The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2450: Lord

After the second day, Zhao Wei had already conquered the two biggest lords and was planning to go to the next lord.

At this time, the royal palace heard the news that Lei Mingguo sent a messenger and asked when the bride would be married.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wei chuckled and didn't mean to go back. People replied, "The princess is not married, and the marriage is cancelled."

Now that Hilary is already a woman of Zhao Wei, how could she let her marry someone else, and Hilary itself does not want to marry him.

Of course, the order was that Zhao Wei controlled the old king.

After the guards got the order, they quickly rushed back and relayed this to the messenger.

The messenger of the Ming Dynasty heard that Locke’s husband had repented and his face was ugly.

The thundering kings who heard the news were also furious. Because the two countries had already discussed the marriage, they were ready to marry the princess of the Locke country, but now they broke the contract and let the Leiming country have no face.

Moreover, they also want to intervene in the Locke country through the Princess of the Locke State. Now the plan can be said to have failed completely.

The king of Leimingguo was a middle-aged man with a beard and a rough face. He sat on the throne and said with anger, "Since the Locke country dares to remarriage, then we will give them a lesson."

The ministers below did not have any opinions and supported the decision of the Lei Mingguo. This time, it was necessary to scuttle a part of the territory than the Locke State.

Lei Mingguo immediately assembled a large army and declared war on the Locke State.

Many of the lords of the Locke State learned the news and became alarmed. The strength of the Leiming country was stronger than that of their Locke country, and the situation in the Locke State itself was not good. If the two sides fought, the Locke State would probably lose.

If the Locke State loses, it can only be soft, ceding a large number of territories and wealth, and their interests will be greatly affected.

If the Locke country perishes, then these lords will have nothing.

Many lords rushed to the palace.

After Zhao Xin heard the news, he was also quite surprised. He did not think that Lei Ming’s Congress suddenly attacked Locke State and immediately returned to the palace.

Control the old king to sit on the throne, Zhao Wei standing next to it, standing under the lords, before they are not willing to come, now there is a big event all run by themselves, no need to ask.

They all said a word.

"His Majesty! Please also take back your decision and marry the princess to the King of Thunder, so that you can get peace and avoid war."

"Your Majesty! Please also think about the Locke Kingdom, for the sake of your people, marry the Princess to Lei Mingguo! Locke does not want to have a war."

"This time it is our fault, we should not regret marriage. The thundering country is angry and excusable. We still immediately bring the princess and some treasures to seek peace. I believe that Lei Mingguo does not account for it."

"King! This time you must listen to us. Now the situation of Locke is very bad. You can't beat Lei Ming. You can't let Locke suffer from this disaster for your daughter."

"Yeah! You can't make the princess so capricious. She, as the princess of the Locke State, should dedicate herself to the Locke country. In the future, she will be the hero of our Locke country and be respected by us."

"They are all right. The King's Majesty makes a decision quickly! Otherwise, the Thundering State will be late."


Hilary, a armor, looked at these lords with anger, and the lords in front of them were talking about Locke, but mainly for their own interests.

If they all like Locke State so much, then Locke State is not like this. The King gave an order to let them come in the palace. As a result, a large group of people did not want to come.

Now they still have a face forced her to marry the King of Lei Ming. Hilary is very angry, but she did not say anything. She turned to look at the man with the cloak. He will solve the problem. Hilary believes him very much.

Zhao Wei saw that Hilary looked at herself with a smile on her face. She looked down and persuaded the lord of the old king and said, "Okay! You all stop!"

Many lords had some dissatisfaction on their faces, because the king did not talk to them like this. He was a sideguard who stood next to him and dared to talk to him like this.

A proud young man screamed directly, "What is your identity? There is no rule, is this a place where you can talk?"

Zhao Wei looked at the young man without any anger. He said with a smile, "If you love Locke so much, now is the time for you to contribute, and I don't need to go find you one by one."

When I heard this, everyone was confused and didn't understand what Zhao Wei meant.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge evil and dark atmosphere, like the tide, surged out and drowned many lords.

Many lords were shocked and felt cold and felt a fear.


I saw that Zhao’s body grew out of countless pale roots, and with the power of evil, swiftly extended to many lords.

Many lords were horrified to escape, but they could face a pale root of the roots, without any resistance, one by one wrapped in pale roots, and the power of a huge demon was injected into it.

One by one, the lords were quickly controlled by Zhao Wei, and there was not much hindrance because Zhao Yuyuan was better than them.

Then Zhao Wei took back a pale root of the roots, and one of the lords stood there like a donkey.

With a smile, Zhao Wei said, "Now go back and gather all your strength."

Many lords took the lead and turned and left.

Hilary looked at the man in front of her face with a look of surprise. It was only so simple that she controlled the Locke State in her hands, and the average person could never do it.

"What should we do now?" Hilary asked with a smile and looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei said to her body, "Collecting troops and fighting the country, I also want to see how your card world fights."

Hilary's face is red, she is the first time in front of so many people to be held by a man ~ ~ Now Zhao Wei has control of the entire Locke country, she did not have no resistance, relying on Zhao Yuhuai "There is a great advantage for the thundering country now, and the Locke country is likely to lose."

Zhao Wei said with a confident smile, "I will not lose if I am in Locke!"

Hilary believed in Zhao Wei and smiled and nodded.

Subsequently, all of Locke’s troops gathered on the border wall, a total of 502 million soldiers, while Lei Mingguo dispatched 800 million second-order soldiers to attack, and the force was 300 million more than the Locke State.

The key to their morale and strength is stronger by the side of the Locke country. If the war is really going on, the ROC will not be dominant in all aspects, and it may indeed lose.

Zhao Wei stood on the wall with one hand on Hilary, looking at the army of Lei Mingguo in front, and his face was still so confident.

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