The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2453: Large creature

Zhao Wei took back the evil spirits and recovered all around. The originally controlled thunder soldiers did not return to normal, because the evil spirits have invaded their minds and controlled their bodies.

However, because of the lack of blessings of evil spirits, Zhao Wei could not control so many soldiers, only affecting them.

Now there are 10 million controlled thunder soldiers, only three million left, standing there.

Countless soldiers in the Locke State couldn't help but cheer. They won the war. They defeated the more powerful Thundering country. They don't have to worry about the death of the Locke State by the thunder.

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile and returned to the wall. He smiled and said, “How? I lied to you, I said that if I am there, Locke will not lose.”

Hilary nodded with a smile. "Your strength is strong!"

Zhao Wei stepped forward and took Hilary and said with a smile. "Now returning to the palace, Locke has been controlled by me, and then I have to deal with the following things."

Later, Zhao Wei returned to the palace with Hilary, and the strength of each lord returned to his territory, but many lords also returned to the palace.

At this time, Zhao Wei wanted to make Hillary a king and let her control the Locke country. Now almost all the lords are controlled by Zhao Wei, and no one will have any opinions.

As for the issue of the system of separation, Zhao can not solve it at once, because this kind of encapsulation is rooted in everyone's mind, and the card world has always been divided.

Although Zhao Wei has taken control of all the lords, it is bound to abolish the separatist countries, so this matter cannot be anxious.

After the coronation ceremony, Hilary wore a golden crown and sat on the throne, exuding a king's momentum.

The other lords below are still in a state of being controlled, standing there respectfully, standing in front of four people, that is Hillary's father and three brothers.

According to Hilary's words, Zhao Wei did not control the four of them for the time being.

Now they are back to the control of the body, pale, ugly, angry looking at the Hilary sitting above.

Hilary said with a smile, "Father! Three brothers! You as my loved ones, I will not hurt you, now you have no choice but to choose to recognize me, or you will be in a state of being manipulated."

The old king looked at Zhao Wei next to him and said with a sigh. "Now things have become like this. I admit that you are the king of the Locke country. I hope that you can lead the Locke country to prosperity in the future."

Locke State has been controlled by Zhao Wei, he himself has been controlled by Zhao Wei, even if it is opposed, it is useless, and this time with the help of Zhao Wei, defeated the powerful Lei Mingguo, let him know the power of Zhao Wei.

It may not be a bad thing to surrender to Zhao Wei. It may also make the Locke country stronger. As long as it can make the Locke country strong, he can accept the Locke State to obey others.

With the approval of her father, Hilary also showed a happy smile.

And her older brother, cold face, did not say anything, it is obvious that he is a very ambitious person, not willing to be an ordinary prince in the future, without a bit of power.

Her second brother looked at Hilary with resentment and did not say anything, but she already had the idea of ​​killing her sister. No matter who wants to grab him, he will die.

Her third brother, he did not want to be a king, smiled and said, "Four sisters! Second brother believes that you will be a good king, will be strong with Locke."

Hilary said with a smile, "Thank you three brothers!"

Then I looked at her big brother and second brother. "Big Brother II, since you don't want to recognize me, then I can only deal with you accordingly. Don't blame me, and I won't let you control you. In the future, you will Stay in the palace."

Big brother and two brothers breathed a sigh of relief, did not dare to say what it was, angered Hilary, let Zhao Wei control them, then they will always be embarrassed, it is more uncomfortable than death.

And as long as they gain physical control, they may have opportunities in the future.

Hilary looked at her father and her third brother and said with a smile. "Father and third brother, your identity is the same as before, I will not treat you badly."

The old king and the third brother smiled and nodded.

Hilary became a new king and soon spread to all four countries. Now they all know that Locke has a terrible person, and one can defeat a country.

The war between Leiming and Locke countries, they all know that the troops lost by the Thundering State now reach more than 100 million, and the losses are also very large, because their total strength is 800 million, and the state has entered a state of emergency to prevent the attack of the Locke State.

Locke State is now getting help from such a terrible person, and they are also afraid of it, so they want to deal with Locke State and send messengers to congratulations.

The status of the Locke State has also increased linearly, belonging to a very terrible country and cannot be easily offended.

Zhao Wei is not in charge of these things. Now I have witnessed the war in the card world. I feel that I can't underestimate them. They will use all kinds of cards, and the power of the cavalry regiment is also scary.

Just one million cavalry has the same effect. If it is 10 million, one billion, Zhao Wei can't resist it.

They can also say on the battlefield that it is a terrible killing machine, a kind of unscrupulous machine that cannot be resisted.

If the unclear person fights with the cavalry regiment of the card world, it will definitely be a heavy loss.

Moreover, the cavalry regiment also has the property of restraining large creatures, that is, when they deal with creatures of several hundred meters and several kilometers, they will restrain these large creatures and have strong killing.

A team of more than a dozen cavalry can deal with a creature hundreds of meters ~ ~ a team of hundreds of cavalry can kill a thousand-meter creature. A team of thousands of cavalry can kill tens of thousands of meters of creatures.

If you use a cavalry regiment and deal with a group of fierce beasts, the cavalry regiment may win a lot.

In the past, there were large creatures in various worlds, such as the gods, the celestial world, the apocalyptic world, the alchemy world...

Because large creatures are huge, defensive, vital, and powerful than ordinary people, they can cause terror damage. They can kill a large number of enemies on the battlefield, each of which is a war fortress.

Every country attaches great importance to it. If it has the ability, it will definitely be cultivated vigorously. There are large-scale creatures involved in the battlefields of all parties. If there are no large-scale creatures participating in the battlefield, it will definitely be in a weak position.

The destructive power caused by a large group of large creatures can affect the changes in the entire war situation and even determine the outcome of a war.

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