The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2452: Evil flower

A card was floated in front of the thunder soldier, and it was turned into a myriad of light spots to surround them. The bodies of the soldiers quickly flew up to the wall and officially smashed with the Locke soldiers.

Some soldiers on the ground, in addition to moving out of the ladder to climb the wall, also used a lot of cards, a thick arm of vines grow long, and grow to the wall, those soldiers can climb these walls by climbing these vines.

On the wall, Locke State struggled to counterattack, took out a card, countless water vapors formed a water polo, and shot down one Leiming soldiers.

Shoot a sharp arrow with a bow and arrow, and puncture a thundering soldier. The blood splashes and the screams keep coming.

Lei Mingguo generally also fiercely attacked, soldiers continue to rush to the wall, a root arrow also shot through the body of the Rocky soldiers, a line of electric light hit the wall, and many Locke soldiers died.

The two sides were fiercely smothered, the scene was chaotic, the screams continued, the blood splashed everywhere, and the terrible momentum shook the square.


A huge roar sounded at once, and the cavalry regiment rushed over to the wall with a terrifying momentum.

Hilary turned to look at Zhao Wei, and now the situation in Crowe is very unfavorable. I can only see what Zhao Wei has the ability to reverse the situation.

In the face of her gaze, Zhao Yan’s face showed a domineering smile, and the body flew forward, and a person appeared in the sky in front of the cavalry regiment.

The head of the cavalry regiment saw the appearance of Zhao Wei, knowing that he might be strong, or he would not dare to stand in front of them. The cavalry commander snorted and injected a force into his hand. Countless arcs are emerging.

Other cavalry also injected power into the rifle, numerous arcs emerged, and a powerful thunderstorm spread out.


A huge roar sounded, and the cavalry used a long gun to force Zhao Wei once, a huge purple lightning, with a terrible force to instantly hit Zhao Wei, as if to crush the sky, purple light illuminates the Quartet.

Zhao Wei extended a hand. An emperor's natural forces emerged from the palm of his hand, forming a black semi-circular hood that exudes a powerful momentum.


A loud noise rang, purple lightning struck the defensive hood, the defensive hood shattered, and the purple lightning turned into a myriad of arcs dissipated.

The strength exerted by this cavalry regiment is much stronger than that of the general emperor. The generally weaker Tiantian strong can't stop this cavalry regiment. As the most powerful unit in the world of cards, it is really terrifying.

However, today it met Zhao Wei and the situation changed immediately.

Many cavalry squinted, and did not think that Zhao Wei was so simple to resist them, this man's power is terrible.


When they were blaspheming, Zhao Yi pushed hard with one hand, and a huge force hit the cavalry regiment with a huge wind, and hundreds of thousands of cavalry flew out, and the blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Wei does not want Locke State to have too many casualties, no longer waste time, open his hands, a pair of eyes flashing evil blood, the voice is cold and full of evil, "Now you feel the fear!"


A loud bang broke out, and countless pale rhizomes grew from the ground, and one root spread to the surrounding, rapidly plunging into the ground, and the ground continued to crack.

Numerous roots have to grow and cover the ground, and some of the soldiers of the surrounding countries have been attacked, entangled their bodies, and then swallowed up all the power of their bodies. The bodies of those creatures are absorbed into the roots with water.

A vast evil dark atmosphere, such as the flood of the sky, flooded all around, no one can stop, countless people are under this breath, and produced extreme fear.

Not only did the soldiers of the Thunder State watch the scene in horror, but countless soldiers in Locke also looked fearful and their bodies were shaking.

Numerous rhizomes continue to grow wildly, a huge branch grows out, and it stretches out into the sky with an amazing momentum. It also grows a few sword-shaped leaves, and finally grows up to tens of thousands of meters before stopping.

A huge black flower bud begins to grow at the top, then slowly blooms, and countless magic lights emanate to cover the world.

The sky darkened, as if all the light was swallowed and it became dark.

A huge blood-colored star, emitting a slight blood, with the power to suppress the world slowly appear in the sky, exudes a fascinating atmosphere of sentient beings.


A huge roar sounded, and the **** stars burst into countless blood-colored atmospheres, and countless people rushed to the ground, and a **** atmosphere poured into the bodies of thunder soldiers.

Each of the thundering soldiers only felt a huge influx of dark evil forces, the body stiffened in place, and the eyes flashed with blood.

Thousands of miles of thunder soldiers were controlled by Zhao Wei, nearly 10 million. After many thunderous soldiers were controlled by Zhao Wei, like the maneuvered beggars, the body quickly rushed to the surrounding thunder soldiers.

Ah, ah...

A scream of screams continued, blood splashed, and thunder soldiers were killed, because the thunder soldiers who were controlled were not only stronger than before, but also not afraid of death, no feelings, only killing.

What Zhao Wei is showing now is... evil flowers are confusing!

The evil flower confuses the world for the first time. In the Apocalypse world, I was not used because I was worried about my identity.

Other worlds, such as the chaotic world and the power of the alchemy world, have no restraint on evil spirits, and Zhao has not displayed it, and there is no limit in this card world.

The nearby cavalry body exudes an invisible electric field, blocking the **** atmosphere from the outside, without being controlled by the power of the evil spirits.

But they looked at the front of the evil flower with a pair of Like the devil of the demon king, there was a great fear in the heart, and they did not dare to be enemies with Zhao.

Lei Mingguo looked at the scene, his face was very ugly, and he was very shocked. Looking at the thundering soldiers who were dying, King Thunder hurriedly ordered the retreat.

Many soldiers of the Thundering State also looked back quickly and feared that they were so fearful for the first time, and only because of one person.

Many soldiers in the Locke country also looked shocked. Fortunately, they are lucky. They are the people of this person. This person is too terrible. It is not the existence that they can compete against. One person can create a disaster.

Hilary was equally shocked. Now she has witnessed the true power of Zhao Wei. No wonder he is so confident. He also has a strong worship of Zhao Wei.

The Leiming soldiers finally withdrew from here, and Zhao Wei controlled the soldiers to chase a distance before they stopped.

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