time.

Daqin is a centralized system that holds the power of the entire country in its hands. There is no need to worry about the lord's problems, because there will be no other lords.

Not only the lord, but Zhao Yi also did not seal who is the king. Even if he is the most trusted person of Li Si Zhao Wei, he can give Daqin to them for management, but Zhao Wei will seal them as the most, and will not seal them. Be king.

Because as long as it is divided into kings, then the air transport will lose a part, the power will be reduced, and the loyalty of the people will not be less, and there are various influences.

In the future, even if Zhao has children, there is only one emperor, and no one else can be called a king.

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