The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2449: territory

The Ferro owner struggled for a few more results and was useless, no longer struggling, and compromised. "What benefits did the king give you? I can give you ten times, as long as you let us go, if you are willing to take orders from me, Everything you want will be given to you."

Zhao Wei swept a few eyes on the three beautiful women and asked with a smile. "Is your three ladies willing to give it?"

The handsome young man yelled directly, "You bastard! I want you to die ugly."

Ferro’s face was a little angry. “This is not good. If you want a woman, I can collect it for you.”

Zhao Wei chuckled. "I don't want to tease you. The king is just the one I control. Now Locke is mys, you can't afford it."

Everyone was shocked. "This is too surprising. The king of Locke was actually manipulated in silence. Now Locke is under a huge shadow. The key thing is that no one is aware. Desperate."

The owner of Ferro said with a look of fear, "Who are you?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "It is no problem to tell you. Anyway, you can't escape my hand. I am the person of the Apocalypse world."

In the hearts of the people, they were shocked. In the Apocalyptic world, there was a plane war with them. What kind of people suitable for the Apocalypse world sneaked in here?

All the weird moves of the old king before are finally explained.


Zhao Yu extended a hand, a huge demon power from the palm of the hand, to the Ferro family and handsome young people, easy to control their two bodies.

Zhao Wei looked at the remaining four women.

Many women understand what happens afterwards, and their faces are both angry and scared.

The beautiful woman with red hair, thought about it, said with a bite, "As long as we become your woman, will you let the Ferro family pass?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Well! As long as you are obedient to me, then I will naturally not hurt the people of the Ferro family."

The blushing red-haired woman turned her head and looked at the two beautiful women around and the beautiful and proud woman. She said, "Now we have no choice but to be a family member, a family member, and a family member."

Others thought about it and nodded in pain.

Zhao Wei smiled and loosened the chain that tied them. The tone of the command said, "Come and serve me."

The four women shyly glared at Zhao Wei, but they thought about their family and relatives, or they were still serving Zhao Wei under Zhao Wei.

Ferro's owner and handsome looked at his wife and mother to serve a man in front of them, almost to be bombarded, and wanted to make Zhao Wei into a meat sauce, so that Zhao Wei died very miserably.

And the things that made them angry were behind. Zhao Wei and the four women were fiercely raining on the bed of the family of Fei Luo. The three beautiful women and the proud woman became extremely debauchery and made a shameful voice.

Their voice was like a sharp knife piercing the hearts of the Philo family and the handsome young man. They did not think that their wife and mother were so unsophisticated and shameless. They were simply a daughter-in-law who completely betrayed them.

But they also can't think of how the four people who were just ashamed were like this.

The three beautiful women and one of their daughters did not expect to be so happy and happy. They have forgotten everything and are indulging in it.

The time lasted until midnight, and the Ferro family and the handsome young man had been hearing the present, and their hearts seemed to be bleeding. Their wife and mother were invaded in front of them and lasted for so long.

But now their bodies are locked up and can't move a little, even if they want to scream in anger, they can't make any sound.

Put on Zhao, four women, and now know their names, Ivani

, Frances, Chaucer, Judy.

Ivani was the beautiful woman with red hair, her face flushed, lying in Zhao’s arms, first letting the Ferro owner lying there aside, and asked, “What is your next purpose?”

Zhao Wei played with her chest and said with a smile. "After taking control of your Ferro family, you will conquer the remaining families and completely control the Locke State. My army will be based on the Locke State. The surrounding countries are launching wars."

Fassis is a quiet woman, accidentally said, "Are you still the master of a country? Listening to your tone should be very strong? Otherwise you may not have such terrible power."

Zhao Wei nodded lightly.

Chaucer is the virtuous woman, asked shyly. "Are you satisfied with our body now? We can serve you in the future, but you must not hurt the Ferro family and our loved ones."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I am very satisfied, I like you like this type. If you are obedient, I will not hurt the Ferro family."

Judy is the daughter of Chaucer, the proud woman, blushing and saying, "Now my body is occupied by you, I think you can't be my man?"

Zhao Wei said, "You are all my women now, and I will listen to them."

Judy screamed happily, "People!"

With such a powerful person, and a very terrible power of the Lord as a man, Judy is naturally very happy.

The three beautiful women were blushing and screamed.

This is the one that lies on the side of the Ferro family. Now his wife is not only in front of him and other men, but now he is also intimately called the other party, if not forcing his body, he will now spit out a blood.

Are they three their own beloved wife? How did it become like this?

He didn't think for a long time, and the sound of his wife's slutty sounded on the bed, and they started doing unspeakable things with the bastard.

The next morning, the sun rose from the horizon, the sun shined on the earth, and Zhao Wei stretched out a lazy waist and came down from the bed, watching the four sleeping women, and did not bother them.

Open the door and go Some maids watched Zhao from the room of the owner, and they looked strange, but they didn't think much.

Because the owner and the young master are also staying inside, it should be the owner who is looking for him. Before he went in, they did not see it.

They couldn't think of it. The owner and the young master were lying on the ground, and the bed was the lady and the lady after they had a cloud after a night. The clothes were scattered all over the place.

Zhao Wei ate a breakfast, and everyone in the room returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The owner of Fei Luo and the handsome young man are controlled by Zhao Wei. If they do not use force to control them, they may go crazy and want to kill Zhao Wei.

Then, Zhao Wei ordered the three beautiful women to take some things and leave the territory of the Ferro family to the territory of the next family.

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