The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2451: Cavalry regiment

Lei Mingguo had a strange look. They thought that they would still see King Locke. But he did not expect to be a man with a cloak. The key is that he still married Hillary, the princess who should have been married to Lei Mingguo.

This is simply humiliating the thundering country in public.

Lei Junguo’s Chu Jun is a strong young man. He looks at the woman who belongs to him and is shackled by other men in his arms. His face is angry and he says, “Father! This time, the Rock State must pay a heavy price.”

King Thunder also looked angry and nodded, then turned his eyes to Zhao Wei and shouted, "Who are you?"

Zhao Wei replied, "I am the master of the Locke country and the man of the princess."

Everyone in the Leiming country looked wrong. How did they receive a message that a country like Locke had changed its name?

It seems that regretting marriage should be the decision of this person. King Thunder said coldly, "If you make this kind of decision, you should know what the consequences are."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

King Thunder was angry in his heart. Now he has something to say, he must use force to conquer each other. So King Thunder ordered the attack.


Countless soldiers wearing purple armor, with a huge momentum, such as the tide generally rushed to the wall, the momentum shook.

Zhao Wei gave her command to Hilary because she did not understand the way the card world fought, and she was also a general.

Hilary stood alone in front of the city wall and ordered the archers to prepare. One bowman pulled the bow open and aimed at the soldiers of the Leiming country rushing forward.


A sound broke through the air, and a single arrow was shot with a powerful force. In the middle of the air, an arc was drawn, and the soldiers of the Thundering State, which usually rushed down like a raindrop, shot past.

In the forefront of the Leiming soldiers, a card flies out of the body, floating in front of them, emitting a myriad of light, forming a huge rectangular light shield.


A root arrow was shot on the light shield, and a sound was heard. The light shield almost blocked all the arrows. The light shield only showed some cracks. The army of the thundering country continued to rush to the wall.

Some people in the middle position took out a card and saw that the cards were turned into countless spots and wrapped up one soldier. I saw that the soldiers’ bodies flew up and quickly Flying on the wall.

On the side of Locke State, he also took out a card and threw it forward. Each card was turned into a stream of water, and with a powerful force, he rushed to Lei Mingguo.

The huge impact of the water flow not only smashed some of the soldiers who flew past, but also smashed some light shields and smashed the soldiers one by one and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

On the side of Lei Mingguo, he took out a lot of cards and threw them forward. Each card was turned into a group of electric lights. It flashed in the air and flew forward.

On the side of the Locke State, a number of cards continually flew out, emitting a lot of water, spreading out to form a huge aqua defensive cover, wrapped around the defensive wall.

It’s awkward...

A series of electric light hits the defensive hood like a lightning bolt, and the electric light is shining, making a loud noise, and the defensive cover blocks a lot of lightning.


A huge roar sounded, a cavalry riding a large horse, wearing purple armor and reaching a million, rushing out from the side with a huge momentum, and the speed rushed to the wall.

"The Cavalry Regiment!"

Zhao Yi’s eyes focused on an army. Hearing that Hilary said that the power of the cavalry regiment in the world of cards is terrible, not comparable to the average soldier.

As I said before, the Cavaliers can get the territory and become a lord. The Cavaliers are a symbol of honor and identity in the card world.

The cavalry is basically composed of knights, each of which has extraordinary strength. The rules of the card world also give them some regional power, and the equipment and horses are the national key to build and cultivate, and each piece is worth a lot.

The cavalry regiment thus formed is naturally terrible. It is the most powerful unit in the world of card cards. It is generally controlled by the kingdom, because it may affect the direction of a country.

The cavalry quickly flew past the wallworm, and each body had numerous purple arcs. Each purple arc radiated the power of terror, and the arcs connected together to form a huge current.


Numerous electric humming sounds, purple electric light shrouded the square, the soldiers around the hair erected, the ground was full of many arcs, some places were hit by the black and cracked, that power seems to be able to destroy the world.

After the formation of the purple current, the cavalry speed instantly increased by a dozen times, like a huge lightning, hitting the defensive hood in an instant.


A thunderous explosion broke out, countless purple arcs spread out, a shock wave spread, the defensive hood collapsed in an instant, the walls were violently vibrating, and the horrible breath made the body instinctively tremble.

When all the fluctuations spread out, a huge notch went out on the wall, and almost the wall was knocked out of a huge hole.

At this point, the cavalry turned the horse's head again and ran to the rear, intending to charge at one time.

Zhao Wei looked at the scene in front of him with amazement. The power of the cavalry regiment was terrible. This energy could not be broken by the attack of the second-order soldiers. However, the cavalry regiment of a million cavalry was instantly crushed, and the wall was almost broken. Was collapsed.

Hilary's face was a little white, and immediately ordered the archers to attack the returning cavalry.


A loud sound broke out quickly, a powerful arrow with a powerful force, and a huge arrow, quickly shot at the cavalry.

It’s awkward...

Each cavalry of the cavalry squad emits a purple light, forming an invisible electric field. A single arrow shoots the past, some arcs appear on the body, and then it falls off the air and falls.

Lei Mingguo's face showed a smile on his This war is very beneficial to them. If Locke has the power to counterattack, it would be best, otherwise they might kill Locke.

At that time, I will humiliate the person and put the entire Locke country underfoot to let them suffer the consequences of the defeat of the country.

Lei Jun’s Chu Jun, looked at Hilary with a pair of eyes, and after defeating Locke, he would kill all the Locke king men and bring the royal women back to their palaces. Hillary is a woman, he will definitely not let go. Let her regret it.


At this time, the army of Leiming Country had already rushed to the vicinity of the city wall, and a root arrow took a force to shoot on the wall.

Locke can only lift shields against countless arrows.

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