The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2444: Cardification

After understanding the system of the card world, and then the things related to the card world, Zhao Wei is also very curious.

Hilary seriously explained to Zhao Wei that in the card world, in addition to their card family, anything can be cardized, such as trees, stones, flowers, beasts, water...

Even some intelligent races other than the Kazu, such as some humanoid creatures, giants, antlers, blood warriors, monks, and half lizards can be stuck.

Carding various objects is also a unique talent for the Kazu. Other races do not have this ability.

Cardified things also have power limitations. The stronger a person can get stronger, the weaker ones can only get some small stone bugs.

There is also less power required to kill the dead than the cardinal.

There are also three types of cardification, one is self-cardification, such as what beast, what kind of race, all creatures that can be cardized have the ability to self-card, that is, the ability to turn themselves into a card.

This kind of situation is mostly caused by biological loyalty and loyalty, and will be self-cardified.

Just hold a card and you can summon it at any time.

Just like a person taking a giant card, you can get it stuck anywhere, a giant will appear there, of course, the card also needs to consume a lot of power, the general weak will not summon too powerful Creature.

The second is the most commonly used card, that is, the cardification of others, the card family can all things in the world, not only what flowers and trees, but also food, houses, buildings can be card.

The last one is forced carding. This situation mainly occurs when a certain thing is forcibly stuck.

Although stuck has the ability to make everything in the world, all kinds of things have the ability to self-card, and also have the ability to resist card.

A person wants to card a beast. If the beast is unwilling, he will struggle to resist the card. The person must be stronger than the beast in order to be able to card it, otherwise it will not be able to be cardified.

Moreover, this kind of forcible creature will even be forced to struggle after being carded. Once the force that binds it disappears, the creature will break the card and reappear.

Even after some powerful creatures or things are stuck, their huge power can penetrate the cards and have great consequences.

Hilary said that there was a family that had a very terrible demon, but the demon that became a card, emitting very evil power, eroding the family, and finally the family became half-human and half-devil. Monster.

In this case, it is also a special seal, suppression, and imprisonment to prevent this kind of thing.

Explain the three types of cardization, and then the most important thing in the card world.

The card heart is generally a square, the size of the egg, the main function is to store the card, the card heart is a basic treasure, as long as it is integrated into the body, an idea can take out any card from it, without having to turn it over. Looking very fast.

The bottom card is a white card, which can store up to a dozen cards. The most advanced card is a colorful card, which can store cards without restrictions, and it has very powerful power.

What makes Zhao Wei more surprised is the various types of cards, in addition to material cards, food cards, bio-cards, prop cards, and skill cards.

There are two types of skill cards. The first one is a skill card that can be learned. For example, a fireball skill card that can be learned can be used to obtain fireball skills.

The second skill card is to card the skills that are displayed. For example, if you release a fireball, you can use this fireball to be released, and when it can be released at one time.

Even if you don't have this kind of skill, you can rely on this kind of card to display this skill many times.

However, it is not an easy task to create this kind of skill card. It requires a high card making skill, and there is a special card in the card world.

Finally, Zhao Wei’s curious sun, Hillary also explained clearly.

The current sun is called the Kashu Shenri. There is a book of cards in the legend. There are all the cards in the world of cards, all kinds of them, and they also have the great power of creation.

The card book God Day is also the most respectful thing in the world of cards. No one dares to offend insults, and many people have built many books and temples to offer it.

Waiting until the evening, the card book will become a card book **** month, that is, the sun and the moon are a kind of thing, not like other worlds, the sun is the sun, the moon is the moon, two different things.

The above is the general information of the card world, and more detailed information cannot be fully explained.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, he said, "Your blood gives me some."

Hilaya asked with doubts, "What do you want my blood to do?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "You will know when you wait."

Hilary snorted, took out a knife, cut open the palm of his hand, blood continually flowed out of the wound, under the control of Hilary, condensed into a **** ball and handed it to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei took the blood group and used eight blood stagnation techniques to inhale the blood group into the body. After the blood entered the body, it turned into countless tiny blood lines scattered in the body, and a kind of talent spread in the body.

Looking at the big tree in front, Zhao Yan’s mouth rose and he extended a hand and opened his mouth. “Card!”

A force emerged from the hand and wrapped around the big tree in front. The big tree radiated countless light, then quickly became smaller, the light continued to condense, and eventually became a card floating in the air. .

The girls looked horrified, and did not even think of Zhao Wei, a person in the world of apocalypse, how to have the ability to card?

Hilary opens up How can you card? ”

Zhao Wei chuckled. "I am just using a ban, relying on your blood, and short-term ability to get stuck. After a while, this ability will disappear."

Hilary also understood why Zhao Wei just wanted her blood, and asked Zhao Wei, "What should I do next?"

Zhao Wei thinks about it. Now that he has mastered the information of the card world, this card world has the same strength as the apocalypse world, and is not as dangerous as the alchemy world.

The alchemy world is mainly war sacred beasts too terrible, and there are various alchemy techniques to suppress the apocalyptic world, making the Apocalypse world into a disadvantage.

Chaos World, Alchemy World, Card World The three most dangerous worlds are the alchemy world. The weakest world can't be judged for a while, because they have not fought against the card world and they don't know their strength.

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