The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2445: Thunder

After thinking about it, Zhao Wei smiled. "When I wait, my army will enter the card world and build a defensive base."

Hilary worried and asked, "What about Locke?"

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "Let me talk about the situation of your Locke country and listen to me."

Hilary nodded and began to explain the information of Locke to Zhao.

The king of Locke has been a bit old, and he wants to abd a bit. Now there are three successors. The first one is Hillary's eldest brother. The strength is the strongest and very ambitious.

The second is Hillary's second brother, who ranks second in strength. It is very vicious for people. The average person does not dare to offend him, otherwise he will die very badly.

The third is Hillary's third brother, the weakest, good for people, gentle to people, but others think that he may be a king, so there are fewer people who support him.

Although Hillary is the most distinguished princess of Locke, she is also liked by many people, but she does not have the right to inherit and cannot become a king.

Originally, Hilary might also be used as a tool for the Locke State and the League of Thunder, to marry the future of the Lei Ming Kingdom. Hilary is angry because of this matter, so she ran to this remote place.

Finally, something like this happens now.

Zhao Yan said with Hilary smile. "Then you want to be the king of the Locke country, I can help you become the king of the Locke country."

Hilary said with a smile, "In fact, I don't have much interest in the king, but I don't want to marry the prince of the Leiming country."

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Would you marry me?"

Hilary snorted, "I don't want to, you guys haven't pursued me well, so it's too cheap to marry you."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "But you are already my woman, I don't want it, there is no way."

Hilary gave a look at Zhao Wei. "You guy is shameless!"

Next to Melissa, the female cavalry who talked to Zhao Wei before, lying on the other side of Zhao Yu, looked at her face seriously. "Princess! I think that you are the most suitable king of the Locke country. In the future, Locke will lead you. Underneath, it will definitely be brilliant."

Other female cavalry also began to take it seriously. "Princess! We all believe that you can be a king and lead the country to glory."

When Hilary heard this, she hesitated.

Melissa continued to persuade, "Da Qin is a kingdom-level force, Locke State is definitely unable to resist, Princess you are now a woman of Daqin Wang, if you become a kingdom, Daqin will not hurt Locke, but will help Locke. ”

"I hope that you can think about the entire Locke Country, think about your father, think about your loved ones, you are now the best person to become a king."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Yes! I think that you are also the best person to become King Locke. If you are in charge of Locke, I will believe that Locke State will definitely provide various preferential treatments."

Hilary pondered for a moment and nodded seriously. "Good! Then I am willing to become King Locke."

Many female cavalry faces have a happy smile on their faces. The people they believe in are loyal and trustworthy. They become the king with the greatest authority and authority. There is nothing more to make them happy.

Zhao Xiao smiled. "Now get up and wear clothes!"

Many female cavalrymen reacted. They were lying on the ground without a dress. They were surrounded by a man. This is different from the spirit of the knights they believe in. Each face is blushing and quickly comes up from the ground and put on clothes.

After a while, they put on their clothes, put on their armor, and another pair of heroic look, but the face was still flushed with a smile.

Zhao Wei also dressed at this time, and waved the loosened horses. The little squirrel that was tied into a scorpion was untied and immediately rushed into the arms of Hilary. It was just scared.

There is also a worry about its owner, who just had a fierce thing in front of her and her master, and her master was not hurt?

Hilary smiled and touched her small head.

The little squirrel looked at the owner's current appearance and didn't want to be hurt. Instead, he was very happy and no longer worried.

Zhao Wei looked at Hilary and teased the little squirrel and said, "Hilary, you are taking me back to the royal palace of Locke."

Hilary turned to look at Zhao Wei and asked, "Are you going to do this? Is there a way to make me a king?"

Zhao Wei nodded. "My idea is very simple. It is to control your father and your three brothers. Then you will naturally become a king."

Hilary said in a different way, "Is it so simple? Do you have such a strong ability? My father can already be a day-to-day training. My three brothers are also cultivated in heaven and earth, and as such, they will become kings. Others will definitely not accept. ""

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "I can now be a real-time emperor, and the general heaven is not my opponent, unless it is a virtual power to resist me, and I have something to control people, you believe me. Enough."

"As for other people who are dissatisfied, this will wait for the Daqin army to help you solve the problem when it enters the card world. If it is dissatisfied, it will be destroyed."

Many women said with a look of surprise, "You are already a strong man of the heavens? How do you have such a powerful force?"

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "My identity is not as simple as you think. After that, you will know after joining Daqin."

The girls nodded curiously, and I was very anxious to know who Zhao was.

Later, the girls rode their horses, Zhao Wei sat in Hilary immediately, and took Hilary with both hands.

Hilary leaned in Zhao’s arms, her face was reddish and she had a happy smile.

The little squirrel in her arms did not understand the scene in front of her eyes. Why were two people who were still enemies before, and now they are like lovers?

After a Zhao Yi people came to a city, because Hilary is a princess, Zhao Wei did not look at her again, but on the road,

A man walking with them is too eye-catching. This is not good. Zhao Wei is a person in the world of apocalypse. If his identity is revealed, the plan may fail.

Zhao Wei followed them all the way and finally came to the palace of the State of Clo.

Looking at the angry princess back to the palace, the guards immediately reported the news to the king.

The king got the news, and the heart loosened a little relieved. Since she was willing to come back, she should have changed her mind and was willing to marry the king of the thundering country for the Locke country. She will be the king of the thundering country in the future. This Locke country has many advantages.

Even if it is dead in the future, the alliance between the Locke State and the Leiming State will not change. There is no one who dares to bully the Locke State.

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